Organization of Human Body

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Organization of the

Human Body
Body cavities, membranes, body regions

Dr. Samawiya Farooq

Where are the organs of the body located?

 Human body is a complex structure composed of many


 These parts are divided into

 Cavities
 Membranes within cavities
 Axial Portions
 Head
 Neck
 Trunk

 Appendicular Portions
 Upper limbs
 Lower limbs
How is the human
body divided?

Into axial and appendicular portions

Axial – head neck trunk
Appendicular – upper and lower extremities
Axial Portions
 Cranial Cavity

 Vertebral canal

 Thoracic Cavity
 Organs are called viscera

 Abdominopelvic Cavity
 Organs are called viscera
Body Cavities
 The Axial portion of the body is then further
divided into two major cavities – the dorsal
cavity and the ventral cavity
 Dorsal cavity protects the nervous system, and is
divided into two subdivisions: Cranial cavity &
Vertebral cavity

 Ventral cavity houses the internal organs

(viscera), and is divided into two subdivisions: -
Thoracic and Abdominopelvic cavities
Body Cavities


Figure 1.9a
Dorsal Body Cavities
 Dorsal cavity
 Cranial cavity is within the skull and encases the
 Vertebral cavity runs within the vertebral column and
encases the spinal cord
Body Cavities


Figure 1.9a
Ventral Body Cavities
 Thoracic cavity is subdivided into pleural
cavities, the mediastinum, and the
pericardial cavity
 Pleural cavities – each houses a lung
 Mediastinum – contains the pericardial
cavity, and surrounds the remaining thoracic
 Pericardial cavity – encloses the heart
Body Cavities Figure 1.9b
Thoracic cavity
 What does the
thoracic cavity

Pleural cavities, mediastinum, & pericardial cavities

Plerual cavities – contains the lungs
Mediastinum – pericardial cavity, esophagus, trachea,
& thymus
Pericardial cavity – contains the heart
Ventral Body Cavities
 The abdominopelvic cavity is separated from
the superior thoracic cavity by the dome-
shaped diaphragm
 It is composed of two subdivisions

 Abdominal cavity – contains the stomach,

intestines, spleen, liver, kidneys, gallbladder
and other organs
 Pelvic cavity – lies within the pelvis enclosed
by hip bones and contains the bladder,
reproductive organs, and rectum
Body Cavities Figure 1.9b
Thoracic cavity
 What does the
cavity contain?

Abdominal & Pelvic cavities

Abdominal cavity– contains stomach, liver, spleen,
gallbladder, kidneys, small & large intestines
Pelvic cavity – contains the terminal portion of the
large intestine, urinary bladder, internal reproductive
Ventral Body Cavity Membranes
 Parietal pleura lines internal body walls

 Visceral pleura covers the internal organs

 Serous fluid separates the parietal and visceral pleura

 Potential space between the membranes is called the

pleural cavity
Ventral Body Cavity Membranes

Figure 1.10a
Pericardial Membranes
 Visceral pericardium – covers the heart

 Parietal pericardium – lines the

 Paricardial cavity – potential space
between the membranes
Ventral Body Cavity Membranes

Figure 1.10b
Peritoneal membranes
 Lines the abdominopelvic cavity

 Parietal peritonium lines the wall of the abdominal cavity

 Visceral peritonium covers the organs of the abdominal


 Pertioneal cavity is the potential space between the

 What is the difference
between parietal
membranes and visceral

Parietal membrane – lines the walls of the cavities

Visceral membrane – covers the organs
Cavities within the Head
 Oral and digestive – mouth and cavities of the digestive

 Nasal –located within and posterior to the nose

 Orbital – house the eyes

 Middle ear – contain bones (ossicles) that transmit

sound vibrations

 Synovial – joint cavities

Regional Terms of the Body

Number of terms designate body regions.

Regional Terms: Anterior View

Figure 1.7a
Regional Terms: Posterior View

Figure 1.7b
Abdominopelvic Regions

Right and left iliac or
Right and left lumbar
Right and left

Figure 1.11a
Organs of the Abdominopelvic Regions

Figure 1.11b

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