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Blurred Vision

• Blurred vision refers to a lack of sharpness of

vision resulting in the inability to see fine
• It may result from abnormalities present at
birth such as nearsightedness of farsightedness
that require corrective lenses (glasses) or it
may signal the presence of eye disease.
• It can also be a symptom of numerous
• Conditions that do not directly involve the
eyes, such as migraine or stroke.
• A number of medications may also lead to
temporary blurring of vision as a side effect.
• It can affect an eye (unilateral blurred vision)
or both eyes (bilateral blurred vision), and
whether it occurs often or rarely, it should
never go untreated.
• Refractive Eye Conditions
• Age-related macular degeneration
• Cataracts
• Diabetic retinopathy
• Myopia
• Presbyopia
• Dry Eyes
• Migraines
• Contact Lenses
• Glaucoma
• Medicines:
– Some anti cholinergics,
– anti hypertensive,
– anti-psychotropic drug,
– oral contraceptives,
– cortisone,
– anti depressants and heart medications.
• In elderly, cataract and presbyopia are most
frequent cause of blurred vision.
• Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
• Floaters or spots
• Eye pain
• Discharge from eye
• Lass of peripheral vision
• Loss of central vision
• Dry eyes
• Itchy eyes
• Increased tear production
• Poor night vision
• Red blood hot eyes
• Bleeding from eye
• Poor near vision
• Stit-lamp examination
• Refraction test
• Tonometry
• Treatment of the cause
• Measures to improve sharpness of vision
• In some cases blurry vision is inevitable. In
most cases, however, blurry vision can be
corrected or prevented.
• For example, wearing sunglasses will decrease
sensitivity to light, which reduces the chance
of developing temporary blurry vision.
• Also avoid drinking alcohol, which is known
to alter vision.
• Regular eye examinations are extremely
important, especially if an individual is over
the age of 65, or if an individual has a diabetes
or high blood pressure.

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