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SystemS ThInkIng
Reporter: Kathlyn D. Castillo


“We are seeking another basic outlook: the world
General System Theory
The father of
as an organization. This would profoundly
- a universal theory that can be applied change categories of our thinking and influence our
to various fields of study and can be
used to examine interrelationships and practical attitudes. We must envision the
derive principles. - b
e e
biosphere as a whole with mutually
reinforcing or mutually destructive inter-
T h M
Events o d e
Rules/practices A tool for Guiding
Events are occurrences
we encounter on a day-to-day
basis. Systematic
Systematic Structures
are the accumulated
“memories” of events. They
Organizations, laws, authority, relationships
can indicate reoccurring
themes when put together as a
series over time.
Mental Models
Beliefs, traditions, assumptions, values

Structures are the
ways in which the parts of a
system is organized. These
structures actually generate
the patterns and events we

Mental Models

are the beliefs and
assumptions we hold about Vs. Thinkers
how the world works. It help
us understand why particular
events occur.
Linear Thinkers
Have you ever tried to work on something
without a system?
DEFINITI Reporter: Jemima D. Cruz

System ON Thinking
a system could be anything you belong in. A family, Thinking – According to Psychology, thinking
community, government, even a classroom. YOU as works when a unique human being analyzes the
an individual is also a system that is made of smaller information received from the environment. It is a
parts in order to function. Technological cognitive process.
advancements that we interact with for our living - It is an activity of human reason.
like Vendo machines and online shopping stores are - Working on various views with the basis of
also called systems. knowledge.
- An act of remembering something.
- Rearranging information learned.
- Train of ideas in a precise and careful
- A mental process.


because it acts as a foundation

that encompasses the parts of a
whole. When these parts interact,
it becomes a result that will
benefit an issue or problem being
resolved in a setting
(TEDxLakeJunaLuska, 2021).
because it is a different way of seeing and talking
about reality. By this perspective, it helps people
to BETTER understand and WORK IN SYSTEMS
so that it will contribute on a greater quality of
life (Kim, n.d.)

2. All parts are present for a system to
carry out its purpose optimally
a system will not work if a part is missing. A
missing part could greatly affect its full potential.

Example: A healthy human being is a system that works because

CHARACTERISTICS it has little systems working hand in hand internally when a man’s

Of urinary system is removed, a sound body becomes unhealth and

slowly deteriorates.
Reporters: Adolfo T. Del Barrio Jr. & Beatrice Zafe

3. There is order in its arrangement of

1. Systems have purpose parts
A collection of things arranged randomly is not a
a systems works with an end goal. Its parts interact system.
to create a whole so that it can attain its purpose.
Example: Baking is different from commercial cooking because
baking is very particular in measurements and the order of mixing

Example: A government agency such as DepEd doesn’t only rely the ingredients. When one will bake cookies, mixing first the dry

on the Department Secretary to attain their goal to manage ingredients is a great deal because it can affect the texture of the

schools resulting quality education. They need the entire workforce baked goods. That is how a system works. A bad arrangement

to help reach their mission for the country’s development. leads to bad result.
Example: Baking is different from commercial cooking because

4. Systems attempt baking is very particular in measurements and the order of mixing
the ingredients. When one will bake cookies, mixing first the dry
to maintain stability through ingredients is a great deal because it can affect the texture of the

feedback baked goods. That is how a system works. A bad arrangement

leads to bad result.

feedback being the process to return or respond information after being the recipient of such. In
simpler terms, a system is a two-way communication by which it cannot work properly if a
nonverbal or verbal response is not received.

Example: An advertising company recently was hired by a famous streaming platform to promote their
new upcoming show, since every advertisement should be original and can take the attention of mostly
people in social media, they have decided to plan a “biggest heist” and steal the MOA Globe. This
advertising company’s only aim is to attract people’s attention and get them watch the film but so much
feedbacks arise all over social media and it is a combination of good and bad comments from netizens.
This advertising scheme is a fresh technique from the company and it still needs evaluation because if
constructive comments are neglected, problems from the authority or misinformation might arise. Learning
to listen and adjust parts of a system because of feedback is a good thing so that alterations and
improvements will arise on the next one.
SYSTEMATI Analytical
Systems Thinking

Real life application

as a communication student

By: Nazher De Guzman

End of presentation

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