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Kelompok 5 : 1. Inda lia (2088203021)

2.Lega agustini(2088203023)

Dosen Pengampuh: Fadillahturrahmah,M.Hum


Writing is a social skill, not a biological attribute
everyone who develops normally in a society that uses
writing learns to speak, but not all learn to read and
write.One of the most important functional
adaptations of language is the development of writing.
Many of the benefits of language to humans have
been amplified by the invention and development of
writing. Talking allows people to share experiences
with those around them.
Type of writing system

Writing systems, or scripts, can be classified by the

language units represented graphically. In a
logographic system, each grapheme, or individual
written symbol, represents a particular morpheme or
word. In the syllable system, each symbol represents a
specific syllable. And in the alphabet system, each
letter represents a specific sound or phoneme.
Syllable System

In a syllable writing system, each written symbol

represents a syllable of the spoken language.
However, the "pure" syllable system is rare; most
use additional diacritics, or additional marks on
basic written symbols, to indicate phonetic
information such as the length of vowels and
sounds, or gemination (doubling) of consonants.
Alphabet System
In the alphabet, written symbols represent
phonemes - the consonants and vowels of the
spoken language.
Consonant alphabet system

In some writing systems (such as Arabic and

Hebrew), only consonants are denoted by letters;
vowels are indicated by changes or diacritics in
consonants. These consonants are sometimes called
the alphabet. (Just as the alphabet is named for the
first two letters of the Greek alphabet (alpha and
beta), it is named for the four in the Arabic
consonant phabet that correspond to A. B. J.
Writing developm

The history of the development of the written

system is the process of discovering and elaborating
the capacity of graphic symbols to represent spoken
language, combined with the invention and
refinement of physical media for producing, storing,
and (eventually) reproducing writing.
Egyptian hieroglyphs

The word "hieroglyphs" comes from the Greek hieros

'holy' plus the inscription glypho'. The earliest known
examples of writing in Egypt Like the early Sumerian
cuneiform writing, early Egyptian writing appears to be
motivated by economics.
Like cuneiform, hieroglyphs began as pictograms, but they
evolved into complex scripts that incorporated logograms
(representing morpheme), phonogram (represents one,
two, or three consonants).

Because of its permanent nature, writing is a

conservative tool; allows "repeated inspection,
verification and commenting"
Writing technology, especially the invention of the
printing press and printing press, played an
important role in the democratization of literacy
Writing is also an important tool for language

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