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Planning, Implementing and

Evaluating CSR Activities:

Srirang Jha
Apeejay School of Management
• Identifying appropriate CSR interventions
• Developing CSR Strategy
 Planning CSR programs/campaigns
 Monitoring proper implementation of CSR
 Evaluating impact of CSR activities –Social
Identifying appropriate CSR interventions

Identifying interventions
appropriate CSR
• Intentions of the Promoters /Board of
 Mission
 Vision
 Values
• Expectations of the investors
 Major shareholders like Banks, Insurance Cos.
Identifying appropriate CSR interventions

• Expectations of the government

• Desires of employees
• Expectations of consumers
• Expectations of local communities
Developing CSR Strategy
• Key Factors
 Organization’s values and ethics
 External and internal drivers 
  Internal and competitive pressures
 External pressure from investors/consumers
 Regulatory pressure
 Pressure from popular mobilizations
Developing CSR Strategy
• Key factors
 Key CSR issues that could affect the
organization key stakeholders 
 Current corporate decision making structure
  Human resources and budgetary implications
 Existing CSR initiatives
Developing CSR Strategy
• Steps
 Constitute a CSR team:
 Management should form a Core Group or a Committee.
 A core group will be responsible to plan, execute,
monitor, evaluate, report and communicate the progress
and impact of CSR programmes.
 The Core Group will be responsible to identify the
resources, execute planned activities and sustain the
commitment for motivation to responsible business
Developing CSR Strategy
• Steps
 Identify and engage key stakeholders
 Build support –take senior management and
staff along
 Research what businesses are doing
 Align CSR with Business Goals
Developing CSR Strategy
 Align CSR with Business Goals
 Organizations need to align social responsibility strategy
to business goals.
 CSR should create business value by supporting initiatives
that personify the business. It is not about giving money
away but rather about meeting specific societal needs
aligned to the company mandate.
 CSR should reflect ‘what an organization stands for’.
Leadership should involve all key stakeholders in outlining
the areas of focus - ultimately the process ensures buy-in.
Developing CSR Strategy
 Identify thrust areas
 Prepare a matrix of proposed CSR actions
 Develop CSR guidelines and criteria
 A robust policy ensures that criteria and
methods for an effective program are in place.
This will allow the organization to avail
resources and information needed to support
the operation and monitoring of the program
Developing CSR Strategy
• Steps
 Develop CSR Guidelines and Criteria
 A robust policy ensures that criteria and
methods for an effective program are in place.
This will allow the organization to avail
resources and information needed to support
the operation and monitoring of the program
Developing CSR Strategy
 Establish Governance structure
 A CSR audit to measure, monitor and evaluate
the program is a must. The subsequent report
should be published for accountability. This
process legitimizes an organizations
involvement in corporate citizenship
Developing CSR Strategy
 Establish viable partnerships
 Connecting with partners can help companies
develop thoughtful CSR initiatives faster, and
more affordably, than trying to create the
opportunities on their own
 Partnership with communities ensure long-
term societal impact and value creation
Developing CSR Strategy
 Design/Plan CSR activities
 Implement CSR activities
 Monitor implementation of CSR activities
 Evaluate CSR activities
 Report/Communicate CSR activities
Planning CSR Programs
• Preparing an implementation roadmap and budgets
• Selecting  and training implementation partners
• Defining processes and reporting framework to
measure outcomes and monitor progress
• Bridging the resourcing gaps by training and
sensitizing partners before project implementation
• Publishing periodic reports for stakeholder review
Implementing CSR Activities
• Roadmap
• Training/Communication
• Resources
• Monitoring
• Assessment
Monitoring CSR Programs
• Process Monitoring
 How activities are delivered – the efficiency in
time and resources
• Context Monitoring/ Situation Monitoring
 Tracking the settings in which program
• Beneficiary Monitoring
 Tracking the beneficiary perception
Monitoring CSR Programs
• Financial Monitoring
 Tracking cost heads within predefined budget-head
• Organizational Monitoring
 Tracking the sustainability, institutional development and
capacity building
• Compliance Monitoring
 For ensuring compliance with donor, governmental
regulations; expected results etc.
• Result Monitoring:
 Tracking Effects of the programme
Evaluation of CSR Programs
• Baseline Assessment
 Measuring initial conditions –before start of the
• Mid-term Assessment and Review
 Reflection events to assess and inform ongoing
project/program implementation
• Final Assessment
 Assess how well the project achieved intended
Effective Monitoring and Evaluation

• Take only necessary information for review

• Appropriate data collection tools such as case
studies, checklists, interviews, observation,
questionnaire survey
 nature of the project
 budgetary constraints
 available time line
Effective Monitoring and Evaluation

• Identifying M&E roles and responsibilities

• Indicators should be SMART
 Specific
 Measurable
 Accurate
 Realistic
 Time Bound
Effective Monitoring and Evaluation

• Verification through Triangulation of Data

• Sharing of Data with Relevant Stakeholders
Reporting CSR
• Informing the stakeholders about progress
made in CSR program from time to time

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