9EE602.11 To 12

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Department of Technical Education

Andhra Pradesh
Name : K.V.Ramarao
Designation : HMES
Branch : Mechanical Engineering
Subject : Industrial Management & Entrepreneurship
Institute : V.K.R & V.N.B Polytechnic, Gudivada
Semester : VI
Code No : 9EE602
Major Topic : Organisation Structure & Organisational
Duration : 100 Mts
Sub Topic : Understand organization behaviour, Job
Teaching Aids : Photos, Diagrams
Revised by : B.S.L.Prasanna
9EE602.11 to 12 1

In the last class, you have learnt about

• Advantages & disadvantages of line & staff organization

• staff organization

• Effective Organization

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On completion of this period, you would be able to

• Understand organization behaviour

• Understand job description

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Organizational Behaviour

• It studies human behavior as individual in an organization

• It can be defined as the study and application of

knowledge about human behavior in an organization

• It Is also defined as the concern for scientific study and

analysis of human behavior in organization

• This has been shaped into discipline known as

“Organizational Behavior”

9EE602.11 to 12 4
Job Analysis

• Is a process of determining the facts relating to job

• Is a process of making an in-depth study of every aspect

of job to be designed and performed and recording the

observations in the form of a report.

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Job Analysis (Contd..)

• Is concerned with collection of data relating to tasks,

skills, knowledge, ability and responsibilities.

• Is meant for knowing what is actually done as against

what should be done

There are two by-products of job analysis

• Job description

• Job specification
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Significance of Job Analysis

Job analysis helps in

• Preparation of documents like job description and job


• Selection and recruitment of employees

• Development of training programmes

• Performance appraisal

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Methods of Jobs Analysis

Analysis of job is done by collecting information by any of

the following methods

Personal observations
• Observations may not be sufficient to collect the
required information regarding jobs, though it is
used by industrial engineers to conduct time and
motion studies

9EE602.11 to 12 8
Methods of Jobs Analysis


• Questionnaire method is employed by consultants to

install a job evaluation plan

• The Questionnaire are so framed that replies elicite all the

information required about work, equipments etc,.

• Questionnaire responses are best suited for clerical


9EE602.11 to 12 9
Methods of Jobs Analysis

• Interview method is an improved one over above two


• Take interview from a selected group of employees and

draw desired information from them

• This method is best suited for shop workers

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Methods of Jobs Analysis


• The Check-list method is highly useful in large

organizations, Where large number of persons perform the

same or similar jobs

• The check list is prepared after thorough analysis of job

which may contain 200 to 300 task statements

• This method is not suitable for small organizations as it

involves high cost 9EE602.11 to 12 11

Job Description

• The concise statements of the duties, responsibilities,

working conditions and other essential facts about a job

• Job description is one end product of job analysis i.e..

Job description is prepared from job analysis.

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Job Description

• Job description identifies, defines and describes clearly the

duties and responsibilities required for a particular job

• Job description is thus, a document, descriptive in nature

and contains statements of job analysis. This is helpful in

framing questions for interviews while selecting employees

9EE602.11 to 12 13
Job Specification

• The statements of qualities or abilities that an employee

must possess to perform the job satisfactorily
• Job specification is another end product of job analysis
as it is also prepared primarily from the information
collected in the job analysis data sheet
• Job specification describes the extent to which each of
the job factors such as education, experience, physical
efforts etc ., should be present in the employee

9EE602.11 to 12 14
Differences between job description & job specification
Job analysis.
( A process for obtaining all pertaining job facts)

Job specification
A statements of human qualifications
Job Description
necessary to do the job.
A statement containing items such as
It contains such as
1.Job title
1. Education
2. Experience
3.Summary of duties
3. Training
4.Tools, equipments, machines
4. Skill
5.Material used
5. Specilisation
6. Initiative
7.Relation to other jobs
7. Responsibility
8.Working conditions
8. Analysis and judgments ability.
9. Adoptability
10.Mental and visual demand
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Procedure For Assessing Applicants

• For a particular post, making use of job specification, a

prescribed application is prepared

• The information relating to applicant’s age, sex,

educational qualification, experience, physique,

participation in extra-curricular activities etc., is elicited

9EE602.11 to 12 16
Selection Procedure Of Applicants

Preliminary interview Physically unfit

Un favourable
Employment /Aptitude test test results
Group discussion personal
Investigation of previous history previous
Waiting list of record
desirable candidates Preliminary selection in recruitment section
Final selection by shop incharge
Medical Examination Medically fit

9EE602.11 to 12 17
Sources Of Man Power
The sources of man power for unskilled, semi-skilled and
highly skilled works are…..

• Employment exchanges
• Former employees
• Advertisements
• Applications at the gate
• Applications on file
• Technical institutions
• Labour unions
• Parent organization itself

9EE602.11 to 12 18

In this class, you have learnt about

• Organization behaviour

• Job description

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1. Process of determining the facts relating to job is

called ________

a) Job analysis

b) Job specification

c) Job description

d) None

9EE602.11 to 12 20

2. The study and application of knowledge about human

behaviour in an organisation is called ___________

a) Job analysis

b) Organisational behaviour

c) Job description

d) None

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3. Choosing the right person from a group of

applicants called for a particular job is called______

a) Selection

b) Election

c) Corruption

d) None

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4. Systematic means of finding and inducting suitable

candidates in industry is called _________

a) Employment
b) Recruitment
c) Joining
d) All

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5. Process of receiving and welcoming a new employee

and acquainting him with work environment is called

a) Selection

b) Joining

c) Induction

d) None

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Frequently Asked Questions

1) Define organizational behaviour?

2) Explain significance of job analysis?

3) Differentiate between job description and job specification?

4) Explain about selection procedure?

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