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Report on


Name of Student:- Krupal Bhaskar Shirbhate

Enrollment No. :- QQ-2282
Semester:- VII(new)
Alloted Village :- Jalgaon
Rawe Center:_
S.V.G.I.Collage Of
Agriculture Jalgaon Jamod.
Report on E-Pik Pahani done in
attachment during RAWE programme.
Pahani Maharashtra 2021. This app is developed with the
collaboration with the Tata Trust to collect objective
information of the crop sowing report to settle crop insurance.
and Crop inspection claims. The participants of -farmers in this
system has made it possible to bring truns parency, E-pik
pahani will be used to collect information on crop survey in
transparent manner using information technology...
Authenticated real time date will be available through the
App. Information about various crops in own field can be
made available to through the mobile application, along with
photographs of crops showing latitude and longitude..
Advantages of E peek pahani

The information in the E-pik Pahani survey project will be

very useful for the direct benefit of any scheme payable
to the farmer.accurate statistics of are a unders to the
village,taluka, district and division will be easily available
it will be possible to give the benefits scheme like drip
sprinkler irrigation. bolders available scheme to the
account holder accurately with the availability of account
wise and crop wise area list, employment guarantee less
and education. tax payable by farmer tax payable by
farmer Can be fixed...

First of all, I prepared. a flow chart. On the steps to

be followed during £-pik pabani to give information
to the farmers.then along with host farmer and
some enthusiastic youth of the alloted village we
done the e-pik pahni of about 80.1. account holders
of E-pik of the village Pahani of the -talathi of village
jalgaon jamod of the village.
Flow chart prepared to given information to
the host farmer.
List of farmers who have done e-pee pahani. Name of farmer survey no. Mob .no.

1. Amol Sontakke 122/65 96557799336

2. Eknath Patil 216/85 9552232336
3. Dipak Ganane 52/12 7030269001
4. Vaibhav Kalore 298/65 7030698621
5. Nandan Dahale 521/C/01 9579600857
6. Abhishek Rede 111/02 9922363578
7. Ganesh Rathod 53/31 9421776389

Basically E-peek pahani was the initiative which was undertaken by government of
Maharashtra to make the survey of crop easier and quicker. It was expected that farmers
would upload their information by themselves in this app. However, many farmers don’t
have proper knowledge so they could not utilize this app.
Therefore, in order to assist
them , Agricultural student studying in final year were instructed to carry out E-peek
pahani initiative I their respective village for comfort of farmers.
According to
instructions received from my College, I carried this program n my host farmer village
Although, this process is little big and complicated, it will definitely help
farmers in near future. In times of calamity if crop failed , it will be lot easier for
government to make survey of crops and to distribute compensatin.
Thank you….

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