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Name: Devanshu.S.Harsora
Branch: IT-A
Guided by : Dr.Nital.P.Nirmal
Contributor or
– Who is a contributer?
Four fundamental building block being acontributor:
1.Shift from a “victim” to being a “creator of one’sdestiny”
2. Acceptance of the ideal of contributorship
3.The willingness to take full responsibility forone’s own development
4.The capacity to reflect on one’s development andmake appropriate
– Who is “non- contributor”?
Non-contributors are exact opposite of contributors. Non-contributors are not
faithful to their work activity, concentrating in achieving their goal, they are not
ethical. They do not believe in human values or principles.
Difference between non- contributor and

Contributor Non- contributor

Contributor defines themselves in Non-contributors usually defined

terms of what they will become or themselves in terms of what they
accomplish. have acquired in life.
Capacity to deliver commitment and Qualifications, position, years of
ownership of the organization’s experience, etc
purpose, etc.
My thoughts

– As per my thoughts everyone should work as a contributor in their fields.

– Being a contributor is good for both, the personal and organizational growth.
Identity & Self-esteem

Who am I ?
– The “answer” to “who am I?” is our identity.
– Our identity is our all-encompassing system of memories, experience,
feelings, thoughts, relationships, and values that define who each of us is.
– It’s the stuff that makes up a “self.”
– Identity is a critical component of understanding who we are. Because we
can break up identity into components (values, experiences, relationship).
– These components we can identify and understand. Then, once we have
understood the components of our identity, we can get a big-picture look at
who we really are.
How to figure out “Who I am?”

1. Reflect:This means that you have to examine yourself — for all your
strengths, flaws, impressions you give others, the whole lot.
2. Decide who you want to be :You can never be a perfect person.
There’s no such thing as a perfect person. You have to embrace the fact
that you will never be perfect. But, on the path to self-discovery, you
should embrace that there are things you want to improve.
3. Make better choices
4. Explore your passions
5. Develop your social circle

– Self-esteem is your overall opinion of yourself — how you feel about your
abilities and limitations. When you have healthy self-esteem, you feel
good about yourself and see yourself as deserving the respect of others.
When you have low self-esteem, you put little value on your opinions and
ideas. You might constantly worry that you aren't good enough.
Factors that shape and influence self-

Self-esteem begins to form in early childhood. Factors that can influence self-
esteem include:
– Your thoughts and perceptions
– How other people react to you
– Experiences at home, school, work and in the community
– Illness, disability or injury
– Age
– Role and status in society
– Media messages
Creator of own destiny

– As Swami Vivekananda said, we are the creators of our own destiny. It means our
destiny relies on how we work, our efforts to make it happen.
– Only you can create your destiny, with your thoughts. One thought can change the
pattern of your life. The power lies within you.
– After completing our studies, while we are looking for a job, you will find many
difficulties. Here are some of the difficulties you may face while you are looking for a
– Lack of skills
– Zero experience (freshers)
– You may get rejected, which will break your confidence
– You may feel depressed because you are not getting a job
– You are not able to decide which path you follow and there are others too.
How to overcome these difficulties ?

– Work on your skills

– Select the path that you want to follow and work hard to improve your
skills in that path
– Believe in yourself, you can do it.
– Don’t let the rejection break your confidence, find the lack and overcome
– Don’t mind what people say, follow what you really want to do.
Achieving sustainable success

– The meaning of success is different for all of us. For many people the
success factors they measure against have something to do with the
level of influence, affluence and lifestyle that you live.
– The meaning of success can be fame, more money, bigger house, more
toys etc.. There’s no question about it: These are the things that make
you a great life, but they aren’t the things that necessarily lead to
– Ultimately the meaning of success is contained within your heart.
How are you feeling? If it’s celebratory, engaged, uplifted and
excited then you are living a successful life. It is something less than
that it may be time to redefine who you are and how you are living.
Expanding contribution In every
– In every work, every role, there is possibility of contributing at multiple levels-
contributing to self, contributing to organization, contributing to society.
– Defines the level of how much he/she can contribute towards the goal.
 Contribution to not only performing own duty/ activity, but only trying to achieve
the purpose of others.
 An individual who “contributes to self” not only performs activities, but
also tries to systematically develop his/her own self through these
Example :
 The contribution to the team/organization by an individual not only meets
the targets, but also invests into long term benefits, strength of the
 An individual who “contributes to society” goes beyond commercial or
organizational goals, and seeks to achieve the goals or purpose of the
larger community / society.
Thank you

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