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Punctuation and

Sentence Formation

 Review sentences structures and punctuation together

 Complete a short descriptive writing activity and read an example descriptive essay

 Complete Unit 3 Vocabulary Kahoot


 Simple Sentences

 Compound Sentences

 Complex Sentences
Simple Sentence

 One independent clause (full idea) that can stand alone.

I listen to music in the morning.

Compound Sentence

 Connect two independent clauses (full ideas) with a coordinating conjunction

(FANBOYS) by removing the full stop and adding a comma.

I like reading, but I don’t like writing.

I don’t like running, nor do I like walking.

Use FANBOYS to join these sentences

 I joined the circus. I love to perform.

 Listening to music in headphones hurts my ears. I started using a speaker.

 I don’t like crime shows. I don’t like thriller movies.

 All laws are important. Some laws aren’t fair.

 You can have a fight. You can forgive each other.

Complex Sentence

This has one independent and one dependent clause (can’t stand alone). We refer to it
as being complex because of this, and the fact that it’s not a basic sentence, but one
we use in essay writing, formal writing to express more complex ideas and help our
writing flow.

Since I was younger, I always wanted a puppy. Although I never got one, I still hope
that someday I will. Hoping is important because life is so unpredictable.
Do these need a comma? Highlight the dependent and
independent clause, adding a comma if necessary

 I enjoy eating fruit because I love sweet food.

 Even though he is a bad person he is still my friend.

 Despite it being a traumatic experience we still managed to make some happy

Because I love sweet food I enjoy eating food

Until she wakes up she doesn’t know what’s going on.

Although he has a lot of friends he still feels lonely

Use 1 Punctuation for each sentence
semi-colon, colon, comma, apostrophe, speech marks.

1. I am a detective catching criminals is my expertise.

2. My best qualities include being outspoken, always reliable, and a true friend.

3. I love the city life but I prefer living in tranquil places.

4. I am corrupt because I like stealing my employees money, said the malicious manager.

5. I have one brother. I helped maintain my brothers business when he was ill.
You are here
Sight: what do you see
Sound: what do you hear
Smell: what do you smell
Touch: what do you feel /
how do you feel
Taste: is there a taste in your
mouth? Are you
Who: who are you with

Where: the specific area

What: what’s happening

When: time, morning, season

Why: ???
Descriptive Writing

 Consider the five senses

 Use descriptive features

 Use adjectives to be as clear and specific as possible

 Write in the first person for immediacy

 The focus of the essay is describing in detail


 Submit your formal video applying for a job (this is important for your speech
mark and performance task)

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