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Here starts the
Table of
Contents! syllable to talk about
the parts of a written
definition word
Definition syable syllable to talk about the parts of a written
word, but in this book the word syllable is
used to talk about the pronunciation

Topic Some people use

the word syllable The first syllable
The syllble to talk about the part of a The first syllable in these words has the
written word. For example,the same threes sound, but in the opposite order
consonantpart of written word
Definition syable

A. A Syllable is a group of one or more

sounds, The essensial part of a syllables is a
vowel sound ( v ), Some syllable are just
one vowel sound. For example, these words
have one syllable, and the syllable is just
one vowel sound : eye /ai/, owe (əʊ). A
Syllable can have consonant sound (C)
before the V , example : CV VC CVC
Go/gaʊ/ if/ɪf/ ten/ten/ My/mai/ egg/eg/
nose/naʊz/ Know/naʊ/ ice/ais/
mount/mauʊnt/ Weigh/weɪ/ eigh/eit/
Topic some people use the word syable

1. THIS Some people use the word syllble to talk about the part of a written word. For example,the
consonant letters W and Y are not consonant sound it they come after the vowel sound in the syllable,
e.g saw, say. In some accents, for example south east english, the same is truefor the consonant letter
R . here are some more example .they are words of one syllable and they all have the pattern CV.
How/haʊ/, law/lɔː/, /pay/peɪ/, why/waɪ/, car/ka:(r)/,hair(heə(r)/.

Syable to talk about
the part of a written

Some people use the word syllable to talk about the parts of a written word,
but in this book the word syllable is used to talk about the pronunciation of
word, not the writting.example in writing we can divite ‘chocolate’ into
three parts like this: cho-co-late, but when we say the word, wen pronounce
only two syllable, example: chocolate/tʃɒ,(where the two syllable are
divided). .


● chocolate/tʃɒk.lattable General/dʒe.ral/different/dif.rant
interesting/in.tras.tiŋ General/dʒe.ral/comfortable/kʌmf.ta.bal/

The first syable
The first syllable in these words has the
same threes sound, but in the opposite
order: kitchen/kitʃ.ɪn/ chicken/tʃik.ɪn/ If a
sentence has similar – sounding syllable
like this in it, it mant be difficult to say.
These sentence are called “tongue-
twister” Example: Richart checked the
chicken in the kitche
Nama : Ahmad
Nim : 210101030401
Nama: Miatul qaramah
Nim : 210101030401
Nama : Habibi Rahman

—Someone Famous
Book v

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