Technical Communication: Dr. Mansi Joshi

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Technical Communication

Dr. Mansi Joshi

Group Discussion

Concept of Group Discussion

 Group discussion is a modern method of assessing students’ personality.
 It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the
worthiness of the student and his appropriateness for the job.
 The term suggests a discussion among a group of persons.
 The group will have 8 to 12 members who will express their views freely and
frankly on current issues/given topic.
 Within a time limit of 20 to 30 minutes, the ability and skills of the members
of the group are measured.
Prerequisites of a Group Discussion

 Topics given by panellists

 Planning and preparation
 Knowledge with self-confidence
 Communication skills/power of speech
 Presentation
 Body language and personal appearance
 Being calm and cool
 Extensive knowledge base related to state, country and globe
 Areas are politics, sports, science & trade commerce, industry & technology, MNC, etc.
 Analyse the social, economical issues logistically.
 Listening skills
 Co-operation
Benefits in Group Discussion

 Stimulation of thinking in a new way

 Expansion of knowledge
 Understanding of your strength and weakness
 Your true personality is revealed and qualities of leadership crystallize
 Provides chance to expose
 Language skills
 Academic knowledge
 Leadership skills
 Team work
 General knowledge
Salient Features of GD

 Topic may be given to judge your public speaking talent

 Discussion revolves around a specific subject
 The examiner does not interfere once the topic is announced
 Maintain cordiality and free expression of thought and opinion.
Do’s of GD

 Appropriate to the issue

 Make original points and support them by substantial reasoning.
 Listen to the other participants actively and carefully.
 All the statements must be with a logical flow and valid with examples.
 Make only accurate statements.
 Modulate the volume, pitch and tone.
 Be empathetic
 Be attentive and participative
 Talk with confidence and self assurance.
Don’ts of GD

 Being shy/nervous/keeping isolated from GD

 Interrupting another participant.
 Speak in favor: e.g. establish your position and stand by it stubbornly.
 Changed opinions
 Make fun of any participant even if the arguments done are funny.
 Digress from the given topic.
 Repeat and use irrelevant material.
 Address yourself to the examiner
Important points in Group Discussion

 Be assertive: An assertive person is direct, honest careful about not hurting

others ‘self-respect’.
 A patient listener: listening to another person is one way of showing
 Right language: words can make friends and right words at the right time
make the best results.
 Be analytical and fact oriented: It is necessary to make relevant points which
can be supported with facts and analyzed logically.

 If any member of the group criticizes or disapproves a point, it is unwise tot get upset
or react sharply.
 In case the criticism is flimsy, the same can be pointed out politely.
 Maximize participation: one must try to contribute fully, vigorously and steadily
throughout the discussion.
 Show leadership skills: A group discussion also evaluated your leadership qualities.
 Accept other’s point of view
 Praise an argument
e.g. Remedial English communication is necessary for college students because they
fail in communication skills.
Status of literacy of women, is increased from 30% to 70% when compared to last
years, in employment sectors organized, in the IT and ITES fields.

 Accept the contradicts view

 Express your argument with facts, cases, percentages
 Newspapers without hurting others feelings
 Never try to bluff.
 Practice group discussion with friends on different subjects.
 Remember! Speech is a powerful weapon.
Public Speaking

 Public speaking is a process, an act and an art of making a speech before an

 “ The process of speaking to a group pf people in a structured, deliberate
manner intended to inform, influence or entertain the listeners.” Wikipedia
How to prepare for Public Speaking?

 Things that precedes writing a speech

1 Meditate upon the topic
2 Collect various dimensions of the topic through
3 Show own experience
4 Refer famous scholars and books, websites and other discussions done by
Preparation of Public Speaking

 Introduction
Gain attention in the opening statement with humour, quotations, questions, songs
and the introduction should indicate the topic.
 Body
Elaborate the subject, division of the subject, emphasis the changes
between the divisions, put relevant examples to support your stand
 Conclusion
Restate the subject, summarise the key points and give a statement of the
conclusion – the main message
Tips for Public Speaking

 Some of the factors are out of the speakers control. However the remaining
98% of the success will depend on how well the presenter follows the :
- Preparation
- Practice
- Performance
Do’s of Public Speaking

 Smile and have fun

 Speak loud/audible
 Relax
 Be yourself
 Know your audience
 Be confident
 Claim attention
 Wrap up the speech on time
 Be reflexive
 Connect with people during the presentation
 Face the audience
 Use kinesics
 Use simple and understandable language
Don’ts of Public Speaking

 Do not fear
 Do not rush through your presentation
 Do not show negative gestures
 Do not hurt the feelings of people/audience
 Do not dictate
 Avoid harsh language
 Avoid repetition
 Do not be aggressive
 Do not show anything you are not sure about
Factors influencing Public Speaking

The positive outcome of a speech does not depend solely on the oratory skills of
the speaker, It is influenced by many factors such as:
 Topic of the presentation
 The attitude of the audience
 The quality of material
 Through knowledge about the matter
 The length of the speech
 Body language
 Supporting pictograms, diagrams, etc.
 Pitch variation in speech
Effective Presentation Skills

 A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to various

speaking situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or
briefing a team.
 It can be used to present your project, your report, proposal and in various
other purposes.
Presentation Skills

 Following are the steps include in preparing effective presentation

Planning of Presentation

 Planning usually include following question

Who is the audience?
Why the audience attend presentation?
What is tour goal?
How long will it be?
Where will it take place?
Preparation of Presentation

 Following points should be kept in mind while preparing presentation

Visual Aids
Structure of Presentation

 Write the Points about presentation in this order

Beginning or introduction
Main Content
Summary, conclusion and recommendations

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