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•I, my family and people

I know
•Places I know
Use the prompts to make up complete
Units 1-2

• live/a small house/Maipú

• live/parents/ 3 sisters
• live far from here// half an hour/ bus
• Maipú/the south of Santiago
• Santiago/capital//Concepción/the second city
• My granny/ from Puerto Montt// 12 hours/ bus
• Uncle Juan/ Arica// 28 hours/ by/ bus/3 hours/ plane
• Aunt Silvia/San Bernardo//30 minutes/train /from the city
centre/1 hour/bus
• don’t live on my own // parents and 2 brothers
Units 1-2
• I/ 20 years old// my younger brother/10 years old
• My mum/55 years old// My Dad/ 56// My sister/6//
brother/ 20
• boyfriend /20 years old//live/Puente Alto// far from here//
1 hour / underground and bus

• Iwas born/Santiago/1990
• My dad was born/ Lampa/1964
• Sister / born / Santiago/ July / 2003 / / 9 years old
• Girlfriend (boyfriend)/ born/ La Florida /September /
1993 / / 19 years old
Units 1-2
• I always kiss/ mum / cheek
• I often/ hello/ classmates
• I usually hug / best friend
• Shake hands/boss
• kiss/Boyfriend /the lips

• Spain / kiss each other/ cheek

• Chile / kiss in the air // men/ usually/ shake hands
• China/ Japan/ India/ bow
• India / say “Namaste”
• Alaska/sometimes/rub noses
• England/ USA/ usually shake hands // sometimes / kiss close friends
or family
Units 1-2
• I call / mum “Mami” or “viejita”
• Call/ sister by her name, “Margarita”
• Usually call /father”papa” or “papi”/his surname,
• Often/ call/ teacher/ family name / sometimes “profe”

• My mum /me/ “hija” or by my first name

• My brother / me / my first name / a nickname
• My dad / calls / “hija”/ “honey”
• Friends call / my name / “chica”
Units 1-2
• My aunt “Claudia” lives/ her husband / her 2 children /Calama/
/My cousins’names/ “Ignacio “ and “ Camila”
• My uncle “Jorge” lives/ his wife “María”/his son “Alexis”
/daughter “María José”//live/ Rancagua/
• My aunt “Laura” and uncle “Roberto”/ Buenos Aires // don’t have
children // I visit them / a year
• My neighbour “Felipe”/next door//single//on his own//nice
• Neighbour “Johanna”/ separated // two daughters, “Emilia”
“Nicole” // 5 and 10 years old
• I call /grandmother “abuelita”// Talca// visit/ once a year / on
summer holiday // speak on the phone /everyday // dog “Manchas”
and cat “Tom” // does the cleaning /shopping/everything
Units 1-2
• Santiago /capital city // a really big place // population / about 7
million people // there are parks / Centenario, Metropolitano,
Forestal, O’higgins, etc // universities // lots of supermarkets //
polluted in winter // heavy traffic/// hot in summer / really cold in
• Concepción / second city // south // population / 1,000,000
(including Talcahuano, Tomé, Lota Coronel and other districts) //
near the sea // universities / pubs / restaurants // lots to do// warm
in summer // rainy and cold in winter//
• Calama / 1,500 kmts north of Santiago // 120,000 inhabitants // hot
during the day // very cold at night // mines, e.g., Chiquicamata
• San Fernando / 3 hours from Santiago by bus // near Tinguiririca
river // vineyards /famous wine route//70,000-80,000 inhabitants//
not many pubs // some restaurants // a department store / many
small shops
Units 1-2
• Public transport / Santiago / awful // buses / underground
/ shared taxis // slow and crowded in the rush hours
(around 8 am and 7 pm) // expensive ($190 students /
$690 non-students)
• The underground runs / 2 or 4 minutes
• Buses run / 20 minutes
• Buses / uncomfortable / dirty / crowded
• The underground / difficult to take in rush hours
• I go to university / underground// take / 30 minutes
• I take / Nº210 bus // run / every 30 minutes // awful

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