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Individual, Pair, Group

By: Teacher Ace
What is Movement ?
It happens when you change direction
and go to one place to another.
It is a change in directions that can be
upward , downward, forward or
backward, and bending sideward left or
Individual Movement
Movements that you can
do alone. Examples can
be clapping, running,
balancing, clapping, and
many more.
Individual Movement
Log roll
- Rolling your body on the
Individual Movement
Dog Walk
- It is performed by making
your hands am part of body
supporting it, they will act
as your front feet.
Individual Movement
Kangaroo Jump
- It is performed by
bending your knees
slightly downward and
spring upward.
Pair Movement
Movement that is done
by partner.
Pair Movement
Mirror Image
- You can do it by
following your partner’s
Pair Movement
Chinese Get-up
Group Movement
A movement performed
by group or 3 or more
Group Movement
- It is performed with your
teammates. It starts in a
front line and end line.
Group Movement
2. Pyramid Building.
3. Caterpillar walk.

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