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Opening prayer

Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for

today. Thank you for ways in which you
provide for us all. For Your protection and
love we thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are about
to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we
listen and write. Guide us by your eternal
light as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.
What is sentence?
 A set of words that is complete in itself, typically
containing a subject and predicate, conveying a
statement, question, exclamation, or command, and
consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or
more subordinate clauses.
I have here four sentences and I need four
volunteers to read these with emotions or feelings
and tells us if what kind of sentences are they.

1. The boy goes to school.

2. Why are you crying?
3. Kindly give me a piece of bread.
4. Gosh, this is beautiful!
Sentences are classified
according to their uses They
have 4 kinds or types
1. A Declarative sentence tells something
about person, thing, place, or event. Take
note, it usually end with a period. Also, it
makes a statement:
For Example:
1.My mother bakes cookies.
2.Taal Volcano shows sign of activity.
2. Interrogative sentences usually uses
Wh- questions or Yes-No questions.

For Example:
1.Is your classmate absent?
2.Why are you happy?
3. Imperative sentences issues a
command or express a request

For Example:
1.Please pass your paper.
2.Do your homework now.
4. Exclamatory sentences expresses
strong feelings or emotions such as anger,
sorrow, surprise, or the like. It ends with an
exclamation point.
For Example:
1.We are here at last!
2.You are so gorgeous!
Group Activity
Sentence strip resources
Teacher will write these sentences on sentences strips
for students to paste it on the Cartolina

Identify each of the following sentences as declarative,

imperative, interrogative, or exclamatory. Write your
answer on the blank before the number

_____1. Our teacher is beautiful.

_____2.Please let them choose.
_____3.Do you need paper?
_____4.How wonderful!
_____5.I found your pencil.
Thank you…

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