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Late Nineteenth-Century Imperialism

the Scramble for Africa

Causes of Imperialism
 The Industrial Revolution caused a need
for resources to fuel industrial production
in Europe and the United States
 Where would these resources come from?

– Africa
– Asia
– Latin America
1875: Europeans controlled 11 percent of the continent
1902: Europeans controlled 90 percent
 Economic competition between European
nations; new markets to sell their goods
 The need of European nations to add colonies
to their empires as a measure of national
 Growing racism, or the belief that one race was
superior to another
– Because they were more technologically advanced,
many Europeans and Americans felt they had the
right to dominate the peoples of Asia, Africa and
Latin America
Causes of Imperialism
 Social Darwinism: the idea that those
who were fittest for survival and
success were superior to others
– Because of Social Darwinism, Europeans
felt they had the right and duty to bring
progress to other nations
 Need to Christianize the people of Asia
and Africa
 Need to civilize and “westernize”

What Enabled
 Europeans’ technological superiority
(including the machine gun)
 Improvements in transportation to and

within Asian and African colonies

 Medical advances, such as Quinine,

which protected Europeans from

foreign diseases (malaria)
 Disunity among ethnic groups in Africa
Imperialism in 1914
In the 1870s the Belgians
began to trade with Africans in
the Congo.
Fearing they would miss out
on various raw materials, the
other European nations
scrambled to establish their
presence on the continent.

King Leopold
Impact of Imperialism in Africa
– Local warfare reduced
– Improved sanitation  NEGATIVE
– Hospitals led to – Loss of land and
increased lifespan independence
– Schools led to increased – Men forced to work in
literacy European owned mines and
on European owned farms
– Economic growth
– Contempt for traditional
culture and admiration of
European culture = identity
– Dividing up of Africa =
artificial boundaries divided
kinship groups and united

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