Colonial Comparison Powerpoint

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Colonial Comparison

By: Graham Nichols

New England Colonies
• Soil: Rocky soil that made farming near
impossible so they did not rely on farming.
• Economy: based around fishing and ship
building because they could be used for
overseas trade.
• Climate: The climate was cold year long
and the air was thin making their clothing
a different style from the other colonies
and what kinds of food they eat.
• Religion: Puritans dominated the area and
they were Christians so Christianity was
the main religion.
New England

• Pilgrims that came from

• Were intolerant of other
• They were set out to “purify”
Middle Atlantic Colonies
• Soil/Farming: They had fertile soil that could be
used for farming mostly oats and grains. They
also had long growing seasons.
• Economy: They had a trading economy
because they had many harbors they could use
as port. They had were also industrial colonies
that resulted in a lot of mills and factories.
• Climate: They had warm summer and cold
winters which resulted in the long growing
seasons helping the farming part of the
• Religion: Quakers dominated the area and they
had religious freedom so the are had many
different religions
Middle Atlantic

• People who came over for

religious freedom
• They were allowed to
practice which ever religion
they wanted to practice
• Spread some religion to the
Southern Colonies
• Soil/Farming: The soil was perfect for farming. They
mainly grew rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, and
cotton because they were cash crops and helped
their economy because they were dependent on
farming. Also they used slaves to work the
plantations. Also they had the longest growing
season of all the colonies because the summers
were hot and the winters were mild
• Economy: Their economy was based on farming
because of the climate and soil resulting in a large
slave trade
• Climate: The Southern Colonies were either hot or
warm year long resulting in an efficient farming
• Religion: They mainly were Baptist and Presbyterian
Southern Colonies
• The religion in these colonies
were mainly branches of
Christianity such as Baptist
and Presbyterian
• Religion did not have a large
impact on the colonies as it
did in other colonies
Religion in the colonies

Puritan Quaker
1. Based around purifying 1. Based around the freedom to
Christianity practice religion of choice
2. Based in the Northern 2. Based in the Mid Colonies
Colonies 3. Tolerated many religions
3. Did not tolerate other religions
SC Colony

Headright Method Proprietary Government

• For each head you get 50 acres of • When the king gives companies
land charters to the New World in
• This includes yourself, your order to establish colonies
spouse, your children, and your • This helped the colonies grow
slaves because some people could not
• This is why there were major afford to get to the colonies
plantation owners because they
had many slaves and resulted in
plenty of land
• New England Colonies- They could seek a “purified” version of
Christianity and could start over with a new life
• Middle Atlantic Colonies- There were many opportunities because the
economy was diverse also this place had religious freedom
• Southern Colonies- If you are looking for a warmer place that is a
benefit here and if you’re looking for a farming life style then these
colonies are just the right place because the soil if fertile and the
growing season is long
SC was distinctly a Southern colony
The climate was different from the New England and
Middle Atlantic Colonies and the soil was more fertile
and it was more of a agriculture region like the
Southern Colonies.

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