Structure and Functions of Cells of The Nervous-1

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Structure and Functions of Cells

of the Nervous System

Types of Neurons on the Basis of Functions

 Sensory Neuron: sends message to CNS

 Motor Neuron: located in CNS and controls the contraction of a muscle or the secretion
of a gland.
 Inter neuron: located entirely within CNS
 Local interneurons: form circuits with nearby neurons and analyze small pieces of
 Relay interneurons: connect circuits of local interneurons in one region of the brain with
those in other regions.
Basic Divisions of Nervous System

 Central Nervous System

 Peripheral Nervous System
Cells of the Nervous System
Basic Structure
Basic Structure

 Soma  Neurotransmitter  DNA

 Dendrite  Membrane  Gene
 Synapse  Cytoplasm  Cytoskeleton
 Axon  Mitochondria  Enzyme
 Terminal Buttons  ATP  Axoplasmic Transport
(anterograde and
 Myelin Sheath  Nucleus
 Node of Ranvier  Chromosomes  Microtubules
Types of Neurons on Basis of Structure

 Multipolar Neuron
 Bipolar Neurons
 Unipolar Neurons
Types of Neurons on Basis of Structure
Supporting Cells

 Glia: the supporting cells of CNS

 Astrocytes: a glial cell that provides support for neurons of the CNS, provides nutrients and other substances, and
regulates the chemical composition of the extracellular fluid.
o Phagocytosis
 Oligodendrocytes: a type of glial cell in the CNS that forms myelin sheaths.
o Myelin sheath
o Node of Ranvier
 Microglia: the smallest of glial cells, act as phagocytes and protect the brain from invading microorganisms.

 Schwann Cells: a cell in the peripheral NS that is wrapped around a myelinated axon, providing one segment
of its myelin sheath.
Schwann Cells
Blood-Brain Barrier

 Semipermeable barrier between the blood and the brain produced by the cells in the walls
of the brain’s capillaries.
o Area postrema: region of medulla where the blood-brain barrier is weak; poisons can be
detected there and can initiate vomiting.
Communication Processes of Neuron cells

 Action potential
o Sodium-potassium transporter
o Ion channel
o Voltage dependent ion channel
o All-or-none-law
o Saltatory conduction
o Action potential Process
 Communication Between Neurons

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