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Brand Experience Toolkit [August 2007]


Brand Experience
Brand Experience Toolkit [August 2007]


1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

1.1 What is a brand?
1.2 Why do we have a global brand?
1.3 Brand Promise vs. Brand
Experience: an evolution

2.0 The Brand Experience

2.1 An overview
2.2 Our competitors
2.3 Our target audiences
2.4 Physical manifestations
Agenda 2.5 Benefits
2.6 Differentiator
2.7 Essence

3.0 Filter tool – how to use the

Brand Experience in practice
3.1 Assessing your results
Brand Experience Toolkit [August 2007]


1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

• A brand is more than just a logo, slogan or a colour scheme; it is

the image and reputation that we want others to associate with
our organization.

• A brand is the image and reputation that we want others to

associate with our organization.

• A brand is also a description of the organization that we want to


• A brand is an expression of your actions and what you do every


What is a brand?
1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

• Our global brand is represented through our living The


• Our “Brand Experience” is the experience we want our

stakeholders (members, supporters and enablers) to
live when they interact with AIESEC.

• The closer we can make this experience to the entirety

of our Brand Experience the more we are
strengthening our global brand every day.

What is a brand?
1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

1. to be more consistent and credible

2. to attract more stakeholders and give AIESEC a clear

competitive advantage

3. to attract the right stakeholders and to set the right


4. to align the organization to globally leverage the

AIESEC Experience

Why do we have a global brand?

1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

Brand Promise (2004)

• difficult to apply to products

• quite internally focused

• not providing reasons for partners to engage with AIESEC rather

than our competition

• made up of words that we felt best described AIESEC

• no clear plan on how to use it in practice

Brand Promise vs. Brand Experience: an evolution

1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

Brand Experience (2007)

• a tool used to filter everything we do to understand its alignment

to our brand, which in the end supports in its strengthening

• first considers the outside environment and looks inward

• reflects how our stakeholders actually experience our brand

when they interact with AIESEC

• reflects how we do things differently than our competitors

Brand Promise vs. Brand Experience: an evolution

Brand Experience Toolkit [August 2007]


2.0 Brand Experience

1.0 History of the AIESEC Brand

Brand Experience
2.0 Brand Experience

Brand Experience

A simple way to understand how our target audiences (members,

supporters and enablers) experience (or interact with) the
AIESEC brand.

The interactions and touch points they have with AIESEC will shape
the impression of what AIESEC is to them, and by being
conscious of this we can manage the kind of experience we
would like our target audiences to have with AIESEC.

Brand Experience - overview

2.0 Brand Experience

• Our competitors
(organizations offering similar products to our target audiences)
• Target audiences
(our potential members, enablers and supporters)
• Physical manifestations
(the first interaction point to AIESEC for our target audiences)
• Benefits
(what our target audiences get out of engaging with AIESEC)
• Our Values
(reflective of The AIESEC Way)
• Discriminator
(what distinguishes us from our competitors)
• Essence
(what we do in AIESEC, what we are about)

Brand Experience - overview

2.0 Brand Experience

Our competitors are other organizations that offer

similar experiences to our target audiences as we do.

These include organizations offering:

• Work abroad opportunities
• Volunteer abroad opportunities
• Cultural experiences
• Skills development
• Networks

Our Competitors
Target audience
2.0 Brand Experience

Our target audiences can be divided into three distinct

groups of people:
• Members
• Enablers
(TN takers, mentors and learning/content partners)
• Supporters
(financial and in-kind partners, Board of Advisors)

Our target audiences

2.0 Brand Experience

Characteristics for potential members:

• Young people – recent graduates and students

• Youth interested in world issues
• Those who enjoy challenges
• Open minded active learners
• Those with an interest in leadership development
• Passionate and determined
• Those looking for learning and development opportunities

Our target audiences - Members

2.0 Brand Experience

Characteristics for potential enablers:

• TN takers
o Companies expanding to other countries
o Companies that needs and employees with specific characteristics
o Companies with strong CSR or a willingness to start
o Issues focused; market leaders

• Learning/content partners
o Organizations working with issues relevant in society
o Global organizations (with global reach)
o Research-based organizations
o Individuals with specific skills/knowledge/experience in a particular

Our target audiences - Enablers

2.0 Brand Experience

Characteristics for potential enablers:

• Mentors
o HR companies/specialists
o University professors
o Alumni
o Industry specialists

Our target audiences - Enablers

2.0 Brand Experience

Characteristics for potential supporters:

• Sponsors, financial and in-kind
o Organizations working on similar issues relevant in society
o Companies/organizations that are working with youth
o Organizations with the same end benefit
• Board of advisors
o Industry specialists
o Alumni
o High profile people

Our target audiences - Supporters

Physical manifestation
2.0 Brand Experience

Physical manifestations
- includes all the external touch points (or interaction points) our target
audiences have with AIESEC
- marketing materials
- visual branding guidelines (including our logo), but also
extends to much more than this

The first interaction point that our target audiences have with
AIESEC including everything from physical meetings to our
website, conferences, even our Code of Ethics, all shape the way
our target audiences will understand AIESEC.

Physical manifestations
2.0 Brand Experience

Benefits are what our target audiences (or stakeholders) get out of
engaging with AIESEC.

These are the benefits that our target audiences experience when
they interact with AIESEC:
• Societal impact
• Personal and professional development
• International experience
• Global network

2.0 Brand Experience

Benefit for members Benefit for supporters Benefit for enablers

To have an impact Knowledge sharing Leadership

on a certain issue Feeling of supporting development
Learning opportunity to make an impact in Feeling of contributing
Providing the same society
to having an impact on
experience to others society through others

Benefits – Societal impact

2.0 Brand Experience

Benefit for members Benefit for supporters Benefit for enablers

Self development Supporting Access to top talent;

(leadership develop., development of others having top talent in
Feeling of supporting their organization
self-discovery, skill to make an impact on Feeling of supporting
building) society to make an impact on

Benefits – Personal and professional development

2.0 Brand Experience

Benefit for members Benefit for supporters Benefit for enablers

Peers, alumni, Connect to youth Alumni, youth around

businesses all over around the world, the world, other
the world other organizations organizations

Benefits – Global network

2.0 Brand Experience

Benefit for members Benefit for supporters Benefit for enablers

Exchange opport., Interaction with members Diversity in workforce

global learning who have international Branding and
environment, experience (open positioning
international confer., minded/worldly) Interaction with
Branding and positioning
International conference
members who have
etc involvement international experien.
(open minded/worldly)

Benefits – International experience

2.0 Brand Experience

- an important part of the Brand Experience

- our values dictate how we should act according to our value
system for the organization
- our values also represent what our target audiences experience
and live when they interact with AIESEC
• Acting sustainably
• Demonstrating integrity
• Activating leadership
• Enjoying participation
• Living diversity
• Striving for excellence

2.0 Brand Experience

- what makes us unique
- what sets us apart from the competition
- point—how we do what we do differently than our

2.0 Brand Experience

Three concrete things that combined set AIESEC apart

• Youth driven – the concept that AIESEC is run by youth for youth
• Integrated experience – the AIESEC experience comprised of
leadership opportunities, an international exchange and a global
learning environment
• Impact/activating positive leadership – making a positive impact on
= Youth driven impactful experience

2.0 Brand Experience

Youth driven
- emphasizes energy, passion, emotion, and leadership or leading, essentially
what AIESEC is about, also reinforces the fact that we are youth run.
- experience that our stakeholders have when they engage with AIESEC, and
the positive impact it can have on them and/or on society.
- experience draws together all aspects of the AIESEC experience
- leadership opportunities
- international exchange
- global learning environment

2.0 Brand Experience

- explains what we do as an organization.
- may not be different to our competitors, but it is the centre of our

AIESEC is about providing the platform and necessary tools for

youth to develop themselves, so that they can have a positive
impact on their environments.

2.0 Brand Experience

The essence of activating leadership can be captured in

three simple elements:

• AIESEC is the platform - individuals drive their own experience

• We help individuals to both develop and discover their potential
• Our ambition is to develop people that will have a positive impact
on society

Brand Experience Toolkit [August 2007]


3.0 Filter tool

3.0 Filter tool

- a simple set of questions that you can apply to any product or message
to check if it is aligned to the Brand Experience or not

- tool to help you to indicate what areas need to be improved in order for

your product/messaging to be strengthening our brand

- to use this tool, you will need to have your product in question with
you. Go through the series of questions below and answer them using
a “traffic light” system:
- green if the answer if completely true
- red if it is completely untrue
- yellow if it is somewhere in the middle

Filter tool
3.0 Filter tool

1. Is it true to the essence (activating leadership)?

2. Is it true to our differentiator (youth driven impactful
experience) and thus different to those offered by our
3. Is it consistent with or not contradicting any of our values?
4. Is it reflecting the integrated development experience in The
AIESEC Way (exchange, leadership, global learning
environment) and our current organizational strategy?
5. Is it reflecting at least two primary benefits?
6. Is it adhering to the visual guidelines?

Filter tool - questions

3.0 Filter tool

The result of filtering is an indicator of how closely your

assessment reflects the Brand Experience
- Green - a very good representation of the Brand Experience and will help
to strengthen our global brand

- Yellow - some parts of the product need to be worked on a bit more, use
the filter tool to help you identify what areas exactly need a bit of work in
order to be more reflective of our ideal Brand Experience

- Red - consider how much this product is reflecting our Brand

Experience, consider the need of this product in your LC or MC and
work out a plan to ensure the product will be redefined in the future

Assessing the results

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