Notifiable Diseases: By: Dr. Amani Abdel Rahman MD

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Notifiable Diseases

Dr. Amani Abdel Rahman
• Notifiable diseases are diseases with the
potential of causing epidemics
• Must be notified to the next level:
e.g. Dispensary → Rural hospital
• Public health law (2008) identified Two classes
• National Ministries of Health either add or
delete disease to or from a list.
Class A
• Immediate notification on suspicion, not later
than 24 hours.
• Spread very fast
• High potential epidemics & possibly
• High morbidity & mortality
Class A
1. Cholera (acute watery diarrhoea)
2. Acute flaccid paralysis (A.F.P)
3. Yellow fever
4. Haemorrhagic fevers
5. Acute epidemic typhus
6. Acute epidemic Influenza
7. Neonatal Tetanus
8. Human Plaque
• A.F.P Differential diagnosis include
Poliomyelitis → Targeted for Eradication
• Neonatal Tetanus does not usually cause
epidemics, but in Sudan we are targeting
Neonatal tetanus for elimination.
Class B
• Do not spread quickly
• Do not usually cause epidemics
• Reported weekly
• This class include in addition to list A, the
following diseases:
Class B
1. Adult Tetanus
2. Malaria
3. Typhoid
4. Diphtheria
5. Whooping cough
6. Cerebro-Spinal-Menengitis (C.S.M)
7. Anthrax
Class B (cont.)
8. Hepatitis
9. Rabies
10. Food poisoning
11. Dysentery
13. G.worm
Class C
• Others
• Reported monthly.

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