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Group 6

Dharun Krishna
Gokulavarshini M
Indhu R
Vignesh B
Who is our target audience?
What do we need to communicate and achieve?
How should we communicate this?
Where should we communicate this?
When do the communication need to take place?
● Add value through communication content
● Facilitate customer involvement in service production
● Promote the contribution of service personnel and
backstage operations
● Stimulate and shift demand to match capacity
Problems of Intangibility
● Abstractness
● Generality
● Non-searchability
● Mental impalpability

Overcoming the problem of Intangibility

● Tangible cues
● Use metaphors
Message Transmitted Through
Traditional Marketing Channels

• Advertising
• Direct Marketing
• Sales Promotion
• Personal Selling
• Public Relation
• Trade Shows
Message Transmitted Online

• Online Advertising
• Direct Email Marketing
• Online Catalogs
• Public Relations
Messages Transmitted through Service Delivery Channels



Messages Originating from Outside the Organization

Word of Mouth (WOM)

Recommendations from other customers viewed as more
Strategies to stimulate(encourage) positive WOM:
Creating exciting promotions that get people talking about
firm’s great service
Offering promotions that encourage customers to encourage
Developing recommendation incentive schemes
Referencing other purchasers and knowledgeable individuals
Presenting and publicizing testimonials
● Blogs – A new type of online WOM
● Twitter
● Media Coverage
➢ Compares, contrasts service offerings from competing
➢ Advice on “best buys”
Timing Decisions of Services Marketing
Budget Decisions and Program Evaluation

➢ Objective and Task/ Budget build up Method

1. Defining the communications objectives along the

service marketing communications funnel.
2. Determining the tasks that are needed to achieve
the objectives.
3. Estimating the costs of the program.

➢ Empirical Research Method

Ethical and Consumer Privacy Issues in

● Unrealistic service promises due to poor internal

● Exaggerated promises by unethical advertisers and
sales people.
● Deceptive promotions.
● Unwanted intrusion by aggressive marketers into
people’s personal lives.
The Role of Corporate Design

Companies provide a unifying and recognizable theme

using the following approaches:

● Name as a central element in the corporate design.

● Trademarked symbols as primary logo.
● Tangible and recognizable symbols.
● Colours in corporate designs.
Integrated Marketing Communications

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