Per Unit

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Chapter 2
Per Unit
• Per unit system is the ratio between the actual value in any unit and
the base or reference value in the same unit.
• In the power systems analysis field of electrical engineering, a per-
unit system is the expression of system quantities as fractions of a
defined base unit quantity.
• Calculations are simplified because quantities expressed as per-unit
do not change when they are referred from one side of a transformer
to the other

Actual quantity
Per  unit Quantity 
base value of quantity
• Firstly the value of base power and the base voltage are selected, and
their choice automatically fixes the other base values.
•This means that the p.u. impedance is directly proportional to the base
kVA and inversely proportional to square of base voltage.
•Normally the p.u. impedance of various equipment's corresponding to
its own rating voltage and kVA are given.
•Since we choose one common base kVA and voltage for the whole
system, therefore, it is desired to find out the p.u. impedance of the
various equipment's corresponding to the common base voltage and
Calculate the per unit impedance in each section For Generator,
Transformer and Motor using
Change the base value
KVgiven-> KVnew
MVAgiven-> MVAnew
Actual Values
Voltage, V - Volts   Unit Value = Actual Value/Base Value
Current, I - A  
Impedance, Z- Ohm Voltage, Vpu = V/Vb
Reactance, X - Ohm  
Apparent Power, S- VA  
Actual power,P- W Current per unit, Ipu = I/Ib =  Ib = Sb/Vb
Reactive power, Q- VAR    
  Impedance per unit, Zpu= Z/Zb =  
    Zb = Vb/Ib = Vb/ (Sb/Vb) =
Base Value
Reactance per unit, Xpu = X/Zb =
Voltage, Vb
Apparent power per unit, Spu=S/Sb
Current, Ib
Impedance, Zb
Actual power per unit ,Ppu = P/Sb
Power, Sb
Reactive power per unit ,Qpu =Q/Sb

Assume-Base Value
Voltage, Vb
Power, Sb
For transmission line per unit impedance using

The p.u. impedance of the transformer:

The p.u. impedance of the transformer referred to primary side Z p p.u.
is equal to the p.u. impedance of the transformer referred to the
secondary side Zs p.u.
Let the impedance of the transformer referred to primary side be Z p
and that on the secondary side be Zs, then

where Vp and Vs are the primary and secondary voltages of the

Advantages of per unit computations:
The per unit impedance referred to either side of a single phase/three
phase transformers is the same.

 With p.u. system there is less chance of making mistake in phase and line
voltages, Single phase or three phase quantities.

The computational effort in power system is very much reduced with the
use of per unit quantities.
1. A three phase 500 MVA, 22 kV generators has winding reactance of 1.065 Ω. Find its per-unit reactance.

2. The reactance of a generator is given as 0.25 per-unit based on the generators of 18 kV, 500 MVA. Find its
per-unit reactance on a base of 20 kV, 100 MVA.

3. A single phase 9.6 kVA, 500 V / 1.5 kV transformers has an impedance of 1.302 Ω with respect to primary
side. Find its per-unit impedance with respect to primary and secondary sides
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