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Nuclear energy usually means the part of the
energy of an atomic nucleus, which can be
released by fusion or fission or radioactive
Nuclear Fission

Nuclear fission works by splitting the atoms apart to

produce smaller atoms, and as a result energy is
released. Nuclear fission is used in nuclear power plants
to generate electricity through the splitting of the nuclei
of uranium atoms.
Nuclear Fusion
When atoms are joined together to form a larger
atom is commonly referred to as nuclear fusion. The sun
produces energy through nuclear fusion where the nuclei
of hydrogen atoms are fused into helium atoms.

Basic principles
The basic principle of operation of a nuclear
power plant is based on obtaining heat energy
through nuclear fission core combustible atoms.
With this heat energy, which have a vapor of
water, will convert into mechanical energy in a
turbine, and finally convert mechanical energy
into electrical energy by a generator.
Nuclear reactor
A nuclear reactor is an installation capable of
initiating, controlling and maintaining nuclear
reactions (fission usually) chain occurring in the core
of the facility.
Boiling Water Reactors (BWR)
Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)
Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder
Uses of Nuclear Energy
• Food and Agriculture

• Human Health

• Sterilization

• Generating Electricity
Advantages of Nuclear Energy
• Produces Large Amount of Energy

• 'Green' Energy

• No Air Pollution

• Fuel Independence
Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
• Radiation
• Nonrenewable
• Huge Building Cost
• Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
• Transport of Fuel and Waste

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