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Carbon Footprint Management: A Smart

Emission Abatement using Machine

Darshan Joishy 4SF18IS025
Manjukrishna 4SF18IS051
Mayur Pai B H 4SF18IS053
Varun 4SF18IS115
Under the Guidance of
Ms. Jayapadmini Kanchan
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science & Engineering
Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management
Mangaluru – 575007
● Introduction
● Motivational Challenges
● Problem Statement
● Objectives
● Software And Hardware Requirements
● Applications
● Expected Outcome
● References

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 2

● A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event,
organization, service, place or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)
● The progress and evolution of a country highly depends on electricity. However, each
technology used to generate electricity has undesired by-products such as emissions and other
harmful environmental impacts
● The generation of electricity accounts for about half of the world's man-made CO 2 output. India
is the third-largest emitter of CO2 in the world, behind China and the United States
● Compared to a world average of 522 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (g CO2/kWh), India's
power sector emits 791 grams of CO2/kWh

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 3


● In order to slow down this phenomenon, curbing GHG emissions is very important as well as
establishing main targets and proposing appropriate tools for carbon emission abatement
● Machine learning (ML) is the study of computer algorithms that can improve automatically
through experience and by the use of data. It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence. Machine
learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as training data, in order to
make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so
● The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects (or groups of such objects) that are
embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and
exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 4


● With so much electricity consumed each day, shifting the electrical load would be very
● Reducing electric consumption will not be a simple task when you have to persuade a large
percentage of the population
● Consequently, since the collation is generated manually using sensors, chances to encounter
some erroneousness readings of the prescribed value are practically possible

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 5


To build a model that intents to reduce the impact of carbon footprint on the physical and mental
health of people through prediction of optimal air quality using Machine Learning

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 6


To collect the data for the study To considerably monitor the emission
through IOT devices of greenhouse gases and achieve a
balanced environment

To predict the impact of carbon To reduce the carbon footprint and

footprint on the generation side control the emission on the demand side
of the system

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 7


Software Requirements Hardware Requirements

o OS : Windows 10 o CPU : Intel Core i5 or higher
o Programming Language : Python 3 o RAM : 4GB or more
o IDE : VS Code o Hard Disk : 1 TB
o Sensor : MQ135
o Microcontroller : Arduino UNO R3

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Industries and Organization

Reduction of carbon dioxide emission of organization and industries by load shifting which in
increases understanding the pattern of pollution.
People with health conditions like asthma are sensitive to poor air quality. Increased exposure to
poor breathing condition can make condition even worse due to which our prediction model helps
in determining the optimum conditions

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 9

● As a result of the framework presented, addressing an existing gap in research that only
considers the generation side as a major source of emissions using the dedicated sensors to
allocate the carbon footprint among consumers
● Consumers may be encouraged to reduce their demands on receiving incentive information
such as high carbon footprint. In light of the results, the proposed framework appears to benefit
the demand as well as the generation sides
● Based on numerical efficiency and acquired data the proposed model would learn by
experience, feeding massive amounts of data from its environment and recommending
appropriate actions on the basis of its conclusions which results in new approaches and policies
for sustainable development

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore 10


[1] Pourakbari-Kasmaei, M., Lehtonen, M., Contreras, J., & Mantovani, J. R. S. (2019).
Carbon footprint management: a pathway toward smart emission abatement. IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(2), 935-948.
[2] Asopa, P., Purohit, P., Nadikattu, R. R., & Whig, P. (2021, February). Reducing Carbon
Footprint for Sustainable development of Smart Cities using IoT. In 2021 Third
International Conference on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual
Mobile Networks (ICICV) (pp. 361-367). IEEE.

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore

December 7, 2021 Dept. of ISE,SCEM Mangalore

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