Given Name: Yawar Surname: Abbas Nationality: Pakistani University: Wuhan University

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Given Name : Yawar

Surname : Abbas
Nationality : Pakistani
University : Wuhan University

Host Supervisor
Liu Jin Shuo
Agenda of the Presentation
What is Cryptography?
Purpose Of cryptography
Architecture of cryptography
Types of Cryptography
Process of cryptography
Types Of cryptography Algorithms
Attacks of cryptography
Global internet is internationally connected network of a
computers network with addresses, administrated by(IANA).
There are many aspects to security of many applications ranging
from secure commerce, payment to private communication and
protecting password, one essential aspect for secure
communication is that of cryptography.
What is Cryptography?
• Cryptography derived its name from Greek word called
“Krypto” which means hidden secrets.
• Cryptography is the practice & study of hiding information. It is
the art of converting a plain intelligible data into an
unintelligible data & again retransforming that message into
original form.
• It provides Confidentiality, integrity & accuracy.

 Authentication:
The process of providing one’s identity.
 Confidentiality:
Ensuring that no one can read the message except the intendat
 Non-Repudiation:
The mechanism to prove that the sender really send this
 Integrity:
Assuring the receiver that the received message has not been
changed in any way from original.
Asymmetric Cryptography
It is also called public key cryptography.
It uses two key “a pair of keys for encryption and decryption.
Each entity has 2 keys:
 Private Key (a secret)
 Public key (well known).
• Encryption convert the human-readable plaintext to
incomprehensible text, also known as cipher text. Thus, only
secure party can decipher it.
• Encryption requires the use of a encryption algorithm and
cryptographic key
 The type of operation for transforming plain text to cipher text
• Simply, replacing each letter of plain text by some other
letter to convert it to cipher text
• ABCD (Plain Text) -> EFGH (Cipher Text)
Transformation / Permutation
• Jumbling up the letters of plain text to confuse the attacker
• ABCD (Plain Text) -> CDAB (Cipher Text)
Encryption depends upon three factors
1. Procedure for the Formation of cipher text from plain text

2. The number of keys used

Can use either one key: shared Key/Secrete Key
Or two keys: public and shared key

3. Way in which plain text is proceeded

1. Block Manner
2. Stream Manner
Types of Encryption
Using Keys
 Public keys are used for encrypting.
Key 1
A B

Encry Coded Decry

Hello Hello
ption Format ption
plain text plain text
 Private keys are used for decrypting.

Encry Coded decryp
Hello Hello
ption format tion
Plain text plain text

Public Key Private key

Block Cipher
 Raw data is divided into fixed size of blocks or chunks

 Each block is processed by several functions with the secret key

 Size of block, key, and the functions using in the process are determined by the

 128 bit block cipher will convert the data into blocks of 128 bit size

 These blocks are encrypted individually they are chained together to form a
cipher text.

 The inverse functions are used for decryption.

 Example Algorithms: AES, DES, 3DES

Stream Ciphers
Stream Ciphers are the algorithm that encrypt basic
information, one bit/byte at a time

Relies on single bit or byte

Quick format of encryption as algorithm does not have to

deal with block of data at a single time, every piece of data
goes into encryption can and needs to be converted into
binary format
Block Cipher
Plain Text

64 64 64 64 64 64
Block Cipher
Plain Text

64 64 64 64 64 64

Key (40,56,64,128,256 bits)

Block Cipher
Plain Text

64 64 64 64 64 64

Key (40,56,64,128,256 bits)

Cipher Text
64 64 64 64 64 64
Block & Stream Ciphers
Symmetric Encryption
 A private-key encryption is defined by
 Message space X and algorithms (Key generation algorithm, encryption algorithm
and decryption algorithm)
 Key Generation algorithm
 is a randomized algorithm that chooses a key K.
 Encryption Algorithm
 Takes two inputs: A key K and Message X and its output a cipher text C
 C<- Enck(m)
 Decryption Algorithm
 takes Key K and cipher text C and it outputs a message m or error
 M:=Deck(c)
 Encryption is randomized process whereas decryption is a deterministic process.
 Deck(Enck(m))=m
Limitation of Symmetric Encryption
Need a strong encryption algorithm

Same Key for Encryption and Decryption means a single

point of failure

Key needs to be always kept secret, key must be provided

separate from cipher text

Receiver/Third party can also generate message with the

same key, so authentication issue will arise should the secret
key is leaked.
Data Encryption Standard - DES
It is a encryption decryption algorithm that works in a
block way block manner

Each block is encrypt individually and they are later

change together to form a final cipher text

Follow a specific structure that is feistal network structure

Uses substitution and permutation alternatively

Decryption is reverse of encryption

Feistel Network Structure
Plain Text
64 Bits

L0 R0 Divided in to two equal halves

Feistel Network Structure
Plain Text
64 Bits

L0 R0 Divided in to two equal halves


L1 R1
Plain Text
64 Bits

Round 1
L0 R0
Divided in to two equal halves

+ F

L1 R1
Round 2

+ F

L2 R2
Triple DES (3DES)
 Repeats basic DES algorithm three times using either two or three
unique keys
 First standardized for use in financial applications in ANSI standard
X9.17 in 1985
 Attractions:
 168-bit key length overcomes the vulnerability to brute-force
attack of DES
 Underlying encryption algorithm is the same as in DES
 Drawbacks:
 Algorithm is sluggish in software
 Uses a 64-bit block size
Triple DES (3DES)

Original Cipher
Plain Text Text 1

Key 1
Triple DES (3DES)

Original Cipher
Plain Text Text 1

Encryption Cipher
Text 2
Key 1

Key 2
Triple DES (3DES)

Original Cipher Cipher Test
Plain Text Text 1

Encryption Cipher
Text 2
Key 1

Key 2
Key 3
Advance Encryption Standard - AES
Published as a FIPS 197 standard in 2001

AES data encryption is a more mathematically efficient and

elegant cryptographic algorithm, but its main strength rests
in the option for various key lengths

AES allows you to choose a 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit key,

making it exponentially stronger than the 56-bit key of DES
AES uses permutation-substitution, which involves a series
of substitution and permutation steps to create the encrypted
AES Design

Secret Key Plain Text

AES Design

Secret Key Plain Text

AES Design

128 Bits Secret Key Plain Text

AES Design

128 Bits
Plain Text
192 Bits Secret Key
256 Bits


Cipher Text
10,12,14 rounds for 128,192,256 bit keys
Regular rounds(9,11,13)
Final rounds is different(10th ,12th ,14th )
10,12,14 rounds for 128,192,256 bit keys
Regular rounds(9,11,13)
Final rounds is different(10th ,12th ,14th )

Sub bytes


rounds key
Bits Key Length Block Size Number of
AES-128 4 4 10
AES-192 6 4 12
AES-256 8 4 14

The AES Algorithm operation performed on a two

dimensional array of bytes called the state.
Inpute Bytes
in0 in4 in8 in12
in1 in5 in9 in13
in2 in6 in10 in14
in3 in7 in11 1in15
The AES Algorithm operation performed on a two
dimensional array of bytes called the state.
Input Bytes State Array
in0 in4 in8 in12 S 0,0 S 0,1 S 0,2 S 0,3
in1 in5 in9 in13 S 1,0 S 1,1 S 1,2 S 1,3
in2 in6 in10 in14 S2,0 S 2,1 S2,2 S 2,3
in3 in7 in11 1in15 S3,0 S 3,1 S3,2 S 3,3
The AES Algorithm operation performed on a two dimensional
array of bytes called the state.
Input Bytes State Array Output Bytes
in0 in4 in8 in12 S 0,0 S 0,1 S 0,2 S 0,3 Out Out Out Out
in1 in5 in9 in13 S 1,0 S 1,1 S 1,2 S 1,3 4 8 12

in2 in6 in10 in14 S2,0 S 2,1 S2,2 S 2,3 Out Out Out Out
1 5 9 13
in3 in7 in11 1in15 S3,0 S 3,1 S3,2 S 3,3
Out Out Out Out
2 6 10 14
Out Out Out Out
3 7 11 15
Attacking Symmetric Encryption
Cryptanalytic Attacks Brute-Force Attacks
 Rely on:
 Try all possible keys on some
 Nature of the algorithm cipher text until an intelligible
 Some knowledge of the translation into plaintext is
general characteristics of
 On average half of all
the plaintext
possible keys must be
 Some sample plaintext- tried to achieve success
cipher text pairs
 If successful all future and
past messages encrypted
with that key are
Attacks of cryptography
Cipher text only attack
 The only data available is a target cipher text
Known plaintext attack
 A target cipher text
 Pairs of other cipher text and plaintext (say, previously
broken or guessing)
Attacks of cryptography
Chosen plaintext attacks
 A target cipher text
 Can feed encryption algorithm with plaintexts and
obtain the matching cipher texts
Chosen cipher text attack
 A target cipher text
 Can feed decryption algorithm with cipher texts and obtain
the matching plaintext matching cipher texts
Hash functions
The ideal cryptographic hash function has four main
• It is easy to compute the hash value for any given message
• It is infeasible to generate a message from its hash
• It is infeasible to modify a message without changing the hash
• It is infeasible to find two different messages with the same
Security of Hash Functions
Public-Key Encryption Structure
Architecture of cryptography
Public/Private Key Cryptography
 Asymmetric key cryptography overcomes the key management
problem by using different encryption and decryption key
pairs. Having knowledge of one key, say the encryption key, is
not sufficient enough to determine the other key - the
decryption key.

 The mathematical relationship between the public/private key

pair permits a general rule: any message encrypted with one
key of the pair can be successfully decrypted only with that
key's counterpart.
Cryptography Tools
 OpenSSH
 Putty
 WinSCP
 GnuPG
Applications of Cryptography
Digital Currency
digital currency wherein cryptocurrencies are traded over the
internet. Top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ripple have been
developed and traded over time.
Applications of Cryptography
e-commerce in order to understand how it works. 
E-commerce startups enable us to shop items online and pay for
them online.  
These transactions are encrypted and perhaps cannot be altered
by any third party. Moreover, the passwords we set for such sites
are also protected under keys to ensure that no hacker gets access
to our e-commerce details for harmful purposes
Applications of Cryptography
Military Operations
The applications of cryptography in the military are well-known.
Military operations have also derived great use from
cryptography for a long time. Used for encrypting military
communication channels, military encryption devices convert the
real communication characters so that the enemies cannot come
to know about their upcoming plans.
We use different types of algorithms to establish security
services in different service mechanisms.
We use either private key cryptography or public key
cryptography according to requirement.
 If we want to send message quickly we use private key
algorithm and if we want to send messages secretly we use
public key algorithm.

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