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Social Control

Group Members
Muhammad Shaheer Shafaqat 2336

Muhammad Wajahat ullah 2344

Zain-ul-Abideen 2328

Usama Javed 2351

Sajid Ali 2303

What is Social Control
Definition of Social Control
Meaning of Social Control
Characteristics of Social Control
Types of Social Control
Agencies of Social Control
What is Social Control
Social control is the basic mean of social solidarity
and conformity rather than deviance.
 It controls the behavior, attitudes and actions of
individuals to balance their social situation.
Man is born free but in chains everywhere he lives. A
person living in a society has to adopt certain rules and

Muhammad Wajahat ullah 2344

What is Social Control
These are the social norms on which the whole society
is running
For smooth functions and running of these norms
these controls are necessary.
 It regulates harmony and brings unity among
individuals of the same group. It also affects
socialization process.

Muhammad Wajahat ullah 2344

What is Social Control
 When social norms are followed by the people of
a society, it means that they adopt conformity to
society and establish control.
The deviancy from these norms leads to
punishment may be lighter or serious, which touch
the boarder of law.

Muhammad Wajahat ullah 2344

Meaning of Social Control

It means to bring people of society

within the limits and compel them
to adopt conformity to social

Muhammad Wajahat ullah 2344

Definition of Social Control
According to Fairchild
It is the process which helps a society to secure
conformity to individuals as well as groups.

Horton & Hunt says that social control is a complete

process where a society provides security to its
members and conformity to their prospects.

Muhammad Shaheer Shafaqat 2336

Definition of Social Control

Mannheim says, it is the collection of methods which

can help to influence human behavior to retain social
It is very clear that it stops deviation to social norms
and bring control and conformity in a society. It is the
collective behavior through which the process of social
order remains constant.

Muhammad Shaheer Shafaqat 2336

Characteristics of Social Control

Following are three main characteristics

1. It is an influence exerted through social
suggestions, public opinion, religion and appeal.

2. Influence is exercised by society bitterly than a

single person or individual, such groups may be
in the form of a family, union, club etc.

Muhammad Shaheer Shafaqat 2336

Characteristics of Social Control

Every control as influence exercised by a

specific society for the promoting of group
welfare. Social control is exercised for some
specific ends and goals to achieve by the
individual of a collective group.

Muhammad Shaheer Shafaqat 2336

Types of Social Control
Some of the types of social control are as follows:
1. Direct and Indirect Control
2. Positive and Negative Means
3. Conscious and Unconscious Control
4. Formal and Informal Control
5. Real and Artificial Control

Zain-ul-Abideen 2328
1. ‘Karland Indirect Control
Mannheim’ is of
the view that control
may be direct as well as indirect.
 Direct control is that, which is exercised by the
primary groups like family, peer groups, who praise
or condemn the behavior of an individual.
Indirect control is exercised by the secondary
groups like traditions, customs, institution etc

Zain-ul-Abideen 2328
2. Positive and Negative Means
There are two types of means according to
Kimble Young.
 One is positive means which exists in form
of praise, prizes, fame and respect.
Another mean is negative, which found in
the shape of criticism, punishment and

Zain-ul-Abideen 2328
Conscious and Unconscious Control
Bernarol has classified it on the basis of conscious
and unconscious.
 Conscious social control is developed in the real
sense by the society (law), while unconscious is
followed by the individuals but have no attention
towards it and adopt unconsciously i.e. customs and

Zain-ul-Abideen 2328
Formal and Informal Control
Formal control is designed and regulated by

some authority like government makes law to

control order.
 Informal is the unwritten rules and

regulation characterized by informal authority

like criticism, sociability, public opinion etc. 
Sajid Ali 2303
Real and Artificial Control
Artificial social control imposes by an
individual on himself without the force of
society. It is also called self-control.
While real control is enforced by the
society on individuals and they are bound to
follow these rules due to fear of punishment.

Sajid Ali 2303

Agencies of Social Control
Agencies of Social Control can be broadly
divided into two main types

Informal Agencies

Formal Agencies

Sajid Ali 2303

Formal Agencies
1. The Law: It’s the most obvious formal agency that
exercises social control. It determines possible
offenders against the social order.
2. Educational Institution: Schools formulate
specific rules and regulations that ensure discipline
and a code of conduct.

Sajid Ali 2303

Informal Agencies
1. Family: The most important agency of social control
is family. Family has the control over child. A person
might violate the other codes and conducts but not
the family norms.

2. The Peer Group: The peer group controls its

members by informal sanctions

Usama Javed 2351

Informal Agencies

3. Caste/Class: Each caste and class has its own

code of conduct which exercises control over the
4. Religion: The religious ideology helps the
demarcate between good and bad, sacred and
profane etc.

Usama Javed 2351

Therefore, we can say that through social control,
members of group remain united and exhibit a
common behaviour pattern pattern.
 In case there is no social control, society would
wither away. It is for this reason that an
overwhelming majority of our society adhere to
normative pattern.

Usama Javed 2351

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