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Developing Design Concepts for Specific Product Packaging


• Orthographic and
Isometric methods are
basic drafting design
setup use in designing
product packaging. It is
one way to describe a
three-dimensional object
in two-dimensional space.
• shows you the true size of the object, if you are drawing on 1:1 scale but
Isometric Projection do not
What is Orthographic • are typically two-dimensional views of an object. For instance, if you were

Drawings? designing a table, you would draw a top view, side view and a bottom view.
Should these three views not fully explain the design of the table other views
would need to be drawn. When drawing an perspective view in an
orthographic manner, you would utilize a 45 degree triangle for the lines that
extend back or forward from the vertical lines.
What is Isometric
•is meant to depict a 3D image of
an object in what appears to be a
perspective view.
•are from the family of axonometric
projection systems. Isometric
comes from Greek for equal
measure. This is because
isometrics don't use a vanishing
point system, instead lines fall
onto a 30-degree grid.
Creating an Isometric grid
Using Adobe Photoshop
Start by making a new file (Control-N) in Photoshop. Set its
Step 1 canvas size to 600 px × 600
Step 2
First, we will create an
isometric grid made of line
Activate the Line Tool with
Weight: 1 px. Hold Shift and then
drag to draw a vertical line
Step 3
Select the line using the Path
Selection Tool. Hold Control and
then drag the line to duplicate it.
Step 4
Repeat this process a few times until we have
enough vertical lines on the canvas. Still using
the Path Selection Tool, select all the vertical
lines and then click Distribute Widths from the
Option Bar.
Step 5
While the lines are selected, hit Control-J to
duplicate them.
Step 6
Hit Control-T to transform the
selected lines. Rotate them 60°.
Step 7
Once again, duplicate the vertical lines and then
rotate them, this time -60°
Step 8
Move the lines until
they are aligned
perfectly and give us a
perfect triangular
Step 9
Put all the layers into a group
layer for easier layer
Let’s give a try!
1. Start by making a new file (Control-N) in Photoshop. Set its canvas size to 600 px × 600 px.
2. Create an isometric grid made of line vectors. Activate the Line Tool with Weight: 1 px. Hold Shift and
then drag to draw a vertical line.
3. Select the line using the Path Selection Tool. Hold Control and then drag the line to duplicate it.
4. Repeat this process a few times until we have enough vertical lines on the canvas. Still using the Path
Selection Tool, select all the vertical lines and then click Distribute Widths from the Option Bar. Now,
the distance between each line should be distributed evenly.
5. While the lines are selected, hit Control-J to duplicate them.
6. Hit Control-T to transform the selected lines. Rotate them 60°.
7. Once again, duplicate the vertical lines and then rotate them, this time -60°.
8. Move the lines until they are aligned perfectly and give us a perfect triangular pattern.
9. Put all the layers into a group layer for easier layer management.

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