Week 8 Module 7 Lecture

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Course Objective

 To explain the association of self and possessions. To appraise one’s self based on
the description of material self.
Lesson 7: The Economic/Material View of
the Self
 This section will be asynchronous class. Take note of the related assessment task
at the end of the lesson.
The role of Material Objects in Self-
description and self-perception
 • Self- description (Your dictionary, n.d.)
It is the way in which you describe or talk about yourself to the world. When you
describe yourself to others as fun and creative, this is an example of your self-

 • Self- Perception (Your dictionary, n.d.)

An awareness of the characteristics that constitute one’s self; self- knowledge.

 • Materialism and personality (Mpoula, 2017)

“Materialism is a value that represents the individual’s perspective regarding the
role possessions should play in (a person’s) life.” (Richins, 1994 p. 522)
 • Materialistic traits. (Mpoula, 2017)
Possessiveness- control or ownership of possessions (Blek, 1983 p. 514)
Nongenerosity- unwillingness to share (Blek, 1984 p. 291)
Envy- feelings of hatred or dislike at another person’s superiority (Schoeck, 1966)

 • A value Conceptualization of Materialism (Mpoula, 2017)

Pursuit of possessions and materialism’s role in consumption choices reflects
materialism as a value
The importance of acquisition to reach satisfaction
Impossible to achieve happiness (Fournier and Richins, 1991 p. 411)

 • Possessions and happiness (Mpoula, 2017)

Devotion of time and money (Boven, 2005 pp. 132)
The importance of buying more ( Richins, 2003 p. 1)
“…joyless material possessions[….] resulting in comfort but not pleasure” (as cited in
Nicolac et al., 2009 p. 189)
Implications of possessions or lack of them for self-esteem
and feeling of well-being (Vashishtha, 2012).

 • Possession and Self

When knowingly or unknowingly, internationally, we regard our possessions as parts of
 • “ A man Self is the sum total of all that he can call his, not only his body and his
psychic powers, but his clothes and his house, his wife and his children, his ancestors
and friends, his reputation and works, his lands, and yacht and bank account. All these
things give him the same emotions. If they wax and prosper, he feels triumphant; if they
dwindle and die away, he feels cast down- not necessarily in the same degree for each
thing, but in much the same way for all. “William James (1980).
• Possessions
The extended includes external objects, personal possessions, personal, places and groups
possession, body parts, vital organs… (Which as “me” and also which as “mine”). Between
what a men calls me and what he calls mine the line is difficult to draw. We feel and act
about certain things that are ours very much as we feel and act about ourselves. Our fame,
our children, the work of our hands, may be as dear to us as our bodies are (James - 1890).
External objects become a viewed as part of self when we are able to exercise power or
control over them, just as we might control an arm or a leg. The greater the control we
exercise, the more closely allied with self the object should become, (McClelland- 1951).

• Extended Self
Cannot differentiate between me and mine. A product or a thing becomes a part of
personal well- being and it gets attached to emotions, sentiments, later becoming the
part of one’s personality.
• Wealth essentially means a lot of influential, famous and intellectual people
around you. It leads to your social status and how seriously and respectfully people treat
you. This leads to self- confidence.
Assessment Task 8 - 1 (Online activity)

 Watch the video “Get out of Materialism Trap Now”. The link is

 I. What is the theme of the video?

 II. What will be your plans and/or steps to get out of materialism trap?
Assessment Task 8 - 2 (Off-line activity)

 1. If you were to be given a credit card, enumerate the things that you will
“add to cart”. Explain your answer for your given products/services.

 2. Create a collage or drawing of your treasured possessions and clothing

styles right now. You may use any symbol to create a meaningful answer.

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