Elderly Concept

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• according to World Health Organization (WHO)
elderly is a population group aged 60 years old or
•Law No. 13 of 1998 concerning the welfare of the
elderly. Elderly is a population who has reached the
age of 60 years old and over.
•In general, a person is said to be elderly if he is over
60 years old, but this definition varies greatly
depending on socio-cultural, physiological and
chronological aspects.
•Old age is defined as a decline, weakness, increased susceptibility
to various diseases and environmental changes, loss of mobility
and dexterity, and physiological changes associated with age.
•Elderly is not a disease, but is an advanced stage of a life process
marked by a decrease in the body's ability to adapt to
environmental stress.
In Indonesia, elderly is 60 years old and over. This is emphasized in Law
Number 13 of 1998 Some opinions of experts regarding the age limit are as
follows :
1. According to World Health Organization(WHO), there are 4 steps :
a. Middle age, 45-59 years old
b. Elderly, 60-74 years old
c. Old, 75-90 years old
d. very old, > 90 years old
2. According to ministry of health Republic of Indonesia (2015)
elderly divided into:
a. elderly (60-69 years old)
b. elderly with the high risk (over 70 years of age or older with
health problems)
Characteristics of the elderly
a. Elderly is a period of decline

The decline in the elderly partly comes from physical factors and psychological factors. Motivation has
an important role in the decline in the elderly. For example the elderly who have low motivation in
carrying out activities, it will accelerate the process of physical decline, but there are also elderly who
have high motivation, the physical decline in the elderly will occur longer.
b. The elderly have the status of a minority group.
This condition is a result of unpleasant social attitudes towards the elderly and is reinforced by
unfavorable opinions, for example, the elderly who prefer to defend their opinions, the social attitude
in society becomes negative, but there are also elderly people who have tolerance for others so that the
social attitudes of the community become positive.
c. Aging requires a change of roles.

This role change was made because the elderly began to experience setbacks in all respects. Changes
in the role of the elderly must be carried out on the basis of their own desires, not on the basis of
pressure from the environment. For example, the elderly occupy social positions in the community
as RW heads, the community may not dismiss the elderly as RW heads because of the age factor.

d. Bad adjustment in the elderly

Bad treatment of the elderly makes them tend to develop a bad self-concept so that it can describe
bad behavior. As a result of this bad treatment, the elderly also adjust themselves. For example: the
elderly who living with their families are often not involved in making decisions because they have
an old-fashioned mindset, this condition causes the elderly to be withdraw from the environment,
fast and even have low self-esteem.
Demographics of elderly in Indonesia
•Of all the elderly in Indonesia, the young
elderly (60-69 years old) far dominate with a
magnitude that reaches 63.82 percent, followed
by the middle elderly (70-79 years old) and the
elderly (more than 80 years old) with a
magnitude of each 27.68 percent and 8.50
Indonesian Population Pyramid 1971, 2000, 2019

Based on the pyramid image, during the period 1971-2019 it can be seen that the age structure
of the Indonesian population continues to change and begins to shift towards old age. Those
who were previously a bonus from the demographics and were born in the baby boom era,
have begun to shift into productive people who will later become elderly
Distribution of elderly
The presence of the elderly population is spread
out both in urban and rural areas, where the
elderly population living in urban areas is higher
than rural areas (52.80 percent compared to
47.20 percent). The percentage of the elderly in
Indonesia is dominated by young elderly (age
group 60-69 years old) whose percentage reaches
63.82 percent, the rest is middle elderly (age
group 70-79 years old) by 27.68 percent and old
elderly (age group more than 80 years old) of
Five Provinces with Older Population Structures in Indonesia, 2019

Provinces with the highest percentage of the elderly population in 2019 were
the Special Region of Yogyakarta (14.50 percent), Central Java (13.36 percent),
East Java (12.96 percent), Bali (11.30 percent), and North Sulawesi ( 11.15
percent). The five provinces are provinces that have an elderly population
structure considering that the percentage of the elderly is already above 10
The morbidity rate of the elderly population, 2015-2019

The morbidity rate of the elderly population in 2019 was 26.20 percent. That is, there are 26 to 27
elderly people who are sick out of 100 elderly people. The morbidity rate of the elderly in urban
areas (23.93 percent) is lower than that of the elderly in rural areas (28.73 percent). This shows that
the health status of the elderly in urban areas is relatively better than the health status of the elderly
in rural areas. In the last five years, the morbidity rate of the elderly population has tended to
decrease, although the decline is relatively not too large. This decrease is an indication of the
improving public health status
10 Most Diseases in the Elderly


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