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a documentary film by
Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott, and Joel Bakan
• The Corporation is a 2003 Canadian documentary film written by
University of British Columbia law professor Joel Bakan, The
Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. It was directed
by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott.
• It features few people from the corporate world; opinions from business
guru, business critics, executive officers, economist, broker, professors,
etc. which shows the listeners different point of views. They are either
with or against the corporate culture.
• The documentation was about the development of business field in the
world. How it began and how’s it going up until now.
• Corporation is a form of ownership by group of individual who share the
same objective, to serve the public good.
• Corporation as paradox is an institution that creates great wealth but can
cause enormous and often hidden harms to people or any kind of living

• This film is a virtual encyclopedia of the social and ecological

consequences of corporate power. The film traces the history of corporate
personhood. They run a psychological profile, Robert D. Hare, a
University of British Columbia psychology professor and a consultant to
the FBI, compares the profile of the contemporary profitable business
corporation have a personality disorder and was diagnosed as a
• The modern corporation possesses a characteristics that is callous,
unconcerned for the feeling of others, incapable to maintain enduring
relationships, repeteadly lying and conning other for profit with a reckless
disregard for the safety of others, deceitfulness, an inability to experience
guilt, and the failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful
• Corporation are an artificial creatures trying to devour as much profit as
possible at anyone’s expense and aims to take over the world.

• In European Commons, during 1415-16th century, people in medieval life

live a collective responsibility to the nature. . The CEO of Interface,
world’s largest commercial carpet man, Ray Anderson, explained that the
Industrial Age began in 1712 when and Englishman, Thomas Newcomen,
invented a steam driven pump to water out of the coal. This technique
created more coal than water per hour.
• In 1940, they explore the use of chemical in production. They were
maximizing the natural resources and anything that can be made in
different chemicals. As the use of chemicals flourish, it also has
disadvantages to human, animals, and environment. It produce various of
implications, birth defects and toxic effects.
• The industrial revolution is flawed, unsustainable and a mistake. They
were focused in creating the alternatives that they believed will make the
lives of everyone easier than the larger picture of long-term situation.
• The film shows how manipulative corporation is; it assembles a list of
corporate sins.
• . Corporations would also conduct a donation drive to help organizations
or they would pretend they’re an advocate to a specific issues and that
they are supporting projects to get money. This is their facade, they are
using the money of the people in their ends. This way, their company
would be the front of the donations and their taxes will then decrease or
gone at all.
• 1. What are the issues in the Corporation documentary?

There are several issues that were tackled in the documentary. These issues are the following:
* Harm to Workers
* Harm to Human Health
* Harm
* Animals
* Harm to Biosphere.
2. What are the pros and cons of a corporation?
Pros of Forming a Corporation
• Protection from Legal Liability • Shareholder Protection
• Attracting Investors • Right to Due Process and Equal
• Stock and Stock Options for Employees • Freedom of Speech
• Organization

Cons of Forming a Corporation

• Tax Liability • Two Tax Filings
• Time and Cost • Heavy Regulations
• More Complicated • No right to Legal Counsel
• Following Corporate Formalities • Self-Incrimination
3. What kind of person is the corporation?
• A corporation is a legal person with the same legal rights as an individual,
such as the ability to enter into contracts, sue and be sued, own property,
and so on. However, it is similar to a psychopath, who does not feel guilty
or cares about the heinous sins they have committed.
• These are special kinds of persons which are designed and by law to be
concerned only for their stockholders and not say what are sometimes call
their stakeholders like the community or the workforce or whatever
4. What have you learned from this documentary film?
• Modernity is another term for danger.
• The power of corporations to control people and media.
• Corporations are willing to commit crimes for the sake of profit.
• Upon watching the documentary I’ve learned and realized that if we don’t
be cautious in our actions and decisions then we will not just destroy our
world but also ourselves.
• The Corporation depicts the corporation's journey as well as a misleading
picture of the erosion of public confidence and failing to adhere to societal
standards. A company is a paradox in and of itself, earning riches at the
expense of societal harm.
• Corporations are two-headed creatures that would do anything for a profit
while sneakily diverting stakeholders by claiming to be stewards of the
earth by embracing social practices. They are driven by self-interest and
cannot care less about how it can affect society, workers, and the
• This is the kind of the film, which makes human beings assume and consider
feasible results of the businesses we now understand as an inevitable part of our
life. Sharp critics withinside the film do now no longer most effective explicitly
the opinion of the authors.
• Corporations are fixated with maximizing the monetary worth of every input
utilized in manufacturing and are careless about who suffers as a result.
Corporations require some legal framework to ensure that they consider the
societal consequences of their economic operations and protect themselves
from being unfairly characterized.
• Like Pennsylvania, who demands a limited corporation and to stop its
privilege to any rights as person, it is our right to call them out and speak
up. The reflection, rage and rebellion of the youth was the one who freed
us to the growing superiority of the corporations.
* Aizell Soriano * Kyla Panimbagon
* Christian Esguerra * Max Berdos
* Crizel Bañares * Paul Angelo Sanchez
* Julius Manabat * Rica Mae Collo
* Julius Manalo * Roselle Dizon Diwa
* Junryl Khris Masibag

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