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• orafacial clefts

• conotruncal heartdefects
• neural tube defects
• and limb reduction defects
Takamura et all, Japanese guidelines for allergic conjunctival diseases.2017
FDA : Medicine Use During Pregnancy,2015
Class Topical Steroid

Natasha L Herz MD, AAO, 2016

WHO classification of topical corticosteroids, 2011
Transcorneal absorption

Accumulation in aqueous humor

Distribution to intraocular structures

Trabecular meshwork pathway

Distribution to systemiccirculation
Enzymatic biotransformation of ocular drugs- significant
Inhibit topical steroid to systemic
• When eye drops are dispensed onto the surface of the eye, they remain there
for only a short time even when ophthalmic ointments are used. If the patient
presses the medial eye-nose corner (so-called puncta compression), this can
retard the diffusion of the drug into the lacrimal drainage. It has been estimated
that the ocular bioavailability of the active compound in eye drops is very poor,
a mere 5 -10%. Other factors can contribute to their low bioavailability, namely
binding to proteins and metabolizing enzymes in the lacrimal fluid, the
thickness of the corneal surface and lacrimal film as well as conjunctival

Anu Vaajanen, 2016

• Odds ratio (OR) • Confiden interval CI
is a measure of how strongly an event is Gives a range of values for an unknown
associated with exposure. The odds ratio is a parameter (for example, a population mean).
ratio of two sets of odds: the odds of the The interval has an associated confidence
event occurring in an exposed group versus level that gives the probability with which an
the odds of the event occurring in a non- estimated interval will contain the true value
exposed group. Odds ratios commonly are of the parameter. The confidence level is
used to report case-control studies. The odds chosen by the investigator. For a given
ratio helps identify how likely an exposure is estimation in a given sample, using a higher
to lead to a specific event. The larger the confidence level generates a wider (i.e., less
odds ratio, the higher odds that the event precise) confidence interval. In general terms,
will occur with exposure. Odds ratios a confidence interval for an unknown
smaller than one imply the event has fewer parameter is based on sampling the
odds of happening with the exposure distribution of a corresponding estimator
• The propensity score
Probability of treatment
assignment conditional on
observed baseline characteristics.
The propensity score allows one
to design and analyze an
observational (nonrandomized)
study so that it mimics some of
the particular characteristics of a
randomized controlled trial
Austin, 2016

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