OB Values, Attitude-New

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Values, Attitude and Personality

in an Occupational Context
What are values ?
Basic convictions that an end state of
existence is personally or socially preferable
to an opposite or converse mode of conduct
or end state of existence

For an organization “Earning profit by any

means is our value”

Hindus do not consume beef

Values contain an
• Judgemental element
• Individual or group ideas regarding which is
good/bad or preferable
• Conduct or end state of existence is important as
it has content attributes
• Intensity attribute – How important is the
conduct or end state of existence
▫ Individual’s value in terms of intensity can be
ranked which is called the VALUE SYSTEM
Value system
• Hierarchy based on the ranking of an
individual’s value in terms of their intensity.
• Relative importance assigned to each value like
freedom, pleasure, self-respect, honesty,
obedience and equality
Significance of values:
• Values are the basis for the study of
▫ Attitudes
▫ Perception
▫ Motivation
▫ Morale
▫ Formulation of pre-conceived notions
▫ Satisfaction and frustration
Types of values
• Terminal: Desirable end state of existence.
Individuals like to achieve these values during
their lifetime
• Instrumental values: preferable modes of
behaviour or means of achieving the terminal
Value Congruence
• Value of two units are similar
• Individual and Organizational Values are mostly
different 76 % precisely
Value across different Cultures
• Hofstede 5 Dimensions: 116000 IBM Employees in
40 countries
▫ Power Distance : power distributed unqually
▫ Individualism Vs Collectivism: act as individuals or
▫ Quantity of life Vs Quality of Life
● Quantity: assertiveness, acquisition of money, material
goods, competition
● Quality: relationships, sensitivity, concern.
▫ Uncertainty Avoidance: structured over unstructured
▫ Long term Vs Short Term Orientation:
• Attitude is evaluative statements or judgements
concerning objects, people or events.
Main components of Attitude (ABC)
• Cognitive Component: opinion or belief segment. It
sets the stage. Eg: “My pay is low”
• Affective Component: emotional or feeling segment
reflected in the statement. Eg: “Iam ANGRY over
how little I am paid”
• Behavioural Component: An intention to behave in a
certain way towards someone or something. Eg: “Iam
Going to look for another job that pays me better”
• cognitive and affective are intertwined or inseparable
The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
• Cognitive Dissonance: any incompatibility between
two or more attitudes or between behavior and
attitudes. Individuals will attempt to reduce
inconsistency which is uncomfortable (from
• Desire to reduce dissonance
Importance of the elements creating it. The more
important it is, the more motivated people to reduce
the dissonance.
Functions of attitude:
• Attitude influence behaviour . Eg: Retrenchment of
one employee led to resignation of many
• Daniel Katz – 4 different functions
▫ The Adjustment Function: form positive attitudes
if issues are solved by the superior. Positive attitude
helps in adjusting to work and the org.
▫ The Ego-Defensive Function: defend self image
and serve in justifying the action defending the ego.
▫ The Value-expressive Function: attitude provides
employees with a basis for expressing their values.
▫ The knowledge Function: Standard attitude
portrayed and others believe in it .
Barriers to Attitudinal Change:
• Prior commitment to a particular course of
action. Unwilling to change
• Result of inadequate information resisting
people to change.
Enabling Attitudinal Change
• Providing additional info
• Use of fear
• Resolving discrepancies
• Influence of friends and peers
• The Co-opting Approach : involve someone with
a disagreement to observe and change the
• Men’s brain vs Women’s brain:
• Procastrination:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arj7oStGLk

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