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Basic Concepts Applications Conclusion

Foundational concepts about Real-Life scenarios involving the Future of operational
operational amplifiers applications of operational amplifiers
Basic Terminologies
Amplifier – An amplifier is a circuit which produces the increased or an amplified version of
the given input signal.
Example : 1v (input signal) - 50v (output signal)

Amplifier Gain(A) – It is the ratio of output to input. There are three different kinds of
Amplifier Gain namely : Voltage Gain, Current Gain, Power Gain.
Example : Voltage Gain= 50v(output) / 1v(input) = 50

Impedance – It is the ratio of Voltage to that of current.

Example : Impedance = 50v / 10Amps = 5 ohms
Symbol of an Operational

Non – Inverting
input +V
Power Supply
V2 _ Avd
Where Vd = (v1 – v2)
Inverting input -V
What is an Operational Amplifier?

An operational amplifier or op amp is an analog circuit block that takes a

differential voltage input and produces a single-ended voltage output, or a linear
device used for DC amplification.

In other words, an op-amp is a very high gain amplifier fabricated on an IC. It can
be taken as a combination of many transistors, FETs, Resistors.

An op-amp at least have five terminals :

 Positive supply voltage terminal,

 Negative supply voltage terminal,
 Output terminal,
 Inverting input terminal,
 Non-inverting input terminal
Architecture of IC 741

1 8
Offset Null Not connected

2 7
Inverting Input Positive supply voltage
+ terminal
3 - 6
Non-inverting Input Output

Negative supply voltage 4 5

Offset Null

Offset Null – When both input are of same value, Vd becomes zero and therefore, the output should
become zero. But inner transistor saturation level, the voltage will tend to occur in a small value. To
avoid this scenario, offset null is used which makes the output as zero when both input are same
Advantages of using op-amp

1. Less power consumption,

2. Low cost,

3. More compact,

4. More reliable,

5. Higher gain and

6. Easy design.
Ideal op-amp vs Practical op-amp
In an ideal op-amp, voltage gain is infinity. Whereas a practical op-amp will have a voltage
gain between 10^5− 10^9 v.

In an ideal op-amp, input current is zero and therefore input impedance is infinity. Whereas a
practical op-amp has a finite resistance of 10^6− 10^12 ohm.

In an ideal op-amp, output impedance is zero. So, there is no voltage drop. Whereas a
practical op-amp has resistance ranging from 100 – 1000 ohm.

An ideal op-amp is very fast that a change in the input will be immediately displayed in the
output. Whereas a practical op-amp will take some time to display the output. Generally, it is
measured in slew rate. A practical op-amp will have a slew rate of 0.5-20 v/𝜇𝑠

Feedback is defined as the process of returning a part of the output signal from a circuit
device back to the input of that circuit

For the stable function of an op-amp, the feedback should be negative. If the feedback is
positive, the op-amp will oscillate.
Applications of op-amp

Due to the favorable characteristics of an op-amp, it has a wide variety of applications. It

plays a key role in the dc and ac amplification.

It is used in signal shaping as a comparator, zero crossing detector, schmitt trigger circuit,
filters and instrumentation amplifier.

Beyond these, op-amps also play a pivotal role in performing mathematical operations such
as summation, subtraction, integration, differentiation, buffering

Applications of op-amp is a vast subject. It is not possible to see every application of an op-
amp. However, this presentation will cover some of the important applications of an op-amp.
Op-amp as an inverting amplifier

An inverting amplifier takes the input through its

inverting terminal through a resistor R1 and
produces its amplified version as the output. This
amplifier not only amplifies the input but also inverts
it (changes its sign).

The gain of inverting amplifier is equal to – Rf/R1

The input impedance of this op amp circuit is not as high as the inverting format. As
a summing amplifier, this op amp circuit finds many applications within audio
mixers as well as many other electronic circuit designs where voltages need to be
summed together.
Op-amp as a Non-inverting amplifier
A non-inverting amplifier takes the input through
its non-inverting terminal and produces its
amplified version as the output. As the name
suggests, this amplifier just amplifies the input,
without inverting or changing the sign of the

The gain of the non-inverting amplifier is equal to

1 + Rf/R1

Non-inverting amplifiers are used in those scenarios where finds the high input
impedance is of importance.
Op-amp as an Adder

An adder is an electronic circuit that produces an

output, which is equal to the sum of the applied
inputs. This section discusses about the op-amp
based adder circuit.

An op-amp based adder produces an output equal

to the sum of the input voltages applied at its
inverting terminal. 

the given circuit, the non-inverting input terminal of the op-amp is connected to ground.
That means zero volts is applied at its non-inverting input terminal. The gain of an adder op-
amp is /= - /
Op-amp as a Differential Amplifier
Differential Amplifier is a device that is used
to amplify the difference in voltage of the two
input signals. Differential Amplifier is an
important building block in integrated circuits
of analog system.

In simple words, we can say It is a device that

amplifies the difference of 2 input signals.

 Inthe given circuit, the non-inverting input terminal of the op-amp is connected to ground.
That means zero volts is applied to its non-inverting input terminal. The output of a
differential amplifier = (- )
Importance of operational amplifiers

These different amplifiers are few examples of what op-amp can do. With just an addition of
few components and a couple tweaks, we can be able to form different amplifiers. These
different amplifiers are then used in a lot of other scenarios.

For instance, op-amps play a crucial in ships. Various components of ship are built with the
use of these amplifiers. Op-amps are used in audio amplification. It is also used as a voltage
and current regulator.
These are the different amplifiers that go into the

In all these scenarios, the application of op-amp as different amplifiers plays an important

Op-amps are the primary building block for analog systems, performing tasks like
amplification, active filtering, and signal transformation. In digital systems, op-amps are
used in buffers, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, and regulated
power supplies, to name a few applications.

In fact, most solid-state analog control systems have long relied on op-amps as essential
building blocks. These devices perform useful tasks, including addition, multiplication,
differentiation, integration, and feedback control.

With the current advancement in the technology, op-amp is expected to change a bit in its
internal architecture

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