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1. Problems
2. Video
Menus 3. Solutions
4. Conclusion
5. References
6. Questions
7. Profiles

What is computer ?

What are the
uses of computer ?

Taken from:


A. What is Computer ?


Picture 1. Picture 2.
Donald H. Sanders Robert H. Blissmer
Taken from:
experts.html computer is :
1. Donald H. Sanderes
The computer is an electronic system that has the ability to manipulate data
quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized to automatically
receive and store input data, processes it, and produces output under the
supervision of a step by step instruction program (Operating System) which Is
stored in the inside stored program.
MENUS 2. Robert H. Blissmer
Computer is an electronic device which has the ability to do some telecoms
like accept input, input processing, storing commands, and provide output.
B. What are the uses of
Computer ?
Uses of Computer in
Daily life - Education

Picture 3. Computer in the class

1. Uses of computer in Education field

Schools and colleges around the world are using computer technologies to teach
students digitally and creatively with data visualization. Uses of the computer in a
classroom will explore creativity and imagination in students mind.  Drawing
tools, spreadsheet, Audio, Video lectures and power point presentations etc.
Uses of Computer in
Daily life - Business

Picture 4. Computer in the office

2. Use of computer in business

Businesses and companies use a computer to do marketing and business
planning, they use a computer to record customer data, they use a computer to
manage goods and services etc. Computer with an internet connection is really
MENUS important for businesses. Now they can do Internet marketing, they can sell
product and services online. They can manage; hire employees around the world
by the use of computer and internet.
Uses of Computer in
Daily life - Health

Picture 5. Computer in the hospital

3. Uses of computer in hospital

Uses of the computer in hospital provide many benefits for doctors and patient.
Hospitals can create a database of a patient with their treatment records, medicine
records. Doctors are using a computer to diagnose the diseases of patients faster.
MENUS They are taking help of various medical applications of computer and hardware
devices. The use of computer and its application in hospitals are such as to do the
research on diseases, blood test, and urine test, brain testing, and body scanning
Uses of Computer in
Daily life - Financial

Picture 6. Computer in the bank

4. Uses of computer in banking sector

Banks are using computers daily to faster and accurate the customer demands.
Banks are using a computer to deposit customer money in their account. In this
case, cashier enters. the account number of customer in their banking application,
MENUS they first confirm the account number and customer details and then enter the
deposited amount in their banking application by the use of the keyboard. This
process is faster and accurate. Banks are also providing ATM to withdraw and
cash deposit ATM’s for their customer.
Uses of Computer in
Daily life – Personal Use

Picture 7. Computer in home

5. Uses of computer in home

Computer uses in home depend on the user. There are so many people using the
computer at home. Some people are using the computer to take online classes.
Some people using the computer to do online business. Some people are using the
MENUS computer listen to songs and to watch movies etc.
We conclude that Computer has become an essential thing
in our daily life, nowadays almost everything uses computer
from big companies to small Institutions whether for group
or individual needs all of them are using computer and it is
also important for us to learn how to use computer because it
can make our life easier.
But we have to remember that we should not over use it
because everything that is too much or over is not good for
our life, and also don’t rely too much on
computer because “Man is still extraordinary computer of
all” – John F. Kennedy

Lists of references that •

helped us. g-to-experts.html




1. What are the benefits of computer in society ? The benefits of computer,
6 Taken from:

QUESTIONS 1. Communication
The advent of the Internet and its proliferation have force-multiplied the usage of
computers. People all over the world are able to communicate, engage and interact with
each other using IM, email, blogs, online forums, social media and other options.
2. Jobs Influence
The widespread use and application of computers has created multiple industries,
derived sectors and professions and facilitated job opportunities for millions of people.
3. Education
Computers have simplified and streamlined the process of education for millions of
young teens, college going students and post-graduates. The use of computers has
democratized the influence, reach education and knowledge to students in far-flung and
geographically remote regions.
2. What will happen if we use computer for too long ? If we use computer too long
Taken from:
1. Causes poor blood circulation
Using computer for long hours means sitting in the same position which leads to poor
blood circulation. This causes fatigue in the limbs, painful cramps and blood clots.
Prolonged sitting is never healthy for the body and it is always advised to move around
and do little exercises to stretch your body.
2. Can lead to insomnia
Giving up sleep to stay hooked to computer and internet has become a norm for a large
number of youngsters these days. Not just the computer distracts them from taking a
good night’s sleep but it also disturbs their normal sleeping pattern causing adverse
effects on the health.
3. An unhealthy addiction
I think we all are well aware of how addictive gadgets can be. Especially when we are
MENUS talking about computers, once you have become an active user it isn’t very difficult to
get caught in the addiction.

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