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Civil Engineering
Types of canal lining

 Cement concrete Lining: Concrete as a lining

material gives excellent hydraulic properties. The
thickness of lining is governed by the requirement
of imperviousness and structural strength. The
thickness provided is from 5 to 10 cm for M15 and
7.5 cm to 15 cm for M10 concrete. The concrete
used for lining has mix ratio 1:4:8 or 1:3:6 or 1:4:6.
Shotcrete Lining: Mixture of cement and sand
(1:4) is shot at the sub grade through a nozzle. The
thickness of this type of lining varies from 2.5 to
6.5 cm. Shotcrete consumes large amount of
cement. Shotcrete can be placed on irregular
subgrade and fine dressing of subgrade is not
Precast concrete Lining : This type of concrete
lining consists of precast slabs usually 90 cm x 30
cm in size. The thickness of each slab is from 5 to
6.5 cm. The blocks are manufactured with an
interlocking arrangement. The slabs are laid on
well prepared and compacted subgrade.
Cement mortar lining : Thickness for this of
lining is kept from 1 to 4 cm. A large amount of
cement is consumed in this type of lining and it is
very costly.
Brick Lining : This type of lining consists of single
or double layer of brick masonry or a layer of brick
masonry followed by a layer of tiles laid is mortar.
The first layer is laid on 12 mm layer of 1:6 cement
mortar. A 12 mm thick layer of plaster in 1:3
cement mortar is laid over the first layer. Then the
second layer is laid over it in 1:3 cement mortar.
Asphaltic lining: It is controlled mixture of asphalt
and grade aggregate mixed and placed at a high
temperature of and covered with 30 cm layer of earth
material for a protection. The mix is placed either by
hand or by equipment similar to that concrete.
Clay Puddle Lining : Clay puddle is produced
from by first exposing clay to weathering. It is then
mixed with water to bring it to the saturation and
pugged thoroughly by trampling under man’s or
cattle’s feet. This thickness of lining is 30 cm. It is
then protected by layer of earth material.
Sodium carbonate Lining : The mixture consists
of clayey soil (10%) and sodium carbonate (6%). The
thickness of lining is kept as 10 cm. this type of lining
is used for small canal and water course.
Stone block lining : This consists of undressed
stone block set in mortar laid over prepared sub
grade. The lining is able to check seepage effectively
but has a considerable resistance to flow of water.
Pre-fabricated light weight membrane : They
are matted fibers of asbestos or jute and are coated
with asphalt. It is laid on a smooth and prepared
subgrade, and is covered with layer ofearth material.
Bentonite and clay membrane : This consists of
bentonite or clay blanket 4 cm thick laid over a
prepared subgrade and covered with earth.
Road oil lining : The road oil sprinkled on
subgrade in thickness of about 1.5 mm is sufficient
enough to saturate subgrade to depth 8 cm. the
subgrade is then rolled so that oil enters the soil
 Purposes of lining

1) To reduce the seepage losses in canal.

2) To prevent scouring of bed sides.
3) To improve the discharge of canal by increasing the
velocity of flowing water.
4) To prevent water logging.
5) To increase the capacity of canal.
6) To increase the command area.
7) To control the growth of weeds.
8) To protect the canal from the damage by flood.

It reduces the loss of water due to seepage and hence

the duty is enhanced.
It controls the water logging.
It provides smooth surface and hence the velocity of
flow can be increased.
Due to the increased velocity the discharge capacity
of canal is also increased.
Due to the increased velocity the evaporation also is
It eliminates the effect of scouring in the canal bed.

The increased velocity eliminates the possibility of

silting in the canal bed.
It controls the growth of weeds along the canal sides
and bed.
It provides the stable section of the canal.
It prevents the sub soil salt to come in contact with
the canal water.
It reduces the maintenance cost of canal.

1) The initial cost of canal lining is very high.

2) It involves much difficulty for repairing the
damaged section of lining.
3) It takes too much time to complete the project
4) It becomes difficult if the outlets are required to be
shifted or new outlets are required to be provided
because dismantling of the lined section is difficult
5) there might be chances of leakage through joint.
Properties of good lining material

1) Water tightness
2) Low cost & subsequent less maintenance cost
3) Strength & durability
4) Prevention of weeds growth
5) Ease of constructing with local material
6) the lining material should be should be such that it can
be easily repaired.
7) it should be able to resist the growth of weeds and
attack of burrowing animals.
8) the surface of lining material should be smooth for
higher hydraulic efficiency.
Maintenance work of canal

Removal of silt: The silt should be removed

properly during closure period either manually or
with machines, and if it is more than canal should
be closed and then silt should be removed. silt can
be removed by increasing velocity of canal water by
addition of more water in it. It also removed by
providing silt ejector in canal.
Weed growth: weed affects efficiency of canal and
hence weeds and plants should be removed from
canal from their roots.
Maintenance work of canal
Strengthening of canal bank: The banks should be
strengthened properly. If any holes made by insects
are found, it should be properly closed. Leakage if
any found should be properly treated, if scouring of
banks noticed proper measures should be adopted.
Maintenance of service road: Canal roads are
inspected after • Heavy rains and necessary repair.
Work should be started if found any deterioration.
Overflow of canal banks: After rainy season proper
attention is given towards canal banks as banks may
get deteriorated due to heavy rains or flood and then
apply necessary treatment.
Design of alluvial channels

Design of non silting non scouring channel sections.

Kennedy’s theory
Lacey’s theory
Design Parameters

1) Cross sectional Area (A)

2) Depth of water over the bed (D)
3) Slope of the bed (S)
4) Rugosity Co-efficient (N)
5) Hyd. Mean Depth ( R)
6) Velocity of Flow (V)
7) Critical Velocity (Vo )
8) Discharge (Q)
9) Silt Factor (f)
10) B/D ratio
R. G KENNEDY an executive engineer of Punjab
PWD carried out extensive investigations on some
of the canal reaches in the upper bari doab canal
system he selected some straight reaches of the
canal section which had not posed any silting and
scouring problems during the previous 30 years.
From the observation he concluded that the silt
supporting power in a channel cross section was
mainly dependent upon the generation of the
eddies rising to the surface. These eddies are
generated due to the friction of the flowing water
with the channel surface.
vertical component of these eddies try to move the
sediment up while weight of the sediment tries to
bring it down. So if the velocity is sufficient to
generate eddies so as to keep the sediment just in
suspension, silting will be avoided, based on this
concept he defined critical velocity. According to
Kennedy the critical velocity ratio vc in a channel
may be defined as the mean velocity of flow which
will just keep the channel free from silting or
scouring. His investigations pertain to upper bari
doab canal in UP.
Critical Velocity Vo= 0.55 m D0.64
m = critical velocity ratio
= 1.1 to 1.2 for coarse sand
= 0.8 to 0.9 for fine sand
Mean velocity of flow is given by Kutter’sformula:
Kennedy’s Theory-Design Steps

Case 1: Q, N, m and S are known

Case 2: Q, N, m and B/D=x ratio are known
Design an irrigation channel on kennedy’s theory, to
carry a discharge of 40 cumecs. Take n=0.0225 &
m=1.05. The channel has a bed slope of 1in 5000

Q=45 cumecs, N=0.025, m=1.05
Design an irrigation channel to carry a discharge of
14 cumecs. Assume n=0.0225, M=1 AND B/D=5.7
Q=14cumecs, N=0.0225, m=1 and B/D=5.7
Drawback of Kennedy’s theory

The method involves trial and error.

Shape of section i.e. B/D is not known in advance.
Kutter’s equation is used instead of Manning’s
equation. Therefore limitations of Kutter’s formula
are also incorporated in Kennedy’s theory. Moreover
it involves more computations.
Drawback of Kennedy’s theory
Garret's diagram
Garret's diagram
Garret's diagram

It gives the graphical method of designing the

channel dimensions based on Kennedy's Theory.
The diagram has discharge plotted on the abscissa.
The ordinates on the left indicate the slope and on
the right water depth in the channel & critical
velocity Vo.
The discharge lines are curved and the bed width
lines are shown dashed.
Procedure to use Garret's diagram in channel design

Find out the discharge for which the channel is to be designed through Schedule of
Area Statistics.
Find out the slope of the channel through longitudinal section.
Follow the discharge line and find out its intersection with the horizontal line from
the slope. Interpolation may be done if needed. Mark the intersection point P.
Draw the vertical line through the intersection point. This will cut several bed width
curves. Each point of intersection gives a depth & Vo on right hand side of
Choose a pair of bed width, depth and Vo corresponding to point of intersection
obtained above.
Calculate the area of channel section A corresponding to channel bed width and
Calculate the velocity corresponding to the area A.
Calculate the ratio V/Vo. This should be equal to unity or as given for the channel
Repeat the procedure for other values of bed width and depth till the value of V/Vo
is the same value as given for channel design.
Lacey’s Regime Theory

Gerald Lacey -- 1930 Lacey followed Lindley’s

hypothesis: “dimensions and slope of a channel to carry
a given discharge and silt load in easily erodable soil
are uniquily determined by nature”. According to
Lacey: “Silt is kept in suspension by the vertical
component of eddies generated at all points of forces
normal to the wetted perimeter”. Regime Channel “A
channel is said to in regime, if there is neither silting
nor scouring”. According to Lacey there may be three
regime conditions:
(i) True regime; (ii) Initial regime; and (iii) Final
I. True regime A channel shall be in 'true regime' if the following
conditions are satisfied:
(i) Discharge is constant;
(ii) Flow is uniform;
(iii) Silt charge is constant; i.e. the amount of silt is constant;
(iv) Silt grade is constant; i.e., the type and size of silt is always the
same; and
(v) Channel is flowing through a material which can be scoured as
easily as it can be deposited (such soil is known as incoherent
alluvium), and is of the same grade as is transported. But in
practice, all these conditions can never be satisfied. And,
therefore, artificial channels can never be in 'true regime’;
they can either be in initial regime or final regime.
II. Initial regime bed slope of a channel varies cross-
section or wetted perimeter remains unaffected
III. Final regime all the variables such as perimeter,
depth, slope, etc. are equally free to vary and
achieve permanent stability, called Final Regime. In
such a channel, The coarser the silt, the flatter is the
semi-ellipse. The finer the silt, the more nearly the
section attains a semi-circle.
Lacey’s Equations

Drawbacks in Lacey’s theory

The concept of true regime is only theoretical and

cannot be achieved practically.
The various equations are derived by considering the
silt factor of which is not at all constant.
The concentration of silt is not taken into account.
The silt grade and silt charge are not clearly defined.
The equations are empirical and based on the
available data from a particular type of channel.
The characteristics of regime of channel may not be
same for all cases.

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