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I was in class 10th . It was 26th of November after 3days of my birthday. I got a present I
always wanted and dreamed for , No it was not phone nor a scotty. I got a elder sister. I
always had dreamed for a elder sister as all my friends have their elder siblings and all my
cousins of my age have their own sister so I always wanted one for me as well. I got my elder
sister as a gift now it will sound different but no guys I will explain and my mom n dad are
happily married with each other. So she was computer instructor in our school. It was
grandparents day celebration that day. Me and my friends were dancing on a side and we
bring supriya maam with us to dance, well yes I used to call her maam back then but now I
call her my baa. What happened was we pull her with us to dance and after the function was
over I went to her and said –
“ u didn’t dance properly”
Her- “club mai chalna mere saath I will show u kaise dance kiya jata hai”.
That day we click pictures and to send them I asked her number. She was good friend with a
teacher we were scared the most so we behaved with lots of dignity in messages also, because she
might complain who knows.
I used to go to her class and we used talk about life, basically I used to share everything with her
because she give that comforting vibes. Then in certain days we used to had lunch together.
we became close but not that close but then still enough close. One day I had extra class after
school I told maam about it and asked her addresse I said I will come. That day I somehow manage
to find her place and went their with 2 of friend whom she doesn’t like at all, we didn’t talk much
that day and I and my friends went home. Next day in school she scolded me a lot and I was sorry
for my behaviour.
After few days we were back to normal she was no more angry with me , and I again had an extra
class that day so asked her “can I come today?” , “She told me u can but don’t bring those friends
of ours I don’t like them”. I was obviously not taking them again with me.
So after class was over I went to supriya ma’am’s place she was staying on a girls hostel back then.
She took me to a restaurant so while going there we had to cross a road. I am sacred of crossing
roads for some weird reason I still am but little better now. She hold my hand while crossing road
and said:-
“I always wanted a little sister who would hold my hand and cross the road with me”
I was shocked when I heard that because that was what I wanted from many many years and from
her and she said it.
“ I said I always wanted a elder sister to hold my hand while crossing the road and to guide me
and scold me whenever needed”.
That was that day my dream came true!!!!!
Now we so close that I never feel like she is someone else she also feel the same thankfully, in
between we had lots of fights and arguments she has taken all the advantages of being the elder one
but I don’t mind it at all I love her.
Thank you for coming in my life and for completeting my dreams supu baa!!!

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