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Using Technology Responsibly

Best Practices for Safe and

Savvy Technology Use
Why Become Tech-Savvy?
• College students rely heavily on technology for
both academic and non-academic purposes
Laptops Netbooks MP3 Players Smart Phones
Tablets E-Readers Assistive Technology Devices

• Near-constant access to technology

• Need to accomplish many tasks online
• Skills are more than just how to use it; need to
be truly savvy about technology
Why do you use technology?


Social organized
Media Blogging

Homework Shopping listen

A Double-Edged Sword
• Technology is so well-integrated into daily life
that we may not realize its extent
• Pros: convenience and efficiency
Cons: dependence and vulnerability
• Technology’s benefits usually outweigh its risks
• However, serious problems can arise if you’re
not safe and savvy when using technology
Types of Technology-Related Risks

• Security Issues

• Safety Issues

• Privacy Issues

• Data Integrity Issues

If You Post It, They Will Find It
• Anyone can find a lot of information about you
• All it takes to find many details about you is…
– The motivation and persistence to look for them
– A small amount of prior knowledge about you
• If you are careless about online safety and
security, they may also be able to access more
sensitive or private information about you
Where Can I Find All This Information?
• Social networking sites • Wish lists/registries
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Amazon, Target, eBay
• Blogs • File-sharing sites
Blogger, Tumblr BitTorrent
• Personal websites • Entertainment sites/services
Hulu, Netflix, Goodreads
• Photo/video sites
YouTube, Instagram • Employment-related sites
Monster, CareerBuilder
• Dating sites
eHarmony, • Business sites
• Online video games Craigslist, Etsy, Roommates
Xbox Live, Steam • Other
Can you think of additional online
• Message boards resources where you may inadvertently
Any website with this feature be sharing more than you realize?
Potential Consequences of
Irresponsible Technology Use
• Disciplinary action from colleges/universities
• Losing a scholarship or athletic eligibility
• Stalking
• Use of posted information as incriminating
evidence in legal matters
• Identity theft
• Being passed over for a new job or internship
• Disciplinary action from an employer, including getting fired
How can you deal with
the risks inherent in
using technology?

You can’t ignore the risks, but you also

can’t avoid technology entirely.

The solution is to become “web wise”

and technologically-savvy.
From “Street Smart” to “Web Wise”

• “Street smart” people…

– Possess strong common sense
– Have good instincts
– Develop strong critical thinking skills
– Are aware of their environment, including the risks it may
– Use their skills to make good decisions and minimize risks

• “Web wise” is the internet version of “street smart”

Becoming “Web Wise” and Tech-Savvy
• Understand that being tech-savvy is about more
than knowing how to use technology
• Learn about technology-related risks
• Take steps to avoid or minimize risks
• Take responsibility for your role as a member of the
online community by being a good cyber-citizen
• Apply critical thinking skills and good judgment to
all your technology-related actions
Tips for Becoming a
“Web Wise” & Tech-Savvy
College Student
Keep a Clean Machine
• Use reputable security software and ensure that it
scans for threats regularly
– Anti-virus
– Anti-malware
– Anti-spyware

• Don’t bypass or disable security protocols

• Keep security software up-to-date
• Protect all devices that connect to the internet
• Don’t forget about external devices like flash drives
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