Designing For The Gig Economy: by Group 5

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Designing for the Gig

By Group 5

Jigar Joshi (20IB319)

Naman Mittal
Bhargavi Padhi (20IB3141)
Sudeep Khandelwal (20IB342)
Divya Malhotra (20IB363)
Shubhi Shrivastava (20IB338)
Understanding the Problem

A paradigm shift in the 21st


No proper business model by

organisations employing gig workers

Lack of offerings, benefits for gig

The number of freelancers/gig workers is workers
expected to be more than 50% by 2027. In
countries like US, this growth outpaces the Lack of resources and work
total workforce growth by 3x. tools/softwares

Volatility of income
1. Empathize
This phase involves understanding freelancers and other key stakeholders.
Secondary Research

● Industry Research
● Desk Research
● Ecosystem Map

Primary Research

● Interviews
● Survey
Secondary Research (Industry Research)

Total gig workers in India: 15 million

Gig sector to reach US$ 455 billion by


350 million gig jobs by 2025

● 90% Indian gig workers lost their income during the pandemic
● Many workers were forced to take drastic steps to make ends meet such as 44% borrowed, 45% reduced their
essential expenditures and 83% used their savings
● While they earned >Rs. 25,000 per month before the pandemic, by August 2020, ~9 in 10 were earning <Rs.
15,000 per month

Secondary Research (Desk Research & Challenges)
Desk Research: Challenges faced by gig workers:

● Independent work: Choice, ● Legislation to bring portable

necessity, and the gig benefits
economy by Mckinsey Global ● Gig workers save less than
Institute other workers
● Freelancing in America by ● High service charge on
independent research firm platforms is another problem
Edelman Intelligence ● They struggle to find clients
● Ultimate guide to gig economy ● Isolation
data: a summary of every ● Finances are too tight
freelance survey we can find ● No work life balance
by ● Psychological manipulation
The Career Freelancer Status
Report: Results From The Nati
on1099 Survey
Secondary Research (Gig economy Ecosystem & Stakeholder Map)
Primary Research
Key Assumption Objective of the research
The main assumption do the primary research The main objective is to understand the
will be problem faced by gig workers in problem areas and opportunities faced in
managing their finances and accessing the accessing healthcare and managing finances.
benefits and the coverage as well.
Further objectives:
Further, the lack of ways to search for ● Pain and struggles of full time gig
adequate opportunities for gig workers to get workers
regular income. ● Developing the strategic solutions
Research Methodology
Personal Interviews: Survey:
● In-depth interview to ● Used for validating insights
understand the needs and from interviews.
motivations of gig workers. ● Understanding the perception
● Using 5 whys method. of larger audience.
● Using the key insights to ● Prioritizing and filtration of
ideate and develop prototype. insights.

Key Research Areas:

● Understanding the motivating factors. Drawing compatibility with traditional forms of
employment through pros and cons.
● Challenges faced by full time gig workers and their current coping mechanism.
● Current method of managing finances and their constraints.
● The effect on unstable income on lifestyle and living expense.
● Understanding the entire management and choice on health and other insurances.
Interview Summary Understanding Gig Workers:
➔ No. of years since started
➔ Motivation
➔ No. of gigs and their
Employing Gig Workers: ➔ Ways of finding them
➔ Regular Expenses (their ➔ Challenges with gigs
example and frequency) ➔ Current solutions
➔ Process of planning ➔ Future plans (Gig worker
expenses or tradition employee)
➔ Bill Payments Interview
➔ Need for extra fund
➔ Delay in client payments Content
➔ Investments Benefits:
➔ Breakdown of expenses ➔ Current health insurance
➔ Credit Card Usage (including the plan details
➔ Financial adequacy and method selection)
➔ Other required benefits
➔ Usage of software (with
the plan and expenditure)
Key Observation:

Interview ● Generally freelancers use their income to pay

for their living expense
Gig workers from different industries were ● It is usually done part-time due to unstable
interviewed to understand the diverse income
viewpoints. The industry referred were ● It helps them gain practical market experiences
photographers, graphic designers, marketers, ● Staying disciplined is a major challenge
influencers, etc. The diversity of gender, age and ● Not many extra benefits other than the actual
location was also taken into consideration.
● Expensive usage of software is one the main
● Issues of managing finances
Survey and Results:
The survey was made to prioritize and validate the key issues. Identify the rate of received benefits by the gig
worker and their source of opportunities. The key finding from the same were as follows:

Main Issues: Methods of getting opportunities: Perceived Benefits:

● Lack of benefits provided ● Social media posts. ● Flexibility of working

by the company. ● Referral by individuals. ● Being your own boss
● Low and infrequent ● Referral by personal ● Skill building
payments. network.
● Lack of job consistencies
● Expensive software
2. Synthesize
● Financial sustenance between gigs
Insight 1
Not just finding a gig, financial instability in between the gigs is
challenging & can lead to cutting expenses & selling things,
quite a rollercoaster.

● Collaborating with other Freelancers

Insight 2
Independence of traditional hierarchies, but at the cost of
collaboration. Need to balance autonomy and collaboration.
● Need for Client relationship management
Insight 3
Challenge is to handling client relationship where negotiation
happens in terms of scope, deliverables and payment, can lead
to frustration and decrease in motivation.

● Need of cost efficient access to benefits and tools

Insight 4
Paying for work tools like coworking space, software tools,
cameras is a huge recurring expense for gig workers. The gig
workers miss out on insurance benefits.
3. Ideate
● Brainstorming
● Idea Generation
● The Idea
● Solution routes
Ideas Generated
Cost efficient access to software and Financial Sustenance in between gigs
● Gigs under 24 hours
● Shared tools and services ● Gigs cryptocoins
● Used Software market ● Aggregate all job boards and
● Tool Service and Rentals applications
● Pay-per-use models ● Geo location for gigs
● Cheaper access to tools
● Aggregate buying
Ideas Generated
Collaborating with other Freelancers Preventing underpayment by clients

● Coworking homes ● 360 rating for client and Gig

● Work and Time/Schedule Planners workers
● Collaborative design software ● Calendar mapping tools for gig
● Alexa for gig workers workers
The Idea
A solution that provides affordable
access to tools, services and products
for creative gig workers
Solution Routes
Solution 1: Group buying software Solution 2: Pay-per-use software model
subscription model
The service that allows to use known
This model acts as a service that negotiates software programs and pay only for the
price on known software programs over a time we used them.
certain time based on demand.
The Prototype phase is focused on testing the solution routes and identifying which route
has garnered the most interest and presented the most potential in solving the pain point of
freelancers when it comes to high software subscriptions.
● Unpredictable waiting period ● Conscious of usage of time
● Long waiting Period ● Concept of Tracking usage
● Discounts scheme should be there on the ● Should introduce short term subscriptions
based on algorithms
Online Survey
We have conducted online survey with Freelancers
We have got 20 responses. Among Two Models, pay-per-use that generated the most


Group Buying 5 25%

Pay-per-use 15 75%
 Among the two models, the pay-per-use model resonates the most with freelancers as
they have control on their usage and how much they want to pay for this.

 The pay-per-use model should not be designed on per-minute or per-hour basis.

 A main concern for the pay-per use model was its viability - in terms of getting the
software providers on board and not cannibalizing their existing customers.

 There should be Transparency


● Web based applications with freemium model such

as Spotify, Google drive and Dropbox

● The average conversion rate of such applications is


● During a research on Freemium model products, it

was observed that Pay per use serves the ideal
Testing of the final model
Credentials Perceived Benefits Concerns

Pay per use Freelancer Costing of the

market is not the service in terms
most profitable of additional
but if the market revenue gained
is going to and additional
expand then there expenses incurred
might be
Credentials Perceived Benefits Concerns

Pay per use Research shows a If service

lot of benefits of management
Pay per use works out to be
model only for expensive then it
those why may will be of high
want to use it for concern.
a day or to rather
than a month.

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