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Delhi Development

Shaping a Greener Future

Concept/ Idea
Concept note

Delhi is one of the world's most polluted cities, and despite precautions, the
situation worsens every year. As a responsible authority, the Delhi
Development Authority (DDA), as a development organisation in Delhi,
continues to pursue various pollution-reduction strategies. However, this is
insufficient on its own. This time, the DDA has devised a novel approach to
achieving its goal of a pollution-free Delhi: public participation. 
Our multi-routed presentation, centred on the theme “Shaping Delhi’s
future," focuses on people's active participation in making Delhi livable.
Delhi is all set to bring about a favourable shift in the atmosphere. Change
does not happen as a result of a single person's efforts; it takes a team's
efforts and dedication. We used the phrase "Let us create the change" to
emphasise the need of working together and combining efforts to effect
change so that people can breathe pure air without inhaling poisons.
Route 1

 Delhi is India’s capital, the seat of power, the first city.  The venue of many
successive cities, it has seen many waves of people, all eventually settling
down and becoming citizens.  During the British period, Delhi experienced
true cosmopolitanism with people of various races and continents assembling
in Delhi like never before. Post-independence, continuous developmental
work transformed the city to a happening place and proud citizens. It is this
sense of belonging and desire for a change which we intend to harness. 
‘LET US MAKE THE CHANGE’ is the conclusion and an emphatic urge of
this route moving from negativity to positivity in our ads. As an
invitational route, we exhort people to come forward and make the
changes happen. The steps towards zero/less pollution are expressed via
various steps. The first ad headlined ‘HOPELESS TO PROGRESS’ focused
on students depicting a stark visual of a gas mask on a student, conveys
the move from negativity to positivity.
The second ad focused on young people, here a bridegroom getting
ready for a wedding with confidence, headlined ‘DISTRESS TO
HAPPINESS’ again conveys the move from negativity to positivity.
The third ad focused on senior citizens, headlined ‘BREATHLESS TO
CALMNESS’ clearly expresses our concern while the change from
dark grey to green in all ads, speaks about the message of our
campaign to make Delhi, truly breathable and livable.
Concept Note

Centered on the theme “Shaping Delhi’s Future”, our multi-routed

presentation dwells on people’s active involvement to make Delhi livable.
The second route is ‘‘BRING BACK”. Delhi was not polluted from forever, it is
just from past few years that Delhi is facing this toxic crises which is effecting
the day to day life of its citizens. People who are living in Delhi since long
knows how peaceful it was to live in a beautiful pollution-free city like Delhi.

Delhi can become the same healthy city again if people decide to work
towards eliminating the pollution, the sky of the city can be blue again.
Route 2

Delhi has become greener with every successive ruling dynasty and post-
independence with every successive government.  New parks, playgrounds, greens,
city forests have come up after independence. Enhancement and upkeep of Delhi’s
vital lungs –the Northern, Central and Southern Ridge have added to the green
landscape of Delhi.  Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has played a major role in
adding to the greens of Delhi.
BRING BACK is an involving route, encouraging and inspiring people to
embrace Delhi and feel proud about it and bring in a positive change. The
steps towards zero/less pollution are expressed via various pictures. Our
three ads, ‘Bring back the fresh air’, taking about the lack of fresh air, ‘Bring
back the fresh water’, elaborating about the lack of fresh water and ‘Bring
back the fresh greens’, communicating about  the lack of fresh greens, all
due to increasing pollution effectively communicate our message of
bringing back a green, fresh, livable city. The layouts do more than full
justice with stark visuals bringing in the grim reality.  
Concept Note

Centered on the theme “Shaping Delhi’s Future”, our multi-routed

presentation dwells on people’s active involvement to make Delhi livable.
The third route is ‘‘WORLD’S GREEN CAPITAL”. Surrounded by trees and
nature, Delhi is surely a green place to live in, unless or until the blanket of
pollution blured our sight to the greenery of the city. Sustainable
development and optimum utilisation of resources are two things because
of which we have not lost our green belt yet, despite of all the pollution,
factory waste and harmful vehicle smoke, Delhi is surviving but not in a
very healthy condition.
Route 3
“ World’s green capital”

Delhi has its own distinct style and taste, it welcomes people from every city in the
nation, and this is what makes it a hub for education and employment. DDA from
years has been successfully carrying out Building, Engineering, Mining and other
operations in Delhi, moving it a step ahead with every action. DDA efficiently lays out
master plan for covering the present & future growth. DDA ensures a secure
development in Delhi, with environment in one hand and development in another. It
has nature conservation zones, green belt area and bio-parks like the Sanjay Park and
Aravalli Park. DDA has done so much that today the green cover in Delhi is 19 percent
of the total area, much larger as compared to other cities. Making the heart of nation
a beautiful and safe place to live in.
‘WORLD’S GREEN CAPITAL is a motivating route, encouraging and inspiring people
to realise the nature’s gift to Delhi in the form of greenery. The steps towards
zero/less pollution are expressed via various steps. Our four ads, ‘Eliminate
pollution from your city and let your family breathe healthy’, taking about the
family and need of fresh air, ‘Plant a tree, be pollution free’, educating people
about the importance of plantation and to convey them we can only get rid of
pollution if we start planting trees and stop cutting them ‘Let’s take a resolution to
eliminate pollution’, showing us to be determined on the fact that we have to
make our city pollution free to make ourselves healthy , ‘Delhi, the green city’ is
to show that DDA has done many development projects keeping in concern the
environment and its importance.
Strategy for
The Background of the Subject:

 DDA after being constituted in 1957 as the first development

authority in the country without any role model to follow, has slogged
its way through decades and created a niche for itself by planning,
developing, streamlining and preserving the megacity of Delhi. This
was an onerous task given the fact that this metropolis faces
numerous challenges of vast growing population, pollution, pressure
on civic amenities, and judicious use of resources, preservation of
heritage and at the same time keeping pace with the times.
Delhi has its own distinct style and taste, it welcomes people from every
city in the nation, and this is what makes it a hub for education and
employment. DDA from years has been successfully carrying out
Building, Engineering, Mining and other operations in Delhi, moving it a
step ahead with every action. DDA efficiently lays out master plan for
covering the present & future growth. With the growing population ,
pollution is becoming a threat for the city and the tourists
Reason for Communication:

While much of the development that took place in Delhi all these years is
evident, still much is desired to be said, especially about the contribution
of DDA. The citizen should understand and take pride in the fact that they
are privileged to live in a the heart of the nation and should appreciate
the contribute in keeping it pollution free. Also our marketing
communication strategy should help in the enhancement of the image of
DDA and should make people realise how important it is to keep our city
healthy and welcoming for the tourists and visitors.
The Challenge:

 Despite of making Delhi, a truly world-class city, Delhi now is dealing with
a huge problem i.e pollution. In terms of involvement, DDA is working
strenuously in eliminating pollution with the help of solar energy plans,
optimum utilisation of resources, expanding green belt and parks around
the city. General public also need to participate actively in this initiative to
ensure a healthy future for Delhi.

 Apart from this, DDA has been associated with the maintaining of green
cover of the city, creating innumerable parks & playfields, turning
wastelands into beautiful manicured parks, preserving cultural heritage of
the city & much more.
Despite being an important catalyst in making Delhi a
pollution-free city with a correct blend of modern
amenities while preserving the nature, DDA has to deal with
the Lack of awareness & recognition about the exemplary
environmental work undertaken by this organization.

The Solution:
A deliberate effort through integrated marketing communication strategy
is required to propagate and substantiate the communication.

An awareness campaign that highlights the contributions of DDA in
making Delhi, a Pollution-free destination.
Rationale :

This campaigns would play an important role in highlighting the contributions of

DDA in making Delhi world-class in greenery, Homes, Heritage and more.
Not many are aware that DDA has been playing a significant role in ensuring a
good green cover for the city & making it Pollution-free apart from bringing world-
class housing infrastructure. This campaign is simply about eliminating pollution
from the city & making it more pleasurable place to live in. Delhi is progressive &
healthy when it is free from pollution and this is only possible when we all work
together in the same direction .
This campaign can be blended in various mediums like Print, Radio, Digital,
Outdoors & many more.
Further to this, special concept based events can be created to make people
proud of their city & bring them closer to the city, emotionally.
 Create awareness. Share the facts; share the information to make people recognize your
contributions to eliminate pollution.
 Build a relation and trust. For others to listen to you and your side, you need have a relation
-closeness- with the other side. If they trust you, they will believe your facts.
 Educate them. Making a conscious effort to share the knowledge.
 To change someone’s mind, sometimes you need to send a strong message proving them
wrong. For example, if others perceive you to be weak, do something dramatic to show off
your strength or powers. DDA can have a dramatic campaign about the theme “Pollution-free”
to surprise people. It may compliment with a teaser campaign.
 Connect and be on the same page. Connect with others, so they can see true you. Provide
enough information, fill the vacuum if any.
A deliberate effort through integrated marketing communication strategy is required to
propagate and substantiate the communication. 
Integrated Communication Strategy with this campaign can be worked out to
make people drive back home with the message about Delhi being a
Pollution-free City.
Campaign 1
‘Greener Delhi’

'Give us a chance to roll out the Improvement' is the end and an insistent desire
of this course moving from pessimism to energy in our advertisements. As an
invitational course, we urge individuals to approach and roll out the
improvements occur. The move towards zero/less pollution are communicated
by means of different mediums. The headline ‘HOPELESS TO PROGRESS’ focused
on students depicting a stark visual of a gas mask on a student, conveys the
move from negativity to positivity.

The change from dark grey to green in all ads, speaks about the message of our
campaign to make Delhi, truly breathable and livable.
Campaign 2

Bring back campaign is to make citizens realise what they are missing since
the pollution has emerged, basic elements like water and air are now
contaminated due to day to day growing pollution, it has become very
necessary now to understand that we can’t survive without the basic

Few years ago Delhi used to enjoy a healthy quality of life and now we are
missing that, after realising this we are ready to take steps to eliminate
pollution from our beautiful city.
Campaign 3

Delhi has seen quite a tuff period many times since the beginning but
its zest has conquer it all. This time Delhi has an enemy called pollution.

Always been appreciated for its lush and greenery, Delhi is home for
nature and nature lovers, this is a very motivating campaign,
encouraging citizens about beating the pollution with the help of green,
the more we plant the more our loved ones breathe a healthy air.
ATL Communication:
 Press ad complimented by teaser campaign (Innovative ads can be used to
create more interest like island ads).
 Radio spots (a catchy jingle can have an excellent recall value).
 Digital – Web Banners, Series of e-mailers (to all interest groups).
 Advertising on relevant real estate information websites like
 Website can be made interesting.
 Hoardings
 Banners/Hoardings on popular DDA constructions (building, parks or
monuments). It may have an instant connect. This media will substantiate the
 A mascot could be created that would have an excellent recall value.
BTL Communication:

 Participation in property fairs, trade fairs, environmental events or anti-

pollution events.
 Collaterals
 Innovative save Delhi Merchandise e.g. Mouse pads, notebooks.
 Events based on the theme “Be Pollution-free”.
Special Event Idea 1 :
World-class - Delhi is proud of You!!
 The idea would be to involve Delhiites in the various aspects that can make
Delhi, a pollution-free city. There can be awards for the initiatives taken in the
categories like Greenery, recycling waste, treatment of harmful toxins. This
event can be sponsored or co-sponsored by DDA. The city can be divided into
4 zones & there can be 4 winners in each category. The winners can be called
“The Green Citizen”.
 Such events will help in re-enforcing the concept of Delhi being pollution-free
to its citizens, will make them proud of the city and DDA for its contributions,
and connect them at an emotional level with the city on being called The
Green Citizen.
 All of this will help in giving an image-makeover to Delhi which is right now
one of the most polluted city in the nation.
Special Event Idea 2 :
A Photography Event – Click Delhi!

 To create interest & ownership towards their city, a Photography Contest

can be started, in which the Delhiites are invited to send their pictures of
the various moods of the city, with pollution and without pollution,
showing a comparison.
 The categories could be Best Greenery Click, Best monument click, Best
Heritage Click, Best Housing Click, Best Industrial Click.
 DDA can be the main sponsor of this event & with this it will promote a
sense of ownership in the hearts of the Delhiites to take care of the City &
would also bring DDA closer to them apart from getting its due
 This event can be judged by the eminent personalities of the city.
Special Event Idea 3 :
A slogon contest : Healthy Delhi

 A Slogon Contest can be created in which Delhiites are invited to create slogons
on the pollution-free city. This initiative can be again from DDA & the winning
entry can be awarded & may be used by the DDA by giving the credit to the
 Various mediums can be used to invite the entries & the contest can be called
‘Healthy Delhi’.
 Press advertisement/ Hoardings/ Radio/ Digital campaign can be worked out.
 An interesting way could be: Hey Delhiites! If you love Delhi and want it to be
pollution free, then now is the time to express your views about your city. Write
a catchy slogan on your very own “pollution-freeDelhi” and you could win a
mega prize.
 Come on! Speak your heart out. Send in your entries at www.dda/
Special Event 4:
Mall event: 44 cigarettes a day

Today’s intake Tomorrow’s intake

We can put a bunch of smoked cigarettes and a bunch of new cigarettes in 2

different glass boxes adjacent to each other labeling them as above in any
popular mall in Delhi. This will make people realise that what amount of
smoke they are inhaling each day due to pollution.
TV Innovation Idea:

 Media innovations on TV while a news is being broadcasted about Delhi

can be worked out.

 While the news is on, a ticker appears – “This bulletin is brought to you
by AVP News, This Plant tree initiative in Delhi brought to you by DDA”. 
Short video content
YouTube Page
 Short videos from the most polluted spots in Delhi like ‘India
Gate’, ‘Connaught Place’ and Anand Vihar.
 Taking citizen’s views on Delhi pollution.
 Asking people that what measures are they taking at their
personal level to eliminate Pollution.
 Asking people about their favourite Delhi moment.
 Posting vides on YouTube and sharing it on other social media

* Videos must have an emotional appeal,

to influence the viewers
Website Idea :
 The website can be revamped keeping in view the change in times. It should
be brighter, innovative, user-friendly & should have a give a very positive
image to DDA.
 Also on the DDA website, we can have an attention-grabbing intro flash page
as under: Visual of awesome night time cityscape of Delhi.
Caption: New York
 The word ‘York’ in New York slowly dissolves to the word Delhi and now reads
New Delhi. Then the whole visual turns into beautiful countryside full of lush
Caption: New Zealand
 The word Zealand slowly dissolves to the word Delhi. Then the whole visual
dissolves into a collage of the city.
Caption: Pollution-free New Delhi, Brought to you by DDA.

 With the innovative use of various mediums, DDA would be able to

register in the minds & hearts of the people. All these efforts will go a
long way in doing an image-makeover for it,

 it will have a positive, approachable, respectable image among the

people & its future projects would be quite – sought after. Most
importantly, DDA will get the recognition for all its eliminating pollution
works and people will also feel motivated to join the initiative.

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