Passive Voice

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 Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore,

tenses also have "active forms" and "passive
 In active sentences, the thing doing the action is

the subject of the sentence and the thing

receiving the action is the object. Most
sentences are active.
Ex. Jhon washes the dishes
 In passive sentences, the thing receiving the
action is the subject of the sentence and the
thing doing the action is optionally included
near the end of the sentence. You can use the
passive form if you think that the thing
receiving the action is more important. You can
also use the passive form if you do not know
who is doing the action or if you do not want to
mention who is doing the action.
Ex. The dishes are washed by Jhon
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action.
It is not important or not known, however, who or
what is performing the action.
Ex. My bike was stolen
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my
bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it
1. Present passive voice :
a. Present tense
b. Present continous
c. Present perfect
2. Past passive voice :
a. Past tense
b. Past continous
c. Past perfect
3. Future passive voice :
a. Future tense
b. Future continous
c. Future perfect
Present Tense
 Active : Do/Does + Verb I
Ex. I speak English everyday

 Passive : is/am/are + Verb 3

Ex. English is spoken by me everyday
Present Continous
 Active : is/am/are + Verb-ing
Ex. ____

 Passive : is/am/are + being + Verb 3

Ex. A novel is being read by her
Present Perfect
 Active : have/has + Verb 3
Ex . Sabila has studied english

 Passive : have/has + been + Verb 3

Ex. English has been studied by Sabila
Past Tense
 Active : did + Verb 2
Ex. _______

 Passive : was/were + Verb 3

Ex. Water was drunk by Ryan
Past Continous
 Active : was/were + Verb-ing
Ex. Sam was reading a newspaper

 Passive : was/were + being + Verb 3

Ex. _________
Past Perfect
 Active : Had + Verb 3
Ex. Rini had speak english

 Passive : had + been + Verb 3

Ex. ____________
Future Tense
 Active : will/shall + Verb 1
Ex. Tina will eat the fried rice

 Passive : will/shall + be + Verb 3

Ex. The fried rice will be eaten
Future Continous
 Active : will/shall + be + Verb-ing
Ex. Toni will be making a toy

Passive : will/shall + be + being + Verb 3

Ex. A toy ____________
Future Perfect
 Active : will/shall + have + Verb 3
Ex. Tian will have bought a motorcycle

 Passive : will/shall + have + been + Verb 3

Ex. A motorcycle will have been bought by Tian

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