Moral Problems: By: Glennson Loyola

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Moral Problems

By: Glennson Loyola


Moral Problems

A working definition of an issue of

moral concern is presented as any
issue with the potential to help or
harm anyone, including oneself.
Epistemic moral dilemmas.
Ontological moral dilemmas
Self-imposed moral dilemma
Obligation dilemmas

Epistemic moral dilemmas involve situ
ations wherein two or more moral requir
ements conflict with each other and that
the moral agent hardly knows which of t
he conflicting moral requirements takes
precedence over the other. In other word
s, the moral agent here does not know w
hich option is morally right or wrong.
Ontological moral dilemmas, on the other hand, in
volve situations wherein two or more moral require
ments conflict with each other, yet neither of these c
onflicting moral requirements overrides each other.
This is not to say that the moral agent
Okey does not know
which moral requirement is stronger than the other.
The point is that neither of the moral requirements i
s stronger than the other; hence, the moral agent can
hardly choose between the
Home conflicting moral require
A self-imposed moral dilemma is caused by the mo
ral agent’s wrongdoings. 

A World-imposed moral dilemma, on the other ha

nd, means that certain events in the world place the
agent in a situation of moral conflict.
Obligation dilemmas are situations in whi
ch more than one feasible action is obligato
ry, while prohibition dilemmas involve ca
ses in which all feasible actions are forbidd
Finally, in single agent dilemma, the agent “ought, a
ll things considered, to do A, ought, all things conside
red, to do B, and she cannot do both A and B”. In othe
r words, the moral agent is compelled to act on two o
r more equally the same moral options but she canno
t choose both.
Situation :
You ought to honor a promise to your son to
be home early for your son’s birthday
celebration, but on your way home you saw a
sick old man who needs to be brought to the
Thank You !

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