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Group 5

1. Puji Ayu Laela M(17)

2. Puput Amelia (18)
3. Putu Dyah A.S.N (19)
4. Rafi’ Ihsa D (20)
Definition of Report Text
‘ A report text is a type of text that announce the
result of an investigation or announce something
. The information given in a report text is very
general information .
Generic structure of Report Text
• General Classification : Stating classification
of general aspect of thing; animal, public place
, plant , etc which will be discussed in general
• Descripsion : Describing the thing which
will be discussed in detail; part per part ,
costums or deed for living creature and usage
for materials
Leanguage feature of Report Text
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection;when, so,
• Using simple present tense
Indigofera is a large genus of over 750 species of
flowering plants that belong to the family Fabaceae.
They are widely distributed throughout tropical and
subtropical regions of the world.
Species of Indigofera are mostly shrubs, though
some are small trees, or annual or perennial herbs. Most
have pinnate leaves. Racemes of flowers grow in the
leaf axils. Most species have flowers in shades of red,
but there are a few white and yellow-flowered species.
The fruit is a legume pod of varying sizes and shapes.  
Indigofera adalah jenis terbesar dari 750 spesies tumbuhan
berbunga yang termasuk dalam keluarga Fabaceae. Mereka
secara luas didistribusikan ke seluruh daerah tropis dan
subtropis di dunia.
Jenis dari Indigofera kebanyakan berupa semak-semak,
walaupun ada beberapa pepohonan kecil, atau tumbuhan
tahunan, atau tanaman herbal tahunan. Paling banyak memiliki
daun muda yang menyirip. Rangkaian dari bunga tumbuh di
dalam axils. Sebagian besar jenis bunga memiliki corak merah,
tetapi ada beberapa jenis bunga berwarna putih dan kuning.
Buahnya berupa kacang polong dari berbagai ukuran dan bentuk
Main idea of the text
To inform that the Indigofera is a large genus
of flowering plants that belong to the family
Fabaceae. That grow in tropical regions and
subtropical, species of Indigofera are mostly
shrubs, though some are small trees.
Main idea of paragraphs
Paragraph 1
To inform that the Indigofera species of
flowering plants
Paragraph 2
To inform that the species of Indigofera are
mostly shrubs.
Distributed = Dispense
Racemes = Bunch
Perennial = Perpetual
Varying = Deviate
Distributed = Assemble
Racemes = Liberate
Perpetual = Temporary
Deviate = Unchanged .

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