Key Lime Pie

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Key Lime Pie

History of creation
Everything happened on the islands of the
Florida archipelago (Florida Keys), which are
located near the Florida peninsula. By the
way, the westernmost inhabited island of the
archipelago, Key West, is the southernmost
point of the United States and is located in
the Gulf of Mexico just 100 miles from Cuba.
In the XIX century, there was an acute crisis
of fresh milk, but concentrated condensed
milk and limes were in abundance. Here one
of the resourceful confectioners came up
with a bright idea to use such a combination
of ingredients to prepare a new dish, which
was called "Lime pie".
The creation
• Americans owe the creation of the first lime pie to Aunt
Sally, the personal chef of the ship repair magnate and
the first millionaire of the city in the state of Florida, Key
West William Curry. It was for him that the pastry chef
prepared an exquisite dessert, which the tycoon wrote
about in his letters and memoirs. According to experts,
Aunt Sally could borrow a recipe from fishermen. At that
time, they spent many days in the open sea and, of
course, for a long time they stocked up on all kinds of
products that did not need to be stored in refrigerators.
Most often it was eggs, cans of canned milk and fruits —
such as limes, for example. There were also no stoves on
the boats, so fishermen cooked a kind of pie and ate it
Interesting facts
• The name of one of the islands in the Florida Keys archipelago gave the name to a famous fruit -
lime, which, in turn, served as the basis of the pie, also named after him.

• The original recipe for lime pie does not involve baking in the oven.

• In every cafe in Florida, you can order a branded piece of lime pie.

• A real lime pie should be made from the juice of a special Mexican lime variety. And it is based on a
basket of dough.

• In the 60s of the last century, a draft law was even proposed, according to which violators of the
technology of making this pie would be obliged to pay $ 100 to the US treasury for using a different
variety than Mexican lime in the dessert preparation process. However, the bill was never approved.

• But in 2006, state officials passed a law that confirms that lime pie is the official dessert of Florida.

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