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Application of Concepts

Session 7
Sanket Sunand Dash
Problem Statement for InterfaceRAISE
• Problem statement: Increase impact of InterfaceRAISE by generating
new revenue sources, convincing CEO to increase funding and
changing organizational structure
SCQA for InterfaceRAISE
• Situation: InterfaceRAISE is operating in the sustainability consulting
market that is growing at 34 percent annually and is expected to grow
from $377 million in 2009 to $2 billion in 2015.
• Complication: InterfaceRAISE’s organizational structure is preventing it
from taking advantage of growth in market
• Question: How should InterfaceRAISE increase its impact while
dealing with organizational constraints?
• Answer: InterfaceRAISE should target above-average industry growth
by leveraging its consultant network and revamping its organizational
Increase the number of projects

Ensure SMEs are compensated

for their service

Use external SMEs more

Generate new revenue sources

Construct an
issue tree Tie-up with other consutants

regarding the
dilemma in the Hartzfeld spends more time in
marketing InterfaceRAISE
Appraise of the need for high

Increasing Impact given Convince CEO to increase

reluctance to increase funding funding

Show alignment with

organizational vision

Contemplate ways to structure

investment as loans for which
InterfaceRAISE is legally liable

Hire separate COO-level post for


Divide InterfaceRAISE into

Strengthen organizational
departments with full-time
practice leaders

Develop an internal pool of full-

time SMEs
MINTO Pyramid for InterfaceRAISE

Target above-average
industry growth by leveraging
its consultant network and
revamping its organizational

Can provide the full gamut of Loans from parent company

Overall market is growing at Current org. structure inhibits
services in sustainability Can leverage network effects can finance InterfaceRAISE
34% YoY InterfaceRAISE growth
consulting growth
How? How?
Brand name of Interface Gaps are mostly in Projects requiring deep and External and internal Current structure does not
Interface employees possess Consulting exhibit network No dedicated resource for InterfaceRAISE can legally
enables InterfaceRAISE to tap communication-related broad competencies major coordination is done by same support functional
a diverse set of competencies effect business development incur liabilities
external consultants competencies revenue source person specialization

External communication Tapping external consultants Rapid growth in industry

Current Interface employees Most revenue comes from
experts can be integrated InterfaceRAISE is a pioneer and Interface employees suggests high probability of
are not incentivized enough few customers
easily requires different skills payback

Increasing competition will

Compensate for their efforts Leveraging network effect In line with Interface
hinder growth in coming
at market value requires new clients philosophy

Thank You

Course Name || Indian Institute of Management Rohtak 6

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