Employee Engagemen T: - Sridevi Inamdar

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-- Sridevi Inamdar
 Emotional connection an employee feels toward his or
her employment organization, which tends to influence
his or her behaviors and level of effort in work-related
MEANING Business Dictionary

AND  ” Employee engagement is the emotional attachment

DEFINITION employees feel towards their place of work, job role,

position within the company, colleagues and culture
and the affect this attachment has on wellbeing and
productivity. ”

Sridevi Inamdar
 Employee engagement is not same as
employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction
only indicates how happy or content your
MEANING employees are….. It dose not address their
level of motivation, involvement or emotional

Sridevi Inamdar
 Leader need to create a workplace that evoke
commitment that is not based on a false promise.
 Leader need to set clear expectation of employees so
that their path is clear and they can see the large vision
of the organization. ‘why we do what we do?’ leaders
ROLE OF need to engage employees in the big picture.
LEADER IN  To be successful in engaging employees leader need to

EMPLOYEE develop relationships with staff- leader build upon

employee strengths and assist in ways to grow their
ENGAGEMEN weakness into strengths.

T  Leaders need to establish trust

 Build employee commitment praise and recognize

employee loyalty and commitment.
 Actively listen to employees and take action based on
their feedback

Sridevi Inamdar
Sridevi Inamdar
Sridevi Inamdar
1. Increased employee safety.
Because engaged employees are more connected to their workplaces, they’re more aware of their surroundings.
Research has shown that 70% fewer safety incidents occur in highly engaged workplaces. Instead of worrying about
whether there's room for advancement or whether their boss likes them, engaged employees can focus on the task at
2. Better employee health.
Engaged workplaces tend to show more respect for employees’ needs, encouraging employees to appropriately care
for their health. Think policies like flexible schedules, fresh fruits and veggies in the break room, and company-
sponsored road races. Healthy employees provide numerous benefits for an organization, most notably, a better
bottom line.
3. Happier employees.
Highly engaged organizations don’t have to resort to mechanisms like peer pressure, termination, or other high-stress
behaviors to motivate employees. Instead, these organizations use practices like employee recognition, one-on-one
meetings, and 360 feedback to drive performance.
Without bosses barking threats at them, employees are happier, and happy employees save their employers
money. The American Psychological Association estimates that more than $500 billion is lost every year due to
workplace stress.
Sridevi Inamdar
4. Greater employee satisfaction.
Employee satisfaction is different than employee engagement. Employee satisfaction measures a minimum
level, while engagement tries to get everyone to achieve greater. However, this difference doesn't mean
employee satisfaction shouldn't be a goal. Thirteen percent of Americans are somewhat dissatisfied or very
dissatisfied with their current job. And you can bet that wouldn’t be the case if those employees were engaged.

5. Better home life.

engaged employees are beneficial to more than just your workplace; they are beneficial to their families, too.
They don't complain about their job to a significant other, have the energy to play with the kids after work, and
generally contribute to a positive home atmosphere.  

6. Lower absenteeism.
Engaged employees are invested in their job and care about the success of their team. It makes sense, then, that
they would show up to work. Engaged employees are firmly committed to their organization's mission, and
they're going to arrive every day with the intention make sure it gets done. In fact, highly engaged workplaces
saw 41% lower absenteeism.

Sridevi Inamdar
7. Higher retention. 
When employees can’t utilize their strengths, don’t feel challenged, or don’t enjoy their work (all hallmarks of
low engagement), they’re more likely to leave their current employer. Engaged employees, on the other hand,
don't have a reason to look elsewhere for work. 

8. Greater employee loyalty.

when employees are engaged, they stick around. Employees don't leave when they care about the success of the
organization and they are appropriately challenged by their work.

9. Better customer service.

Despite the ever increasing tech- and self-service shopping experiences, customer service is more important
than ever. When employees are engaged, customers are more likely to be well-served.
Engaged employees care deeply about their jobs, and thus, the customers. And that’s good news for your
business: 7 out of 10 consumers will spend 13% more money with a company that provides excellent customer

Sridevi Inamdar
10. Better quality.
Engaged employees are functioning on all cylinders, which means they’re less likely to make mistakes and
more likely to achieve excellence. In a recent study, highly engaged organizations saw 40% fewer quality

11. Greater productivity.

Employers are trying all sorts of wacky things to increase employee productivity, from wearable activity
devices to a jungle of office plants. But they're missing the solution that is staring them right in the face:
employee engagement.
Engaged employees are more likely to work diligently and expend discretionary effort in their jobs,
supercharging productivity. In fact, research shows that engaged employees are 17% more productive than their

12. Higher sales.

Better customer service + better productivity + better quality? You guessed it: better sales. Highly engaged
organizations see an average of 20% higher sales than their disengaged counterparts. Recent research suggests
that the same manager behaviors that drive engagement also simultaneously drive business results; check out
the study and sample behaviors here. 
Sridevi Inamdar
13. Higher profitability.
What organization doesn’t want a little extra cash in their pockets? The latest research shows that highly
engaged organizations have 21% higher profitability than their peers. When your organization has periods
of high profitability, make sure to reinvest in employee engagement tech and activities. This will preserve
the profitability growth and keep you on a steady, upward trajectory.  

14. Higher stock price.

"Engaged Employees lead to…
higher service, quality, and productivity, which leads to…
higher customer satisfaction, which leads to…
increased sales [...], which leads to…
higher levels of profit, which leads to…
higher shareholder returns (i.e., stock price)."

Sridevi Inamdar
Thank you

Sridevi Inamdar

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