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Emergency Evacuation OSHA 3088

Quality Assurance Team

Evacuation Priorities
• First Priority: Protection of Life
• Second Priority: Prevent Spread of Hazard
• Third Priority: Save Assets in the Affected Area
• What is emergency
• Possible Emergencies
• What is ERP
• Emergency Combat Equipment
• Responsibilities of Emergency Warden & Chief Warden
• Fire & Extinguishers Types
• Evacuation Procedure
• Assembly / Mustar Point
• Nominated Warden at PQLC
• Emergency Exits at PQLC
• Schedule Drill & its Frequency
• Applicable International Standards
• Records
What is an Emergency
• An emergency is a situation which poses an immediate risk to health, life,
property or environment.
•No body expects an emergency or disaster – especially one that affects them,
their employees and their business personally.
• Emergency and disaster can affect anyone, anytime and anywhere.

OSHA 3088:2001 Definition

“Workplace Emergency is an unforeseen situation that threatens employees,
customers, or the public; disrupts or shuts down operations; or cause physical or
environmental damage” (OSHA 3088)
Possible Emergencies at PQLC
•Terrorist attack
•Oil spills
•Heavy shower
•Vehicle accident
•Workplace violence
•Medical emergency
•Bomb threat
•Snake bite
Emergency Response Cycle
What is an ERP?
•Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is a plan that helps to manage a real life
emergency situation.
•ERP shall cover various scenarios results in possible critical situation and shall
mention the course of action requested.
•Why ERP is necessary?
•A disorganized handling of any emergency, evacuation of facility can result in
confusion, injury and property damage.
Emergency Combat Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Gloves, goggles, face shield, earmuffs, safety shoes. Scaffolding, safety jacket,
cage, rope.
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire sprinkles, hydrants, hose reel, fire alarm.
Fire Extinguishers
Water, foam, dry powder, CO2.
Medical Emergency Equipment
Stretcher, ambulance, oxygen mask, etc.
Emergency Team
Tier III: Emergency Warden
Tier II: Chief Emergency Warden
Tier I: Manager QA&HSE / Assistant Manager (Security)
Emergency Warden
• Ensuring the ERP is made to known to all
• Ensuring that necessary safety equipment is readily available and operating
• Ensuring safety evacuation of all personnel with disability in his area to the
emergency exit
• Assisting in expediting the safe, orderly flow of personnel during evacuations
• Assuring all personnel have evacuated their area and reporting the completion of
evacuation the Chief Warden
• During fire evacuation, ensuring that rooms are vacated, doors are closed but not
locked and electrical appliances are turned off when practical.
• During bomb evacuation ensuring that doors are left open and that lights are left on.
• Ensure that head counts are made promptly after an evacuation.
Chief Warden
• Developing an emergency response plan
• Coordinate the plan with all Wardens and HSE team
• Coordinate with local fire and police department
• Designing evacuation routes, assembly areas and ensuring this information is
made known to public
• Establishing the emergency communication system
• Deciding the level of the emergency and which area/ route to be avoided
during an emergency condition
• Ensuring that all staff members have sufficient knowledge of emergency
alarms, action and evacuation procedure
Chief Warden
• Assuring emergency equipment are operational and readily available
• Organizing drills
• Taking care of individuals with disability who require special assistance during
• Directing the orderly flow of personnel during drills and actual emergencies.
• Ensuring that alternative evacuation routes are established if a bomb or
suspicious object is discovered along a regular evacuation route or if an exit or
stairway blocked.
• Release the area warden when they report that evacuation has been
Employee Responsibilities
• Learn to recognize and respond to alarm signals.
• Become familiar with evacuation routes, emergency exit and the assembly
• Learn where the alarm switches are and how to activate the alarm.
• Know whom the Chief Warden and Emergency Warden
Fire & Fire Extinguishers Types
Preparation for an Evacuation
• Know your facility floor plan.
• Know where the stairs and fire extinguishers are located. (Emergency Exit
• Determine in advance the nearest exit and the route
• Know the locations of alternate exits
• Know exactly how many doors you will pass along your evacuation route
before you reach the nearest exit door
During an Emergency
• If you discover a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm
• Immediately notify occupants of that part of the building to evacuate the
• Inform Reception who will call the Fire & Rescue Service.
• If the fire has not spread from its point of origin, attempt to extinguish the fire by
using the correct fire extinguisher – ONLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN
• If time and conditions permit, secure your workplace and take with you
important personal items such as car keys, purse, medication, glasses.
• Follow instructions from Emergency Wardens
• Check doors for heat before opening. (Do not open door if hot.)
• WALK -- do not run. Do not push or crowd.
During an Emergency..cont
• Keep noise to a minimum so you can hear emergency instructions.
• Assist people with disabilities.
• Move to your assembly point unless otherwise instructed.
• Where possible close doors and windows on departure
• In a bomb threat situation open all doors and windows.
• Keep all exists / entrances clear at all times
Assembly Point
• For PQLC fire assembly point is to the front of main gate
Counting of Staff
• Each area has a designated warden responsible for accounting for the
members of staff in their Section and others.
• Any missing person will be informed to the Chief Warden.
• To assist in accurate accounting all members of staff must sign in and out
when leaving the facility on business or through electronic data
• The Warden for each area will check rooms and toilet areas to ensure all
rooms have been evacuated,
• Do not re-enter the facility (warehouse) for any reason until instructed by the
Chief Warden that it is safe to do so.
Emergency Exits at PQLC
1. The front door
2. The Emergency Exit A opens onto the main yard
3. The Emergency Exit B opens onto the main yard
4. The Emergency Exit C opens onto the back yard
5. The Emergency Exit D opens onto the back yard
6. Fire exit on the first floor at staircase joins with Emergency Exit B on ground
Frequency of Evacuation Drills
• Frequency: once in a quarter covering all shifts

• Mocked Scheduled Drill (MSD) will not be communicated before

Testing of Fire Alarm
• Testing schedule: 11 am every first Monday of each month
• Chief Warden is responsible to test alarm
• Chief Warden will circulate an email to all one day before the testing
Safety Instructions
• Corridors, aisles and walkways remain clear of obstructions
• Exit doors remain clear and unlocked whilst the premises are occupied
• Fire fighting equipment is available, serviceable and accessible
• Any accumulation of litter, which may increase the danger of fire, is removed
• Check for incorrect storage of flammable liquids and chemicals
• Defective public address / telephone systems are repaired
• Exit doors are kept shut except during use
• The door should close automatically and they should not be held open by
wedges, rocks, chairs, etc.
• Fire stairs are kept clear at all times and are not used for storage
Safety Instructions…cont
• The keeping of flammable liquids on office floors should be permitted only in
special circumstances and only in minimal quantities.
• Any safety breaches found should be reported to the Chief Warden.
• Emergency Warden
• Evacuation Report (drill evaluation)
• List of Emergency Numbers
• Attendance Record
• List of Emergency Combat Equipment (location & status)
• Fire Alarm Testing Status
• Emergency Evacuation Plan
Important Numbers (External)
Agency Number
Fire Brigade 4716578 (16)
Ambulance 115
Civil Defense 9212646-51
Bomb Disposal 9212674
Police 15-5080988
KESC 7410225-4715588
Reference Standards
ISO 18001:2007 Clause: 4.4.7
ISO 14001: 2004 Clause: 4.4.7
OSHA 3088:2001

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