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Fundamental of engineering

Lec (2)

• Mechanics is that branch of science which

deals with forces and their effects on

bodies(rest or motion).
Mechanics is divided into two parts:

• Statics: force acting on a body under rest.

• Dynamics deal with forces act on body under

• Kinematics: deal with motion of the bodies in
which the agents responsible of motion is not
• Kinetics: deals with motion of bodies in which the
agents responsible of motion is considering
(Between forces and the resulting motion of
bodies on which they act).
Physical quantities, units and working with

• The value of a physical quantity Q is expressed as the product of a numerical value Q

and a unit of measurement [Q]:
Q = Q [Q] (1)
• For example, if the temperature T of a body is quantied (measured) as 25 degrees
Celsius this is written as:
T = 25 o C = 25oC; (2)
• where T is the symbol of the physical quantity "temperature", 25 is the numerical
factor and oC is the unit.
• By convention, physical quantities are organized in a dimensional system built upon
base quantities, each of which is regarded as having its own dimension.
• The seven base quantities of the International System of Quantities (ISQ) and their
corresponding SI units are listed in Table 1. Other conventions may have a different
number of fundamental units (e.g. the CGS and
• MKS systems of units).
• All other quantities are derived quantities since their
dimensions are derived from those of base quantities by
multiplication and division. For example, the physical
quantity velocity is derived from base quantities length
and time and has dimension L/T.
• Some derived physical quantities have dimension 1 and
are said to be dimensionless quantities.
• The International System of Units (SI) species a set of
unit prefixes known as SI prefixes or metric prefixes. An
SI prefix is a name that precedes a basic unit of measure
to indicate a decimal multiple or fraction of the unit.
• Each prex has a unique symbol that is prepended to the
unit symbol.
A quantity is called:
• extensive when its magnitude is additive for
subsystems (volume, mass, etc.)
• intensive when the magnitude is independent of the
extent of the system (temperature, pressure, etc.)
• Units can be used as numbers in the sense that you
can add, subtract, multiply and divide them - with
care. Much confusion can be avoided if you work with
units as though they were symbols in algebra. For
• Rigid body is a part of bodies that doesn't affecting with the

applied forces that doesn't change its shape and size under the

effect of force acting over it.

• Elastic body is deformation under the effect of forces acting on

it and return back to original shape and size after removing of


• Mass: is the amount of matter containing in the

body (kg).

• Weight : is the force that attract the bodies

toward the centre of the earth with gravity

acceleration g = 9.81 m/s² .

• Length is term applied to the linear motion (m, cm, feet).

• Time is interval between two events (second, minuit and

• Scalar is any physical quantity that has only
magnitude and unit (distance, volume, time).
• Vector is any physical quantity that has
magnitude, unit and direction(velocity,
displacement, acceleration…etc)
• Fundamental units: are the basic quantities like
mass(m), length (l), time(t).
• Derived units: are units of all quantities except the
fundamental quantities that derived with help of
fundamental units like density:

Velocity (v)= displacement/ time= L/T= m/s

Density (ρ)= mass/ volume = M/L³=kg/m³


• Force is something that change or tend to

change the state of rest or motion of body in a
straight line.
• It could be direct or indirect action on one body
to another, its vector quantity.
force is vector unit
Effects of Forces

• It may change shape of motion by accelerate or retard

• Balance or equilibrium of bodies

• It may change the size or shape of the body(twist, bend

Force systems

• A force system is collection of forces acting

on a body in one or more planes.

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