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Business communication

How to become an effective


● Ask yourself the following questions as you plan your


● What is the goal of the communication

● What do I want to accomplish?

● Who is my audience?

● What content will my audience need?

● What medium will work best?

● How can I frame and organize the message to effectively state and
support the main point?
Audience Oriented
Understand your audience well enough to answer the following

● What content will your audience need or want?

● How can you make the message easy for your audience to
Being persuasive requires thinking about the topic from your audience
point of view.

● What benefits do you offer?

● What audience objections do you need to address?

● What reasons and factual evidence support your claim?
Appropriate to Situation
Clear & Concise
Ethics are the principles used to guide decision making:

● Tell the truth.

● Take responsibility for your actions.

● Imagine the impact of your actions on others.

As technology options and challenges change, business
communicators must continually address three issues:

● What is the best technology for the task?

● How can I avoid the technology traps that get in my way?

● How can I adapt familiar technology to business use?

Support Multiculturalism
● Culture: The shared attitudes, values, and behaviors that
characterize a group of people.

Good communicators will

● Pay attention—be aware that values, attitudes, and approaches to

communication may differ.

● Keep an open mind—accept differences and be ready to adapt to

different cultural needs.
● Collaboration: working together to achieve a common goal.

Good communicators will

● Adapt to the working style of many different people.

● Coordinate, compromise,negotiate, and manage conflict.

Written Communication
Business email
10 things to write effective business email
1. Subject Line Says a Lot

2. Start Your Email with Greetings

3. Say Thank You

4. Be Clear and Precise

5. Save Someone’s Time

10 things to mail effective business email
6. Informal vs Formal

7. Everybody Likes Sandwiches or Don’t Avoid the Negative

8. The Last Vow

9. Write a Closing to Your Email

10. Proofread Your Email

Verbal communication
1-o-1 / Group Communication

Factors Prerequisite

● The speaker ● Clear and proper pronunciation of words

● How he speaks ● Clarity and exactitude

● What he speaks ● Conciseness

● To whom he speaks ● Right tone

● Whether he receives a feedback ● Right style and vocabulary


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