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Testing the Muscle of the Neck

◦ Neck muscle divided

into test for capital
and cervical
extension, flexion
and their
Grade 5 and Grade 4

Position of Patient:
Prone with head off end of table. Arms at sides.

Instructions :
◦ “Look at the wall. Hold it. Don't let me push your head
◦ Ask the patient to tilt the head up and look at the wall.
◦ Use one hand to provide resistance over the occiput and
other to support. Resistance is applied directly opposite to
the movement of the tilt of the head. Care should be made
Grade 5: Patient completes available range of motion without to test the head tilt, and not push the neck into flexion.
substituting cervical extension. Tolerates maximum resistance.

Grade 4: Patient completes available range of motion without Test: Patient extends head by tilting chin upward
substituting cervical extension. Tolerates strong to moderate
Grade 3
Position of Patient:
Prone with head off end of table, with head supported by
therapist. Arms at sides.
Instructions :
Stand at side of patient's head. One hand should remain under the
head to support it should the muscles fail to hold position
Instructions to Patient: “Look at the wall.”
Test: Patient completes available range without resistance.
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0
Position of Patient:
Supine with head on table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at end of table, facing patient. Support the head with two
hands under the occiput. Place fingers just at the base of the
occiput, lateral to the vertebral column to attempt to palpate the
capital extensors. Head may be slightly lifted off table to reduce

Grade 2: Patient completes limited range of motion. Patient attempts to look back toward therapist without lifting the
head from the table.
Grade 1 and Grade 0: Palpation of the capital Instructions to Patient:
extensors at the base of the occiput just lateral to the “Tilt your chin up,” OR “Look back at me. Don't lift your head.”
spine may be difficult; the splenius capitis lies most
lateral, and the recti lie just next to the spinous process.
Cervical Extension
Grade 5 and Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Prone with head off end of table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand next to patient's head. Ask patient to lift head
while looking at the floor. Place hand applying
resistance over the parieto-occipital area. Place the
other hand below the chin
Test: Patient extends neck without tilting chin.
Instructions to Patient:
Grade 5: Patient holds test position against strong “Push up on my hand but keep looking at the floor.
resistance. Hold it. Don't let me push it down.”

Grade 4: Patient holds test position against moderate

Grade 3
Position of Patient:
Prone with head off end of table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand next to patient's head with one hand
supporting (or ready to support) the forehead
Test: Patient extends neck without looking up or
tilting chin. Instructions to Patient: “Lift your
forehead from my hand, and keep looking at the
Instructions to Patient:
“Lift your forehead from my hand, and keep
Grade 3: Patient holds test position but without resistance. looking at the floor.”
Alternate Test for Grade 3:

This test should be used if there is known or suspected trunk

extensor weakness.
The therapist  assistant participate to provide protective
guarding under the patient's forehead.
This test is identical to the preceding Grade 3 test except that
stabilization is provided by the therapist to the upper back by
the forearm placed over the upper back with the hand cupped
over the shoulder
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0
Position of Patient:
Supine with head fully supported by table. Arms at
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at the patient's head, facing the patient. Place
both hands under the patient's head. Fingers should be
distal to the occiput at the level of the cervical
vertebrae for palpation.
Test: Patient attempts to extend neck into table
without tilt.
Grade 2: Patient moves through small range of neck extension
by pushing into therapist's hands. Instructions to Patient: “Try to push your head
Grade 1: Contractile activity palpated in cervical extensors. down into my hands.”
Grade 0: No discernable palpable muscle activity
Capital Flexion
◦ Starting Position of Patient:
In all capital and cervical tests the patient is supine with
head supported on table and arms at sides.
The therapist should be aware of and avoid the tendency
of the patient to use the thoracic extensors to retract the
head and cervical spine when exerting a maximal effort
during the testing of capital flexion.
Grade 5 and Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Supine with head on table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Ask patient to
tuck chin. Place cupped hands under the mandible to
give resistance against chin tuck, in an upward
Test: Patient tucks chin into neck without raising head
from table. No motion should occur at the cervical
Grade 5: Patient holds test position against maximum
resistance. Instructions to Patient: “Tuck your chin and keep
Grade 4: Patient holds test position against moderate your eyes straight ahead. Don't lift your head from the
resistance. table. Hold it. Don't let me lift up your chin.”
Grade 3

Position of Patient:
Supine with head supported on table. Arms at
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient.
Patient tucks chin without lifting head from table
Instructions to Patient:
Grade 3: Patient completes available range of motion
“Tuck your chin into your neck. Do not raise
without resistance
your head from the table.”
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0

◦ Position of Patient:
Supine with head supported on table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Ask patient to
tuck chin.
Test: Patient attempts to tuck chin
Instructions to Patient: “Try to tuck your chin
into your neck.”
Grade 2: Patient completes partial range of motion.
Grade 1: Contractile activity may be palpated in capital
flexor muscles
Grade 0: No discernable contractile activity
Cervical Flexion
Grade 5 and Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Supine, with knees bent and feet on the table (hook
lying), arms at side.
Instructions to Therapist:
Ask patient to lift head from table. If sufficient range is
present, place hand for resistance on patient's chin. Use
two fingers only . Other hand may be placed on chest,
but stabilization is needed only when the trunk is weak.
Patient lifts head straight up from the table.

Grade 5 and Grade 4: Patient able to hold test Instructions to Patient:

position against moderate to mild two-finger “Lift your head from the table; keep your chin tucked.
resistance. Do not lift your shoulders off the table. Hold it. Don't let
me push your head down.”
Grade 3
No resistance is used
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0

Position of Patient:
Supine with head supported on table. Arms at sides.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Fingers of both
hands (or just the index finger) are placed over the
sternocleidomastoid muscles to palpate them during
Grade 2: Patient completes partial range of motion. The Patient rolls head from side to side, keeping head
right sternocleidomastoid produces the roll to the left side. supported on table.
Grade 1: No motion occurs, but contractile activity in one Instructions to Patient:
or both muscles can be detected.
“Roll your head to the left and then to the right.”
Grade 0: No motion and no discernable contractile
activity detected.
Flexion to Isolate a Single Sternocleidomastoid
Grade 5, Grade 4, and Grade 3
Position of Patient:
Supine with head supported on table and turned to the
left (to test right sternocleidomastoid).
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Ask patient to
raise head from table while keeping the head turned.
If sufficient range is present, place hand applying
resistance on the temporal area above the ear for
Grade 5: Patient holds test position and tolerates strong
resistance. Test: Patient raises head from table.
Grade 4: Patient holds test position and tolerates moderate Instructions to Patient:
Grade 3: Patient completes available range of motion without “Lift up your head, keeping your head turned.”
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0

Position of Patient:
Supine with head supported on table.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Place
fingers (or just the index finger) alongside the
head and neck to palpate the sternocleidomastoid.
Patient attempts to roll head from side to side.
Grade 2: Patient completes partial range of motion.
Grade 1: Palpable contractile activity in the Instructions to Patient:
sternocleidomastoid but no movement. “Roll your head to the right and then to the left.”
Grade 0: No discernable contractile activity.
Cervical Rotation Grade 5, 4, 3

Position of Patient:
Supine with cervical spine in neutral. Head supported on
table with face turned as far to one side as possible. Sitting
is an alternative position for all tests.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at head of table, facing patient. Ask patient to turn
head. If sufficient range exists, place hand for resistance
over the side of the patient's head above the ear (Grades 5
and 4 only).
Grade 5: Patient holds test position with maximum
resistance. Test: Patient rotates head to neutral against maximum
Grade 4: Patient holds test position with moderate resistance.
resistance. Grade 3: Patient rotates head through full Instructions to Patient: “Turn your head and face. Hold it.
available range of motion to both right and left without Do not let me turn your head back.”
Grade 2, Grade 1, and Grade 0

◦ Position of Patient:
Sitting. Trunk and head may be supported against a
high-back chair. Head posture neutral. Grade 2: Patient completes partial range of
Instructions to Therapist: Stand directly in front of motion.
patient. Grade 1: Contractile activity in
sternocleidomastoid or posterior muscles by
Test: Patient tries to rotate head from side to side,
keeping the neck in neutral (chin neither down nor
palpation. No movement.
up). Grade 0: No discernable palpable contractile
Instructions to Patient: “Turn your head as far to the
left as you can. Keep your chin level.” Repeat for turn
to right.
Testing the Muscles of the Trunk
Lumbar Spine
Grade 5 & Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Prone with fingertips lightly touching the
side of the head and shoulders in external

Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at side of patient to stabilize the lower
extremities just above the ankles. Ask patient
to raise the head, shoulders, and chest off the
Alternate Instructions to Therapist:
If the patient has hip extension weakness, stabilize the lower extremities by
leaning firmly over the patient's body, placing both arms across the pelvis
The therapist distinguishes between Grade
5 and Grade 4 muscles by observing the
Patient extends the lumbar
Grade 5  muscle holds the test position
spine until the entire trunk
like a lock. Back extensor muscles can
is raised from the table
quickly come to the end position and hold
(clears umbilicus).
that position without evidence of
significant effort.
Instructions to Patient:
Grade 4  yields slightly because of an
“Raise your head,
elastic quality at the end point. Back
shoulders, and chest off
extensors can come to the end position but
the table. Come up as high
may waver or display some signs of effort.
as you can.”
Thoracic Spine
Grade 5 & Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Prone with head and upper trunk extending off the
table from about the nipple line.
Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at side of patient to stabilize the lower limbs
at the ankle. Ask patient to raise the head, shoulders,
and chest to table level.

Patient extends thoracic spine to the
Instructions to Patient:
“Raise your head, shoulders, and chest
to table level.”
Grade 5:
Patient raises the upper trunk quickly from its forward flexed position to the horizontal
with ease and no sign of exertion.

Grade 4:
Patient raises the trunk to the horizontal level but does so with obvious effort.
Grade 3
Position of Patient:
Prone with arms at sides.

Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at side of table.
Stabilize lower extremities
just above the ankles.

Patient extends spine,
raising body from the table
so that the umbilicus clears
the table

Instructions to Patient: Grading:

“Raise your head, arms, Patient completes the range of motion
and chest from the table as
high as you can.”
Grade 2, Grade 1, Grade 0

Therapist must palpate the lumbar and

thoracic spine extensor muscle masses
adjacent to both sides of the spine.

Grade 2:
Patient completes partial range of motion.
Grade 1:
Contractile activity is detectable but no
Grade 0:
No discernable contractile activity
Grade 5
Position of Patient:
Supine, with legs straight and fingertips
lightly touching the back of the head

Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at side of table. Ask patient to lift
head, shoulders, and back off table,
keeping the chin pointed to the ceiling.
Observe motion for quality and effort. For
a patient with no other muscle weakness,
the therapist does not need to touch the
Patient flexes trunk through range of motion, Grading:
lifting the trunk until scapulae clear table. The Patient raises trunk until inferior angles
neck should not flex. of scapulae are off the table.

Instructions to Patient:
“Keep your chin pointed toward the ceiling and
lift your head, shoulders, and back off the
Grade 4
Position of Patient:
Supine with arms crossed over chest

Other than the patient's arm position, all other
aspects of the test are the same as for Grade 5.

Grading :
Patient raises trunk until scapulae are off the table.
Grade 3
Position of Patient:
Supine with arms outstretched in full extension.

Except for the patient's arm position,
all other aspects of the test are the
same as for Grade 5

Instructions to Patient:
“Keep your chin pointed to the
ceiling as you raise your head,
shoulders, and arms off the table.”
Grading :
Patient lifts trunk until inferior angles of
scapulae are off the table
Grade 2, 1, 0

Position of Patient:
Supine with arms at sides. Knees flexed.

Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at side of table. Place the hand used for
palpation at the midline of the thorax over the
linea alba, and use the four fingers of both
hands to palpate the rectus abdominis

Note: The therapist tests for Grades 2, 1, and 0

in a variety of ways to make certain that muscle
contractile activity that may be present is not
Grading 2, 1, 0

Sequence 1:
Head raise : Ask the patient to
lift the head from the table. If
the scapulae do not clear the
table, the Grade is 2. If the
patient cannot lift the head,
proceed to Sequence 2

Sequence 2:
Assisted forward lean : If there
is depression of the rib cage,
the grade is 2. If there is no
depression of the rib cage but
visible or palpable contraction
occurs, the grade assigned
should be 1. If there is no
activity, the grade is 0; proceed
to Sequence 3.
Sequence 3:
Cough : Ask the patient to
cough. If the patient can cough
to any degree and depression
of the rib cage occurs, the
grade is 2.

If the patient cannot cough but

there is palpable rectus
abdominis activity, the grade is
1. Lack of any discernable
activity is Grade 0.
Grade 5
Position of Patient:
Supine with fingertips to the side of the head.

Instructions to Therapist:
Stand at the patient's waist level. Ask the patient to
lift head and shoulders, moving elbow to opposite
hip. Repeat for other side. Observe for adequate
range, quality of movement and effort.

Instructions to Patient:
“With your chin pointed to the ceiling, lift your
head and shoulders from the table.”

The scapula corresponding to the side of the
external oblique function must clear the table for
a Grade 5.
Grade 4

Position of Patient:
Supine with arms crossed over

Other than patient's arm position, all other
aspects of the test are the same as for
Grade 5. The test is done first to one side
and then to the other.
Grade 3
Other than patient's arm position, all other
Position of Patient:
aspects of the test are the same as for Grade 5.
Supine with arms outstretched
The test is done first to the left and then to the

left right
Grade 2
Position of Patient:
Supine with arms outstretched.

Instructions to Therapist:
Palpate the external oblique first on one side and
then on the other. Continue to palpate the muscle
distally in the direction of its fibers until reaching
the ASIS.

Instructions to Patient:
“Keep your chin pointed to the ceiling while you Test:
lift your head, reach toward your right knee.” Patient attempts to raise body and turn toward the right. Repeat
toward left side.
(Repeat to left side for the opposite muscle.)
Grade 2:
Patient is unable to clear the inferior angle of the scapula
Grade 1 and Grade 0
Position of Patient:
Supine with arms at sides. Hips flexed with feet
flat on table.

Instructions to Therapist:
Support patient's head as patient attempts to turn to
one side.
One hand palpates the internal oblique on the side
toward which the patient turns.

Instructions to Patient:
“Try to lift up and turn to your right.”
Grade 1:
Test: The therapist can see or palpate muscular
Patient attempts to flex trunk and turn to either contraction.
side. Grade 0:
No discernable muscle contraction from the obliquus
internus or externus muscles.
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