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Hypothesis is assumption that must test to
know the fact.

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is

hypothesis that related with theory to
Research answer the purpose of the problem
2. Zero Hypothesis is hyphothesis that
statement that there is no relation
between parameters and statistic
Three types of hypothesis:

1. Descriptive Hypothesis
is an assumption to independent variable, that not to
comparison or make relation between the parameters.
a. How long the lamp of brand X can survive?
b. How good is the leadership style in the X Institute?
Based on above statement, we can conclude:
c. The lamp of brand X can survive for 800 haours
d. The leadership style in the X Institute has achieved 70% of the

A beverage company must fulfill with the clause,

the maximum that one of chemical element may
only be mixed is 1%. So the statistic hypothesis
formulation is:
H0 : µ ≤ 0,01
Ha : µ > 0,01
 Statement that compare between each other
 Example
2. Comparative
a. Are there differences in durability of lamp A
Hypothesis brand and B?
b. Are there differences work productivity of
employee class I, II, III?
The Formula of Descriptive Statistic
• Test Hypothesis two part
H0 : µ1 = µ2
Ha : µ1 ≠ µ2
• Test Hypothesis Left Side
H0 : µ1 ≥ µ2
Ha : µ1 < µ2
• Test Hypothesis Right Side
H0 : µ1 ≤ µ2
Ha : µ1 > µ2
• There is or no relation productivity between
the class of the employee
H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3
Ha : µ1 ≠ µ2 = µ3
Is there a question
that shows relation
between two or more

Is there relationship Ha: there is

between leadership relationship between
3. Associative style and work leadership style and
Hypothesis effectiveness? work effectiveness

H0: there is no
relationship between Ha : µ ≠ 0
leadership style and H0 : µ = 0
work effectiveness
There are two types of error in Hypothesis test:
1. Error type 1 (α) If we rejected Ho that must we
2. Error type 2 (β) If we received Ho that must we

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