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What is electrical engineering?

The study of ELECTRICITY along with its

numerous applications. It deals with the
production, transmission, application and
control of electrical energy.

Electrical system is used to transmit energy

from source of supply to point of application

Physical phenomenon arising from the

existence and interactions of electric charge
Characteristic property of subatomic
particles responsible for electric phenomena

- + Proton

−1.602×10−19 C 1.602×10−19 C

The unit of quantity of electric charge is coloumb (C)

• An electric system generally transmits energy
due to the movement of electric charge.
• Electric charge is in the form of electrons.
charges can be transferred from one point in
an electric circuit to another.
• Charge in motion represents an electric
current. i=dq/dt; I=Q/T unit ampere or
Voltage/ emf/potential difference
• A force of attraction exists b/w +ve and –ve charge.
• A certain amount of energy must be exerted in the
form of work to overcome the force and move the
charges a given distance apart.
• The work required is supplied by an electro motive
force(emf) provided by battery or similar device.
• The energy transferred due to the passage of unit
charge b/w 2 pts in a circuit is potential difference(pd)
and its unit is volt. ie difference between voltages at
two ends of a conductor.
Driving “force” of electrical current between two points.

In an electric circuit in order that a current flows from one point to other , it is
necessary that there exists a pd b/w the 2 pts. Pd that exists usually called voltage

Vab Voltage at terminal a with respect to terminal b

Vba Voltage at terminal b with respect to terminal a

Vab = -Vba
Note: In a circuit, voltage is often defined relative to “ground”
The voltage across an element is the work (energy) required to move a
unit of positive charge from the “ ” terminal to the “+” terminal

A volt is the potential difference (voltage) between

two points when 1 joule of energy is used to move 1
coulomb of charge from one point to the other
Electric current

Describes charge in motion, the flow of charge

This phenomenon can result from moving electrons in a

conductive material or moving ions in charged solutions
Electric current

An ampere (A) is the number of electrons having a total

charge of 1 C moving through a given cross section in 1 s.

As defined, current flows in direction of positive charge flow

The rate at which energy is converted or work is performed.

A watt results when 1 joule of energy is converted or used in 1 second

power, P=I2R = V2/R
Work done by the electrical power expressed in
E=power x time
=VI x t= I2R t= V2 t/R
1 joule = 1 watt sec
Electric circuit
An electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical elements
linked together in a closed path so that electric current may
flow continuously

Circuit diagrams are the standard for electrical engineers

Active elements
• Element that supplies energy to the circuit.

• Example: Voltage and current sources, battery,

Passive elements
• Element which receives energy(absorbs).

• They dissipate (in the form of heat) or store

energy in an electric or magnetic field.

• Example R, L, C
Resistance (R) is the physical
property of an element due to
which it opposes the flow of
current . The unit of resistance is
Ohm (Ω). R=ρl/a

When electrons flow through any

material, they collide with each
other which gives rise to the
opposition to the flow of current
A capacitor consists of 2 metal plates
separated by a dielectric (insulator).
Device which can store energy in an
electric field.

(ε indicates how penetrable a subtance is to an

electric field)

Process of making a capacitor store

electric energy is called charging.
When a voltage exists across the conductors,
it provides the energy to move the charge
from the positive plate to the other plate.
If we apply voltage it causes +Q on plate
connected to +V.
Capacitance (C) is the ability of a material to store charge in the
form of separated charge or an electric field. It is the ratio of
charge stored to voltage difference between two plates. Q=CV.

I=dQ/dt I=C dV/dt

Capacitance is measured in Farads (F)

Energy storage
Work must be done by an external influence (e.g. a battery) to
separate charge between the plates in a capacitor.

The charge is stored in the capacitor until the external influence is

removed and the separated charge is given a path to travel and

Work exerted to charge a capacitor is given by the equation:


An inductor is a two terminal element

consisting of a winding of N turns capable of
storing energy in the form of a magnetic field.
When current flows through coiled wire an emf
will be generated such that it opposes flow of

Inductance (L) is a measure of the ability of

a device to store energy in the form of a
magnetic field. Inductance is the property of
inductors by which it opposes any change in
the current flowing through it. It is measured
in Henry (H)
Flux linkages,Ψ= Li V=dψ/dt. V=Ldi/dt
Energy storage
Inductors can store energy in the form of a magnetic
field when a current is passed through them.

The work required to establish current through the

coil, and therefore the magnetic field, is given by
Short circuit and open circuit
• Short circuit: It is a path of low resistance.
When SC occurs the resistance of circuit
becomes low(R=0) thus current greater than
the normal flows which can cause damage to
components.Zero voltage difference between
• Open circuit: when there is a break in any part
of the circuit that part is said to be open ie no
current flows and resistance is infinity (R=α)
Electric Circuit
• Node: point where two or more electric
components are connected together.
• Branch: conducting path between two nodes
in a circuit containing electrical elements.
• loop: closed path in an electric circuit.
• Mesh: special case of loop that doesnot have
any other loops within it or in its interior.
• All meshes are loop but all loops are not
Ohms law
• Ohms law states that at constant temperature,
the current through any conductor is directly
proportional to the potential difference
between its ends. Vα I; V=IR
Kirchoff’s current Law
• This states that the algebraic sum of currents
meeting at a point or junction or node in a
circuit is zero.
• Current flowing towards junction is positive
and current leaving away from junction is
Kirchoff’s voltage law
• In a closed circuit algebraic sum of voltage
drops in resistors and algebraic sum of emf’s
acting around the circuit is zero
• ∑ IR+ ∑ emf =0

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